Here's goes a girl's interpretation of "Brick by Brick". CBJ uses this mantra to make the point that "Rome wasn't built in a day".
No. But as Rome was built... you could see the results.. the growth... the expansion. You could see the steady progress. We saw none of that this year. If you disagree then please help me see what specific players or groups improved a tangible way that improved statistical results or wins.
He knows he has inherited a program that is such disarray that's going to take some time to rebuild.
No he didn't. He inherited a team with some deficiencies but a large group of talented Sr's also. NOTHING he inherited should have resulted in the debacle we've witnessed over the last 4 games. If there was "disarray" by this time... it was the direct result of THIS coaching staff.
But what is "disarray"? The program had struggled but it wasn't facing NCAA problems like '10. The roster problems were no worse than '10 and probably better. There were few if any big player discipline issues... that was not the case in '09 or '10. By Jones' own testimony, this team and these seniors bought in fully.
So can you please define "disarray"?
I believe he sees this. I believe he knows that it can't be done in one season. But he needed that one season with the losses to see which way to take this program.
Wow. I know some Amway guys who would love to have your address.
No disrespect to Coach Fulmer, but after 1998 the program took a leaning fall and kept doing so until he left then in come two coaches (names that won't even cross my fingers to type) that literally shattered what was left of the program even more.
That's interesting. They inherited a program that literally had no DT's... that didn't go two deep in live bodies on the OL. Both teams guys inherited one SEC capable RB. Neither guy inherited a QB that was worth a dime. Both started lots of walk ons and Fr. Neither inherited as many players who would enter the next NFL draft as Jones did. Both inherited the residual effects of Fulmer's lack of team and program discipline.
Now in come CBJ to save the day. But look what had to happen prior to CBJ getting here... look at the "top name coaches" and "top name players/tv personalities/commentators" (won't say their names either, lol) who turned down this program to take other programs or stay where they were. But CBJ got the balls and came in and took the challenge.
I don't have a problem with how he got the job. I have a problem with the way this team has been coached and the results.
Now some want to throw CBJ under the bus because we're going to end up with a losing season. Well what about that incoming class of commits that have UT listed as #2 behind 'Bama on power recruiting.
What about them? Good coaches coach up their talent. If they have a little... if they have a lot... they coach it up. THAT is what I was looking for this season. I was looking for this OL to approach its promise... I was looking for the D to look like they knew where they were supposed to be on any given play. I wanted to see improvement in performance across the year. I full well accepted the fact that the roster had too many deficiencies to expect to beat Bama or Oregon.... but I did expect them to put up a little bit of a fight. I didn't expect them to win every game... but didn't expect them to lose to Vandy either.
So one player by player, one strategy by stragegy, one day by day CBJ is rebuilding and remolding.
Show me. I'm not a native Missourian but I live here now. Show me evidence of "rebuilding and remolding"... and don't give me crap about a recruiting class. Kiffin proved that any used car salesman can get recruits to sign.
And I want to believe that next year, we're going to see a totally different team from this year's squad.
Oh, you will. The experience will be gone. The developed talent for the most part will be gone. What you best hope for is that you see a totally different coaching staff from this year's with respect to development, gameplanning, strategy, corrections, and playcalling.
In case you missed a thread in here the other day, the boys are standing behind their coach and that says a lot.
The boys about around the time of the Vandy loss last year... stood behind Dooley and gang too. That doesn't mean a doggone thing.
JMO from a girlie perspective
Sorry. I would not have been so rough if I'd known you were a girl. :hi:
who happens to be the mom of a son who played for a HS team what was 3-7 the first year with a new coach and the next year 9-1 under the same coach and 98% of the same team. He just came in and changed their mindset. And now, they've been state champs and undefeated again this year so far headed into the playoffs.
Brick by Brick!!!! Go Vols!!!!!
This coach isn't bringing back the same players.
The ONLY thing I have seen that gives me any hope that things will get better next year is the possibility that he actually held guys back this year to develop them. Unfortunately... the lack of development and improvement with the guys who played makes me doubt this staff's ability to develop anyone.