What does everyone think about the UFO sightings

Seems reasonable to me... and probable, that we get several types of visitors, for various reasons. Not all with the same intentions, and we could probably do a lot of harm to some. The grays seem to be the most agressive tho. I'm not really into all the abductions stuff, but there are a lot of famous cases. why wouldn't you study us before making contact? we took them apart when we collected them.
Strange. It seems that the since the beginning of the Moon race (for those of you that haven't drank the right wing kool-aid that the moon landing was fake) Repubs have fought NASA funding while Dems supported. So at what point did Repubs become interstellar travel buffs. History once again shows that the right wing doesn't know history. Probably because you were too worried about LGBT issues instead of learning.

This says you’re FOS as usual.

Your Guide to NASA's Budget | The Planetary Society
You guys ever heard of "nightcrawlers"? There was a famous one caught on a home security camera some number of years ago. It made all the neighborhood dogs bark and such. This was before all the cgi, and nobody has been able to reproduce it. Pretty interesting.

That's just Gumby after a night out.
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Were you an aviator, or a Weapons Bay Officer in a P-3?
Weapons Bay Officer? Not a P-3 crew position. In fact that sounds like an AF term. I have never heard that one in a Navy context. Especially now that the Navy has pretty much eliminated multi-seat tacair aircraft. Other than helos, the multi-seaters are now the P-8, C-130, E-2 and COD birds. There are very few non-pilot seats left, the NFO community has substantially shrunk.
The thought of a drunk gumby reminds me of the eddie murphy routine.

Anyway, that video is pretty fascinating. It's been looked at in every possible way, and they tried everything to reproduce it. The homeowner was just a regular dude, who's been interviewed many times and just as shocked as the rest of us. every animal in the neighborhood was going crazy on the original.
Says nothing of the sort Hog. It just shows actual budget numbers. You have to look through to the actual votes by parties.
Otherwise your brilliant retort has left me speechless (sarcasm).

Then show your work. If you look at that chart many of NASAs budget increases came while Rs controlled congress and the WH or just the congress. So please show me what I have missed.

To get on your level “I showed you mine now you show me yours”.
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Strange. It seems that the since the beginning of the Moon race (for those of you that haven't drank the right wing kool-aid that the moon landing was fake) Repubs have fought NASA funding while Dems supported. So at what point did Repubs become interstellar travel buffs. History once again shows that the right wing doesn't know history. Probably because you were too worried about LGBT issues instead of learning.
How Barack Obama ruined NASA space exploration

Bush2 put one boot on the throat of NASA, Obama finished it with a kick. So don’t say the Repubes are solely responsible. Hell, Trump funded NASA when Obama didn’t. Obama sent more money to African countries than he did for space exploration.
The thought of a drunk gumby reminds me of the eddie murphy routine.

Anyway, that video is pretty fascinating. It's been looked at in every possible way, and they tried everything to reproduce it. The homeowner was just a regular dude, who's been interviewed many times and just as shocked as the rest of us. every animal in the neighborhood was going crazy on the original.
It is indeed pretty weird.
Anyone remember the Phoenix lights in late 90’s? Thousands of people witnessed and there’s video and photos.
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Is there alien life (intelligent or otherwise) elsewhere in the universe? - Highly likely I'd say. I might even go so far as to say a mathematical certainty

Are UFO's real? - In the truest sense of the word, yes of course. There ARE objects flying around in our skies that are unidentified. We have the footage.

Are UFO's alien built and flown space crafts? - Not likely. There's no credible or compelling evidence to support this whatsoever.

Are UFO's secret military air craft from our country or another country that's being hidden in plain sight? - More likely I'd say. Again, no proof. But I would take this leap of faith over aliens.

Are UFO's simply unexplained aerial, anomalous phenomena that we cannot provide any explanation for at this time with our current limited tech or understanding of our own world? - Most likely I'd say.
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Is there alien life (intelligent or otherwise) elsewhere in the universe? - Highly likely I'd say. I might even go so far as to say a mathematical certainty

Are UFO's real? - In the truest sense of the word, yes of course. There ARE objects flying around in our skies that are unidentified. We have the footage.

Are UFO's alien built and flown space crafts? - Not likely. There's no credible or compelling evidence to support this whatsoever.

Are UFO's secret military air craft from our country or another country that's being hidden in plain sight? - More likely I'd say. Again, no proof. But I would take this leap of faith over aliens.

Are UFO's simply unexplained aerial, anomalous phenomena that we cannot provide any explanation for at this time with our current limited tech or understanding of our own world? - Most likely I'd say.

There's no credible evidence because the gov't has made a huge effort to suppress it. A lot of folks want to see the credible evidence before believing and I get that.

If this stuff is manmade then it could be really problematic. If the Chinese or the Russians have this sort of technology then we're way behind and our security is at risk
Strange. It seems that the since the beginning of the Moon race (for those of you that haven't drank the right wing kool-aid that the moon landing was fake) Repubs have fought NASA funding while Dems supported. So at what point did Repubs become interstellar travel buffs. History once again shows that the right wing doesn't know history. Probably because you were too worried about LGBT issues instead of learning.
This is obviously an alien from planet opposite.
There's no credible evidence because the gov't has made a huge effort to suppress it. A lot of folks want to see the credible evidence before believing and I get that.

If this stuff is manmade then it could be really problematic. If the Chinese or the Russians have this sort of technology then we're way behind and our security is at risk

So if aliens are visiting this world, are they JUST visiting the United States? I would have to think not likely. If they are visiting earth, they would be visiting EARTH. I might buy one government being able to keep a thing like that a secret, but ALL of them? Plus it would take a UN level of coordination among all the governments of the world to hide this from it's citizens. I just don't see how you do that and successfully keep a thing like that a secret.

If it is man-made technology, I would guess that it's probably ours and a lot of these "sightings" are an attempt to hide some of this in plain sight. There have been some conspiracy theorists, like Dr. Stephen Greer, who claim that part of the reason the tech is kept so hidden is because it would have strong implications in other areas of industry that would completely topple it overnight, starting with the elimination for the need for fossil fuels.
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So if aliens are visiting this world, are they JUST visiting the United States? I would have to think not likely. If they are visiting earth, they would be visiting EARTH. I might buy one government being able to keep a thing like that a secret, but ALL of them? Plus it would take a UN level of coordination among all the governments of the world to hide this from it's citizens. I just don't see how you do that and successfully keep a thing like that a secret.

If it is man-made technology, I would guess that it's probably ours and a lot of these "sightings" are an attempt to hide some of this in plain sight. There have been some conspiracy theorists, like Dr. Stephen Greer, who claim that part of the reason the tech is kept so hidden is because it would have strong implications in other areas of industry that would completely topple it overnight, starting with the elimination for the need for fossil fuels.
There are stories and sightings from all over the world.
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UFOs have been reported on earth forever. Only in the last 100 yrs or so have we had man made flying things. Prior to that, they all had to be alien in nature.

The good news for mankind is that they must be benevolent 'cause if they wanted to wipe us out they would have done so by now

Or natural phenomenon. Or hoaxes.
There are many governments... including several south and central American and Israeli, and most recently Australia that have come out and said UFO's are real. Your own US military are telling you they are real. There is a multitude of Russian encounters with Aliens if you want to believe that (up to you). UFO's are real. I've been told, and seen evendence that we had at least a couple of body's at wright patt air base at one point.
Possible but when you listen to a guy like David Fravor and watch the videos it's harder to dismiss

Natural phenomenon still seems a fairly likely excuse.

As far as aliens go, if the UFO sightings are to be believed as aliens... they have had the technology to visit for hundreds if not thousands of years and yet no hostile actions. They seemingly haven't taken much from Earth and yet they continue to visit a place in which they do not want to control or need anything from... seems far fetched to me.
we are not talking about low level people, We are talking about people at the highest level of government. National Security Directors, Head of secret intelligence. Some of the most highly trained Aviation officers we have are telling you these things are real.
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