What do you REALISTICALLY hope to see this Saturday?

After 2 wks as a body of work, I hope our run defense improves and to see if our pass defense is solid. Solid special team play in this game will give an indication of how we fair against SEC elite teams. QB learns from WKU with solid game (14-20-210-0) and our line shows it is the best in NCAA. Still, even with the performance above we keep it competitive (hold lead at points) til the horn blows! Best talent usually wins and we have a ways to go to be elite again. GoVols:hi:
i want to see the Oregon coach doing this::banghead2: :mf_surrender:
Butch doing this : :yu: :yahoo:

ok you did say realistically.

I want to see us continue our disciplined play.
I want to see the return of our injured make a difference in our speed on defense.
I would love to see our down field passing make giant leaps of improvement.
I want to see our offensive line dominate.
I want to see disruption in the oregon backfield by our defensive front seven.

I want to see a hungry aggressive team not giving up, and giving 110% for 4 quarters.

and I want to see a injury free game.

GO VOLS sic them ducks smokey.
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I'll be in vegas for a sales meeting, partying hard at the Bellagio---I think I can get UT and 26 points---should I take it?
What will be different Saturday.
1. New looks. Wildcat formation. This has been worked on in practice but not needed yet.
2. TRICKERY. We need both luck and a couple of trick plays that may break. We need all the breaks we can get.

Who needs to step up?
1. D-LINE. Only way to have a snowballs chance. Think our chances rest in the D-LINE.
2. QB Play. Just need to be able to hit some 5-15 td plays and slants. Cant take a half to get in the groove. Early success is important.
3. LBs and Secondary. Oregon can burn us. Got to stick to assignments.
4. Neal and Lane. I personally like Lane better. Pound Pound Pound.
I want us to get out of there with no injuries like others on here have said. I watched a lot of the OR vs VA game and they tended to play a bit dirty which was very surprising. I saw several helmet to helmet, forearms to the face, ankle rolls, and chop blocks that the refs really didn't seem to care about. We need everyone healthy for the SEC portion of the season.
Pressure on the QB. Simple as that. If we can get to their QB and make him make some stupid plays, we are in this thing. We can win. I simply hate to see so much negativity ITT when right now, if you look at the scoreboard, it's 0 to 0. A lot can happen. And simply, they have not played an SEC team. Look what happened a couple of years ago with Dooley as a new coach. We outplayed them for 3 qtrs. With Dooley! If it had not been for the lightening, we might have won that game. So, don't get your panties in a wad when I say we have as good a chance as anybody to beat them. They aren't that good. Trust me.
I want to see AJ Johnson play like the beast he is. We're going to need him this game, and we can't afford for him to be playing a half step behind.

I also want to see Jacques Smith provide some pass disruption.
One thing for sure we won't see the vanilla play calling that we seen 1st 2 games! CBJ has held back not to show Oregon anything expect us to come out ready to play and he will throw everything but the sink at them! Wether that leads to a W or is yet to be seen but I feel like Oregon will know that they played somebody when it's all said and done Saturday! GO VOLS!!!
I hope Butch slows down the pace of the offense this week. If we run fast this week it will get real ugly.
Hope and realism make strange bedfellows when it comes to college athletics.

What I hope to see? Whip dey ass.

What I expect to see? We play sound football and are beaten by a more talented team in their own stadium.
anyone who plays fast against oregon is an idiot.

that doesn't answer my question

do you really see your coach changing the philosophy up after two games? I can see them slow down a little bit but not changing the philosophy. I know nothing about football though so....
I will consume cold frosty beverages and have fun. It's going to be a rough day for the Vols come Saturday. Just learn from the game and don't quit.
What I want to see....
1. Nobody injured
2. Cover the spread
3. Plenty of cutaway shots of their cheerleaders to lessen the sting.
that doesn't answer my question

do you really see your coach changing the philosophy up after two games? I can see them slow down a little bit but not changing the philosophy. I know nothing about football though so....

if he isn't an idiot lol i mean i assume he has seen pac 12 teams try shootouts with oregon the last 4-5 years and never win...i would think he has learned from this
that doesn't answer my question

do you really see your coach changing the philosophy up after two games? I can see them slow down a little bit but not changing the philosophy. I know nothing about football though so....

You can run a no huddle hurry up line up, but still slow down the game by waiting until under 5 secs on the game clock to snap the ball. One of the things the no huddle hurry and line up does is keep the D from situational subbing.. it doesnt mean you have to snap the ball quick and go at a fast pace.
that doesn't answer my question

do you really see your coach changing the philosophy up after two games? I can see them slow down a little bit but not changing the philosophy. I know nothing about football though so....

Do you really expect a competent HC to repeatedly ram his head into a buzzsaw?

We have two good RBs, a big experienced Oline. Why in the hell wouldn't you do your best to keep that offense off the field and keep your defense fresh?
Tennessee staying disciplined in a hostile environment

Our defense closing up the middle of the field and staying in their lanes

Our offense controlling the line of scrimmage and running hard

Our special teams staying in their lanes

Our WR's catching any ball within their grasp

2-3 forced turnovers
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You can run a no huddle hurry up line up, but still slow down the game by waiting until under 5 secs on the game clock to snap the ball. One of the things the no huddle hurry and line up does is keep the D from situational subbing.. it doesnt mean you have to snap the ball quick and go at a fast pace.

I understand all that. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

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