No, I am not saying that homosexuality is a choice. I am saying it does not exist. Homosexual attraction exists. Homosexual sexual acts exist. Homosexuality as some sort of intrinsic state of being does not.
I would argue that attraction is not a choice but who you have sex with certainly is. Plenty of heterosexual people have attraction but decide for whatever reason to not have sex.
That may be hard to accept for people with strong homosexual attractions but it is no less true. Our modern concept of homosexuality is an invention to make people who have urges feel better about themselves and not be condemned by society for acting upon them.
In ancient Greece, for example, your gender attraction did not matter, only which end of the dick you were on (giver or receiver). Granted, they also did not consider themselves pedophiles either, as we would today.
And I never decided to "be" hetrosexual. I certainly did decide who to have sex with and who not to. I still see women whom I am attracted to, yet because I am married, I choose not to have a sexual relationship with.
When you have 20% of gen z thinking they are "non-binary", clearly choice is at play.