What does everyone think about the UFO sightings

Whatever the technology is that allows the ufo’s to do what they do is so advanced I’d have a very hard time believing it’s man made. That being said, if it is, then it’s clearly our technology.
I suspect, if they exist as "alien" beings, they are interdimensional as opposed to strictly traveling through space to get here.
Most UFO's are easily explained. However, some of them I am very certain are not man-made. Not sure what they are, but they greatly exceed speed, propulsion, trajectory, etc that is achievable within AT LEAST 50-100 years of our tech.
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UFOs have been reported on earth forever. Only in the last 100 yrs or so have we had man made flying things. Prior to that, they all had to be alien in nature.

The good news for mankind is that they must be benevolent 'cause if they wanted to wipe us out they would have done so by now
Depends on if they kill everyone @WBO disagrees with or not.

Well I assume that such a technologically advanced race would be more educated and would have gotten past BS issues like restricting what teachers can say in their classrooms. So they are going to figure out how stupid conservative thought on earth is and kill them all. Another reason I am unconcerned.
An advanced life form capable of interstellar travel and communication has to be conservative. Aint no liberals gonna do that. Probably worried about universal climate change or something.

Strange. It seems that the since the beginning of the Moon race (for those of you that haven't drank the right wing kool-aid that the moon landing was fake) Repubs have fought NASA funding while Dems supported. So at what point did Repubs become interstellar travel buffs. History once again shows that the right wing doesn't know history. Probably because you were too worried about LGBT issues instead of learning.
Strange. It seems that the since the beginning of the Moon race (for those of you that haven't drank the right wing kool-aid that the moon landing was fake) Repubs have fought NASA funding while Dems supported. So at what point did Repubs become interstellar travel buffs. History once again shows that the right wing doesn't know history. Probably because you were too worried about LGBT issues instead of learning.

How are the landing conspiracy theorists considered just “right wing”?in that case I guess it’s fair to say flat earthers are all libs and the party that claims to be the party of “science” believed vaccines worked, masks worked, and there’s 60 something genders among other ridiculousness. It looks like the private sector has picked and surpassed NASA’s alleged lack of funding. And nobody is concerned about the alphabets perpetual crying. They should take it up their issues with their therapist.
Strange. It seems that the since the beginning of the Moon race (for those of you that haven't drank the right wing kool-aid that the moon landing was fake) Repubs have fought NASA funding while Dems supported. So at what point did Repubs become interstellar travel buffs. History once again shows that the right wing doesn't know history. Probably because you were too worried about LGBT issues instead of learning.
Strange. It seems that the since the beginning of the Moon race (for those of you that haven't drank the right wing kool-aid that the moon landing was fake) Repubs have fought NASA funding while Dems supported. So at what point did Repubs become interstellar travel buffs. History once again shows that the right wing doesn't know history. Probably because you were too worried about LGBT issues instead of learning.

Were you an aviator, or a Weapons Bay Officer in a P-3?
Don't look up.

Wonder how stealthy a disc is? No angles.
Always thought man could create a viable "frisbee" craft..The outer section spins at 100K rpm for lift and a center ring separated by the bearing race and gyroscope stabilized. Even using fuel/air driven motors on the stabilized center ring for forward thrust. Think I have seen some old concepts.

Not sure how draggy such a disc would be
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Strange. It seems that the since the beginning of the Moon race (for those of you that haven't drank the right wing kool-aid that the moon landing was fake) Repubs have fought NASA funding while Dems supported. So at what point did Repubs become interstellar travel buffs. History once again shows that the right wing doesn't know history. Probably because you were too worried about LGBT issues instead of learning.
The current leader of your party bragged about Delaware supporting the confederacy and that he won, a fake award by the way, from George Wallace. Stop.
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Oh, and the aliens better have hot females like in Star Trek. IF aliens are like Independence Day, Starship Troopers, War of the Worlds, Im gonna be pretty salty.

Reminds me of an old folk song.
"Ooooh, give me a girl from the Green Dimension
that won't drink the ship's fuel...."
There seem to be several classifications of ufo's. They are so regular they can be identified.

black triangles: more than likely reverse engineered military.

cigar or tictac shaped:


and the most common are glowing orbs, or orange balls. These seem to be some kind electro magnetism. They can separate and merge. Do all kinds of crazy stuff.

You guys ever heard of "nightcrawlers"? There was a famous one caught on a home security camera some number of years ago. It made all the neighborhood dogs bark and such. This was before all the cgi, and nobody has been able to reproduce it. Pretty interesting.
Also, if you find a new world, and it's inhabited by billions of life forms who are (questionably) intelligent and armed, you don't just bum rush the place lol. You have to take your time and be pretty stealthy about it. You have to learn what you are dealing with, what kinds of diseases they carry and such.... It would be a pretty tricky affair.
Also, if you find a new world, and it's inhabited by billions of life forms who are (questionably) intelligent and armed, you don't just bum rush the place lol. You have to take your time and be pretty stealthy about it. You have to learn what you are dealing with, what kinds of diseases they carry and such.... It would be a pretty tricky affair.
The aliens have already taken care of that. What do you think the anal probes were for?
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