What does everyone think about the UFO sightings

and yes, there is evidence everywhere they have been here for quite a while. We are just not there yet. First we have to establish what these UAP's, as they are officially called now, are coming from.
How Barack Obama ruined NASA space exploration

Bush2 put one boot on the throat of NASA, Obama finished it with a kick. So don’t say the Repubes are solely responsible. Hell, Trump funded NASA when Obama didn’t. Obama sent more money to African countries than he did for space exploration.
My comment was based on the fact someone basically asserted that liberals were never supportive of space exploration. You just can't say that when it was JFK/LBJ who launched and supported the race to the moon and later it was Carter administration that built the space shuttle (first flew in 1981).

The interesting thing is that the original NASA scientists didn't want people in the capsules. They (of course we're talking the Germans at that time) considered astronauts a distraction from research. That's why you never really heard them scream when the shuttle program ended. They prefer projects where they have robots do the work (Mars Lander).

Sending humans to plant the flag has never been important to them.
There are many governments... including several south and central American and Israeli, and most recently Australia that have come out and said UFO's are real. Your own US military are telling you they are real. There is a multitude of Russian encounters with Aliens if you want to believe that (up to you). UFO's are real. I've been told, and seen evendence that we had at least a couple of body's at wright patt air base at one point.

You had me until you said there were alien bodies at Wright-Patt. Tough to think they would put something that secretive at a large reasonably open base (because of the great Air Force museum there, if you love aviation you have to see it). That's Area 51 stuff. But if you've seen something that's interesting.
The legitimate UFO's are, more than likely, US black military programs. It is not a coincidence that verified sightings tend to be near black project areas and advanced white military platforms (presumably to test black program effectiveness verse the most advanced white military technology).
My comment was based on the fact someone basically asserted that liberals were never supportive of space exploration. You just can't say that when it was JFK/LBJ who launched and supported the race to the moon and later it was Carter administration that built the space shuttle (first flew in 1981).
That was me.
Dude, look at my avatar!
Read my posts.
90% is of my stuff is goofing around, dad jokes, general absurdity.

But I am glad you're super cereal about stuff. We DEFINITELY more of that here.
You had me until you said there were alien bodies at Wright-Patt. Tough to think they would put something that secretive at a large reasonably open base (because of the great Air Force museum there, if you love aviation you have to see it). That's Area 51 stuff. But if you've seen something that's interesting.

This was back in the 50's and i've had some of the old guys tell me about it. But, the story has been also told in several documentaries... and I've watched them all, so i'm not going to go track them down for you... (at least not right away, maybe later) but there are a lot of good documentaries on the subject out rn. You should watch them.
There's no credible evidence because the gov't has made a huge effort to suppress it. A lot of folks want to see the credible evidence before believing and I get that.

If this stuff is manmade then it could be really problematic. If the Chinese or the Russians have this sort of technology then we're way behind and our security is at risk
The most credible evidence is that there is NO CHANCE IN HELL that some of this stuff is man-made. The technology of some of these UFO's captured on video by pilots is FAR, FAR beyond current human capacity.
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You had me until you said there were alien bodies at Wright-Patt. Tough to think they would put something that secretive at a large reasonably open base (because of the great Air Force museum there, if you love aviation you have to see it). That's Area 51 stuff. But if you've seen something that's interesting.
I’ve been there before, it’s wide open but have parking lots with lots of cars and a small building. Lots of underground facilities there.
So if aliens are visiting this world, are they JUST visiting the United States? I would have to think not likely. If they are visiting earth, they would be visiting EARTH. I might buy one government being able to keep a thing like that a secret, but ALL of them? Plus it would take a UN level of coordination among all the governments of the world to hide this from it's citizens. I just don't see how you do that and successfully keep a thing like that a secret.

If it is man-made technology, I would guess that it's probably ours and a lot of these "sightings" are an attempt to hide some of this in plain sight. There have been some conspiracy theorists, like Dr. Stephen Greer, who claim that part of the reason the tech is kept so hidden is because it would have strong implications in other areas of industry that would completely topple it overnight, starting with the elimination for the need for fossil fuels.

They may very well be visiting other governments too. Some conspiracy folks think they were visiting the Nazi's back in the day. They likely want to visit the superpower and that'd be us
Or natural phenomenon. Or hoaxes.

If that's the case then you're betting on 100% being that. Ezekiel saw a wheel in the sky. Sure sounds like a flying saucer to me. There are cave drawings that look an awful lot like gray aliens or astronauts with helmets. I doubt those are hoaxes. What would be the purpose of starting a hoax in those times?
It is NOT man made. We do not have that yet. It breaks all known physics. We are talking about instantaneous acceleration and turns that would atomize a human. There is no known technology. They travel through mediums (water to air to water) without friction. I'll tell you something maybe I shouldn't, but it will come out anyway, there is much, much more to the USS Nimitz story.
If that's the case then you're betting on 100% being that. Ezekiel saw a wheel in the sky. Sure sounds like a flying saucer to me. There are cave drawings that look an awful lot like gray aliens or astronauts with helmets. I doubt those are hoaxes. What would be the purpose of starting a hoax in those times?

I gave two options and perhaps cave dwellers were making drawings using their imaginations.
They may very well be visiting other governments too. Some conspiracy folks think they were visiting the Nazi's back in the day. They likely want to visit the superpower and that'd be us
Everybody that has ever seen a sci-fi movie knows the answer to why they visit the U.S. 75% of all alien life forms speak fluent English. Duh!
Natural phenomenon still seems a fairly likely excuse.

As far as aliens go, if the UFO sightings are to be believed as aliens... they have had the technology to visit for hundreds if not thousands of years and yet no hostile actions. They seemingly haven't taken much from Earth and yet they continue to visit a place in which they do not want to control or need anything from... seems far fetched to me.

Time is probably a completely different construct for beings capable of interstellar travel. A hundred thousand years to us might be just a blip to them.
My comment was based on the fact someone basically asserted that liberals were never supportive of space exploration. You just can't say that when it was JFK/LBJ who launched and supported the race to the moon and later it was Carter administration that built the space shuttle (first flew in 1981).

The interesting thing is that the original NASA scientists didn't want people in the capsules. They (of course we're talking the Germans at that time) considered astronauts a distraction from research. That's why you never really heard them scream when the shuttle program ended. They prefer projects where they have robots do the work (Mars Lander).

Sending humans to plant the flag has never been important to them.

I just don't understand how some of you can take the leap of faith that unidentified flying OBJECTS in the sky directly equals aliens visiting us from outer space. Even saying that out loud just sounds so ridiculous.
There are stories and sightings from all over the world.

Oh for sure! I'm not denying that. What I'm saying is that it doesn't seem very plausible that governments from all over the world would be able to coordinate their efforts equally to keep something like this an ongoing secret.

I remember a couple of years back, there was a story that came out where supposedly Russia was demanding that the United States "come clean" about UFO's and I remember thinking at the time, why do WE have be the ones to do it first? Why is the United States the only country that must have disclosure? If Russia has their own evidence, let THEM come out and say it first.

There are many governments... including several south and central American and Israeli, and most recently Australia that have come out and said UFO's are real. Your own US military are telling you they are real. There is a multitude of Russian encounters with Aliens if you want to believe that (up to you). UFO's are real. I've been told, and seen evendence that we had at least a couple of body's at wright patt air base at one point.

Again, saying "UFO's are real" is NOT the same thing as saying we are being visited by aliens. They're just acknowledging the same things we are. That their are objects in the sky that are not ours and we have no idea what they are. However that does not automatically = little grey beings with big eyes.
Oh for sure! I'm not denying that. What I'm saying is that it doesn't seem very plausible that governments from all over the world would be able to coordinate their efforts equally to keep something like this an ongoing secret.

You can't agree that there are public stories and sightings, and also claim that all the governments have kept it a secret.
You can't agree that there are public stories and sightings, and also claim that all the governments have kept it a secret.

You're not getting what I'm saying. I don't deny that there are stories and sightings. I mean, obviously there are sightings. But that doesn't = government alien coverup. It also doesn't mean those "stories" aren't by people who are full of ****.
Time is probably a completely different construct for beings capable of interstellar travel. A hundred thousand years to us might be just a blip to them.
Hard to fathom the gravity of this construct.
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I just don't understand how some of you can take the leap of faith that unidentified flying OBJECTS in the sky directly equals aliens visiting us from outer space. Even saying that out loud just sounds so ridiculous.
Because when a flying vessel accelerates and stops on a dime (and hits the ocean) at speeds that pilots and scientists say would cause a human body to be a puddle of goo, it's more than reasonable to assume that it wasn't created by human beings.
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