What does brick by brick mean

Congratulations for your son. Is this son #1?

Well, my son is now grown and out of high school, but that same coach is still there and the school's winning record is still strong. They won the state 5-a championship in 2011, came close in 2012 and as of this past Friday night, they're again 11-0 on the road back.
Negative. If i'm building a brick house, my crew will be Mexicans. Those guys take pride in their work in the most austere conditions. Don't want some white dude whining because he needs a break or it's too cold.

Well, for the brick by brick to work there needs to be some morter. But, were still in year zero hough.
Got to love you man, but this losing season started 3 years ago when Dooley gave us clydesdales in a league filled with race horses. It was never going to be pretty this year. 6 wins was the ceiling with Auburn and Missouri being better than expected. Last year with an offense loaded with NFL players (TB, JH, CP, MR) we were getting high scores and were able to keep up with the like of teams like Troy and win. But with all those parts gone, we had to start over. We have had such great players as Arnold, Swafford, Propest, Toney and numerous other players that would never get a scholly at any other school in the SEC playing as walk ons. Why was that? There wasn't depth behind the starters and why was that? Cause Dooley didn't recruit that or PO a high school coach with a great player (Von Bell anyone and numerous others we don't know about) with his attitude. He wanted a bunch of projects that could be "coached up". What's worse is he let players dodge their workouts. That is the unacceptable part of this whole thing. WE had players that didn't put in the effort from the very start playing and when the going got tough they didn't know how to respond. All last year our team would fade to lose. This year they have hung tough in games that last year they would have gotten blown out in with the D and no O. That's the part that annoys me about all of this. Dooley failed those Seniors.
If you wanted to see improvement rewatch the Florida game and then the Georgia and South Carolina games from earlier in the year. There was a lot of improvement from the team in those games and mainly it was at QB and WR.

And before you say that I am a sunshine pumper, I think the Vandy game plan or lack there of it stunk to high heaven. Coaches didn't have players ready, didn't scheme to get players in position to win, and didn't let QB go out and win it. THAT'S ON BUTCH AND HIS COACHES. Knowing what I now know about this team, I can understand Butch was trying to give his Seniors 1 last chance to go out winners. The Senior OL with a senior RB needed 1 freaking yard to salt away a win in that game and they couldn't do it. IMHO if you can't get 1 yard when you need it, you don't deserve to win! They looked flat, listless, and uninspired and they looked more like a team that was resigned to their fate--another losing season than a team inspired and ready. ON BUTCH AGAIN. Hood even said as much in his interview the other day. That unfortunately is the culture that has infected the team now. You can try as hard as you want (b**ching, moaning, threatening, being sarcastic, guiding, ridiculing all of which Butch has tried), but sometimes you can't motivate players that don't want to be motivated. You have to move on and find better ones that are motivated, understand the expectation from day 1 and are willing to buy into the process, do the work/workouts and go that extra mile in everything they do.
Will Butch win? I don't know. I'm sure we'll just have to wait to find out. But I'm not going to crucify him over this year with these players who weren't taught those winning habits in the first place. Next year though, if these same players and coaches are still looking like this team then I will.
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It was Doug Roth from short range

Ching Ching...here is the winning answer.

In this thread, I learned we need a Mexican head coach and someone thinks that concrete holds bricks together.

After reading this, I feel a few bricks shy of a full load.
no. But as rome was built... You could see the results.. The growth... The expansion. You could see the steady progress. We saw none of that this year. If you disagree then please help me see what specific players or groups improved a tangible way that improved statistical results or wins.

No he didn't. He inherited a team with some deficiencies but a large group of talented sr's also. Nothing he inherited should have resulted in the debacle we've witnessed over the last 4 games. If there was "disarray" by this time... It was the direct result of this coaching staff.

But what is "disarray"? The program had struggled but it wasn't facing ncaa problems like '10. The roster problems were no worse than '10 and probably better. There were few if any big player discipline issues... That was not the case in '09 or '10. By jones' own testimony, this team and these seniors bought in fully.

So can you please define "disarray"?

Wow. I know some amway guys who would love to have your address.

That's interesting. They inherited a program that literally had no dt's... That didn't go two deep in live bodies on the ol. Both teams guys inherited one sec capable rb. Neither guy inherited a qb that was worth a dime. Both started lots of walk ons and fr. Neither inherited as many players who would enter the next nfl draft as jones did. Both inherited the residual effects of fulmer's lack of team and program discipline.

I don't have a problem with how he got the job. I have a problem with the way this team has been coached and the results.

What about them? Good coaches coach up their talent. If they have a little... If they have a lot... They coach it up. That is what i was looking for this season. I was looking for this ol to approach its promise... I was looking for the d to look like they knew where they were supposed to be on any given play. I wanted to see improvement in performance across the year. I full well accepted the fact that the roster had too many deficiencies to expect to beat bama or oregon.... But i did expect them to put up a little bit of a fight. I didn't expect them to win every game... But didn't expect them to lose to vandy either.

Show me. I'm not a native missourian but i live here now. Show me evidence of "rebuilding and remolding"... And don't give me crap about a recruiting class. Kiffin proved that any used car salesman can get recruits to sign.

Oh, you will. The experience will be gone. The developed talent for the most part will be gone. What you best hope for is that you see a totally different coaching staff from this year's with respect to development, gameplanning, strategy, corrections, and playcalling.

The boys about around the time of the vandy loss last year... Stood behind dooley and gang too. That doesn't mean a doggone thing.

Sorry. I would not have been so rough if i'd known you were a girl. :hi:

This coach isn't bringing back the same players.

The only thing i have seen that gives me any hope that things will get better next year is the possibility that he actually held guys back this year to develop them. Unfortunately... The lack of development and improvement with the guys who played makes me doubt this staff's ability to develop anyone.

great post!!!!
Got to love you man, but this losing season started 3 years ago when Dooley gave us clydesdales in a league filled with race horses.
LOL... Blame Dooley is about as valid as blame Bush. Dooley didn't coach this team and no one that I know of asked for the SEC championship. They were poorly coached. You can close your eyes to that all you like... It will still be true.

All last year our team would fade to lose. This year they have hung tough in games that last year they would have gotten blown out in with the D and no O.
Bad comparison. Try comparing this team to Dooley's first one when he, his staff, and his team still believed that they could succeed. His team hung with the best teams on their schedule until depth, experience, and talent kicked in at half. This team was out of four of their losses well before halftime. So that fact is... as bad as Dooley ended... as correct as his firing was... he and his staff did a better job of coaching in '10 than this staff has done this year.
That's the part that annoys me about all of this. Dooley failed those Seniors.
Why sure! That's it... Dooley called Jones and talked him into using a play not to lose strategy vs Vandy. THAT'S why they lost. It was Dooley that put Jancek up to not coaching the players to play their gaps and responsibilities. What on earth were any of us thinking by actually believing it was the job of the current staff to coach the current team and put them in the best position to be successful?
If you wanted to see improvement rewatch the Florida game and then the Georgia and South Carolina games from earlier in the year. There was a lot of improvement from the team in those games and mainly it was at QB and WR.
And then? Blown out by a Mizzou team with no more athleticism than UT has and likely significantly less. Blown out by Bama like they were and FCS school. Blown out by Auburn... by the greatest margin in the series history. Beaten by a Vandy team with the fraction of "speed and talent" that UT's roster has.

Coaches didn't have players ready, didn't scheme to get players in position to win, and didn't let QB go out and win it. THAT'S ON BUTCH AND HIS COACHES.
We at least agree on that much. You can throw in the failure to have developed Dobbs over the last 3 months to be ready to step in.:hi:

IMHO if you can't get 1 yard when you need it, you don't deserve to win!
IMHO, if you are playing Vandy and the game hinges on one conversion, bad call, or botched trick play... the coaches haven't earned their pay.

They looked flat, listless, and uninspired and they looked more like a team that was resigned to their fate--another losing season than a team inspired and ready. ON BUTCH AGAIN. Hood even said as much in his interview the other day. That unfortunately is the culture that has infected the team now.
I'm sorry. But I have been around and studied leadership of all sorts practically my whole life. Defeatism at this point is a reflection of the CURRENT staff's actions... not the last one. IMHO, he communicated that "play not to lose strategy" to this team effectively telling them that they weren't really good enough to beat Vandy... and disheartened them.

You can try as hard as you want (b**ching, moaning, threatening, being sarcastic, guiding, ridiculing all of which Butch has tried), but sometimes you can't motivate players that don't want to be motivated.
Then it is a coach's job to replace them... regardless of their seniority or anything else. THAT is something that does infect groups and if tolerated by the leader will spread like wildfire.

But I'm not going to crucify him over this year with these players who weren't taught those winning habits in the first place.
The players and their failings can be blamed for part of it. They can't be blamed for poor development... playcalling... gameplanning....

Next year though, if these same players and coaches are still looking like this team then I will.

Why wouldn't they? That losing attitude has been nothing but reinforced this year. The first time in more than 50 years UT has been beaten blown out by 28+ pts four times in a season. Another losing season that didn't have to be. A win over one good team that now looks far more like a fluke than a signature win. Lack of being prepared week after week. Lack of improvement and development. Most pts allowed in a game in 100 years. First back to back losses to Vandy since the Charleston was a popular dance... and potentially the first losses to UK and Vandy in the same season in decades and the first 8 loss season in school history.

If I am desperately looking for something positive to grab on to... I'm sure the players are too.
"Wish Worley didn't get hurt so we'd be bowling."

This is what it means▲

Wait. I thought Worley sucked? I thought he wasn't an SEC caliber QB?

Some of us said he was doing well considering... but nah... he needed to be replaced by one of the Fr.

That said... think it through a little. Worley was trained by Chaney for two years. He's struggled under this staff. Peterman who has SEC level talent... collapsed. Dobbs who has talent and intelligence has now failed.

Does there seem to be a pattern here that just might suggest a coaching issue?

I know... I know... Ferguson is the man. He's the ideal QB for what they want to do... all these guys lack talent... it has nothing to do with poor coaching.
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LOL... Blame Dooley is about as valid as blame Bush. Dooley didn't coach this team and no one that I know of asked for the SEC championship. They were poorly coached. You can close your eyes to that all you like... It will still be true.

Bad comparison. Try comparing this team to Dooley's first one when he, his staff, and his team still believed that they could succeed. His team hung with the best teams on their schedule until depth, experience, and talent kicked in at half. This team was out of four of their losses well before halftime. So that fact is... as bad as Dooley ended... as correct as his firing was... he and his staff did a better job of coaching in '10 than this staff has done this year. Why sure! That's it... Dooley called Jones and talked him into using a play not to lose strategy vs Vandy. THAT'S why they lost. It was Dooley that put Jancek up to not coaching the players to play their gaps and responsibilities. What on earth were any of us thinking by actually believing it was the job of the current staff to coach the current team and put them in the best position to be successful?
And then? Blown out by a Mizzou team with no more athleticism than UT has and likely significantly less. Blown out by Bama like they were and FCS school. Blown out by Auburn... by the greatest margin in the series history. Beaten by a Vandy team with the fraction of "speed and talent" that UT's roster has.

We at least agree on that much. You can throw in the failure to have developed Dobbs over the last 3 months to be ready to step in.:hi:

IMHO, if you are playing Vandy and the game hinges on one conversion, bad call, or botched trick play... the coaches haven't earned their pay.

I'm sorry. But I have been around and studied leadership of all sorts practically my whole life. Defeatism at this point is a reflection of the CURRENT staff's actions... not the last one. IMHO, he communicated that "play not to lose strategy" to this team effectively telling them that they weren't really good enough to beat Vandy... and disheartened them.

Then it is a coach's job to replace them... regardless of their seniority or anything else. THAT is something that does infect groups and if tolerated by the leader will spread like wildfire.

The players and their failings can be blamed for part of it. They can't be blamed for poor development... playcalling... gameplanning....

Why wouldn't they? That losing attitude has been nothing but reinforced this year. The first time in more than 50 years UT has been beaten blown out by 28+ pts four times in a season. Another losing season that didn't have to be. A win over one good team that now looks far more like a fluke than a signature win. Lack of being prepared week after week. Lack of improvement and development. Most pts allowed in a game in 100 years. First back to back losses to Vandy since the Charleston was a popular dance... and potentially the first losses to UK and Vandy in the same season in decades and the first 8 loss season in school history.

If I am desperately looking for something positive to grab on to... I'm sure the players are too.

They need to start with taking the black stripes off all helmets. That would be a positive start.
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Brick by Brick means to slowly build a strong foundation that each subsequent team will leave their own imprints for future generations.
We agree on parts, but disagree on others. Good to know. It also comes down to execution on players part as well. You seemed to have forgotten that Worley had growing pains early in the year, but then came good around game 5-6. As I also said earlier, I hated the game plan in the Vandy game. Thought it stunk! Like I said earlier 6 wins was the ceiling for this team. I've said numerous times on this board Dobbs should have been ready or at least a game plan to help him, but the OL as Seniors should have shown leadership and blocked huge holes for him and the RB. You something along the lines of "We got this W coach! Give us the game" Didn't happen. They were supposed to be BEST IN THE SEC. Coaches can only do so much. Players must take responsibility for their actions like being the best line in the SEC. You can train them, coach them, you can guide them but eventually you have to let them play and see what they can do and the results of their work to that date show up. Neither coach nor player lived up to their end of that bargain.

I honestly don't think that losing attitude has been reinforced. "Losing at Tennessee is unacceptable" hear that a few times this year. "We are working every day to get better"
You hear that one as well. "Building a championship mentality" That called setting the expectations for the team. Personally I would have sat Tiny and Bullard earlier in the year, but I think Butch wants to toughen up the Freshman.

I hate to point this out again but when your team isn't doing the work and checking off their workouts, you are going to get those blowout results even more now. The other teams did the work. They got stronger, more physical, quicker even. We didn't!It was probably expectation #1 in most colleges and these seniors didn't do it and it probably filtered down to others on the team. They only just confessed to Butch that they didn't do their workouts for years. Interesting, huh? Who was coach again? No coaching or scheming can make a player who doesn't do his workouts for 3 years get stronger throughout the grind of a season. That's off season and on them. They should have been doing it. It is their responsibility. I seem to remember Tiny saying he was so sore from the new workout regime and all the running. Why was that? He wasn't conditioned and the coaches probably trained him like a guy who had 3 years of training under his belt. Another mistake on their part. It's why the OL looked slow and didn't get any push and why the DL was being driven yards back. When the human body is not conditioned and you progress it too fast, it will throw back mental and physical fatigue and no matter how much effort you want to give, you just can't give it.

" The first time in more than 50 years UT has been beaten blown out by 28+ pts four times in a season. Another losing season that didn't have to be. A win over one good team that now looks far more like a fluke than a signature win. Lack of being prepared week after week. Lack of improvement and development. Most pts allowed in a game in 100 years."

Here's the positive for you and If I was Butch I would use those stats you've just given me every day for the next year. I would make every returning member put those in their house until they were so sick of looking at them they did something about it. This is what I would be saying to the Freshman now and the incoming class as well.
"IF you think you can coast on your talent and not work everyday and give everything you have for Tennnessee, then you'll end up just as helpless as those seniors getting blown out by teams that are less talented, never being competitive and watching bowl games. They'll be your scores too. All you got to do is change the name of the team " In the weight room I would have a huge quote. It would say something like Brick by Brick, Day by Day workout like a champion today with those scores and stats from only those games we lost this year. I would make everyone see those scores with a heading saying "Losing at Tennessee is unacceptable". Don't let this be your score!
If this team doesn't show improvement by the Florida game next year, then like Dooley, Fulmer, and Majors before him I will be calling Butch out.
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It seems like we're gonna be building a 50,000 square foot mansion that will never be complete with the current collection of coaches.
Who do you think Tenn. should do? Fire the coaches? Who would they get then for everybody to bash? No amount of money would get a Saban or a Miles. Butch Jones was about the only coach in major college football that wanted to come to this mess.
Who do you think Tenn. should do? Fire the coaches? Who would they get then for everybody to bash? No amount of money would get a Saban or a Miles. Butch Jones was about the only coach in major college football that wanted to come to this mess.

Butch Jones is gonna be fine as long as he surrounds himself with a better staff. Saban wouldn't be s*** if it wasn't for his choice of coordinators. You think that short little bas**** controls Bama by himself? Hell no. He had an SEC worthy staff at LSU as well.

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