What do you REALISTICALLY hope to see this Saturday?



Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
Obviously, our hearts hope against hope for an upset...

But realistically, that's gonna be a tough row to hoe.

I just want to see more of the same as we have had the first two weeks. Minimizing mistakes, playing their assignments, playing HARD, and not quitting when the going gets rough.

The Ducks are gonna score points, but I expect we will as well. I think they win by two touchdowns, but we make them work for it. Considering the state of the program, I will be happy with that.
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Hold the Ducks under 40 pts, dominate their D line, string together long drives with the running game, and minimize their TOP.

I think it's very unlikely that we win, but a "moral" victory here will be good for the team. Just can't afford to get blown out.
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I hope the Defense can hold Oregon to less than 45 points. I think Oregon wins 42-21. I'd like to see Peterman and the other QB's get some time if Oregon leads by a wide margin.
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Staying competitive.

I can see a well coached team hanging close with a Bama, LSU, UGA, etc. But Oregon is a different type of beast. I don't consider them to be better than the 3 schools mentioned above but they play a style that can make things look ugly in a hurry.

The difference in speed is a huge concern.
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a competitive team for 4 quarters. we're not going to win, but we should still fight hard for 60 minutes. this would signal a big change from the doofus era.
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Honestly I hope to see nobody get hurt, and the team get the hell out of Eugene. If possible I'd like to see us keep it within 40 points, but that may not happen.
IMHO, we just don't have the depth to run with that offense for four quarters. Hate to say it, but I think it's a loss by 3 TD's. If Worley can't put on a better performance, it will likely be worse.
Sustained scoring drives. I thinks it would be refreshing to see the Vols able to get between 3 and 6 yards a play on a real defense.
If we can have an improved passing game throwing downfield against Oregon, then our running game may take off. Keeping that Oregon Offense off the field for extended peroids is our only chance to keep this game close....Oh, and no more blocked punts deep on our side of the field....one can hope, but I'm afraid this is indeed a mismatch of talent.... unfortunately
This is still a rebuilding year for the Vols
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I'm really looking forward to seeing how Smith, Vereen, and Maggit will play this week. I really think that Maggit will drop down to end when we go to nickel, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if we did something crazy on the D-line like have three ends and McCullers on the field at the same time.

We are getting a big upgrade in speed with those three coming back. I just hope that Smith can contain the edge now.
Hold the Ducks under 40 pts, dominate their D line, string together long drives with the running game, and minimize their TOP.

I think it's very unlikely that we win, but a "moral" victory here will be good for the team. Just can't afford to get blown out.

Lol.....sorry, but I have to laugh at the TOP comment. We ALWAYS lose that stat.....every damn game.

We only need the rock for 20 minutes.
To get drunk and get l-id.

Regarding the Vols and Oregon, hold them under 70. No point in having much in the way of expectations for this game.

It would be nice to see Butch break out the black uniforms again.
I hope to a reality check on this board. Some of you are setting yourselves up for a major letdown.

It will be more competitive than you think and if Oregon wins by 50 ill come back here and eat my crow. Oregon is an AWESOME team and duck fans did their time in mediocre years to get here so good on you. That being said Oregon hasn't played a team yet the caliber of Tennessee. I'm not saying we are a great team by any means, but, we aren't Nichols or Virginia we are much better. Do I think Oregon wins? Yes. But who knows, that's why they play the games.
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