What I hope to hear Biden say tonight

Sorry about your dad, man. I have an aunt that's been living with it for a while and it is no joke.

Hope you're wrong about Biden having it. Only time will tell.
I hope I’m wrong about him too. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It got my grandfather at 83. Dad at 82. I’m 51 so I’ve got 30 years left
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Got a link to medical records showing where Biden has Alzheimers?? Or are you just once again spouting from trumps worn-out playbook?
I’m in year 13 of taking care of 1 or 2 parents with advanced dementia. They started the slide in their mid 70’s (Biden’s age). Biden has all the signs of it based on the many videos on him the last couple of years. There are very few non-professionals that have dealt with it as long as I have.
Negative on the democratic socialist. Consider myself an independent. And you're correct...the rationale for adding AOC or HIllary to the office is mind blowing. However, I have to say it is entertaining to throw those names out there just to see the resident trump lovers lose their sh!t.
Don't have to be a Trump lover to be sick at the thought of AOC or Hillary either one, having that kind of power.
Sorry about your dad, man. I have an aunt that's been living with it for a while and it is no joke.

Hope you're wrong about Biden having it. Only time will tell.
I lost my mother to non-alzheimers dementia. Different mechanism, same symptoms. If he doesn't have dementia, he's an abject moron. Trump has more brain cells in his pinky than Biden has left. Couth, not so much. The danger we are in is the sudden violent turns that dementia sufferers have. That should be a major concern as stress exacerbates the anger.
He should say that he realizes that there is a large swath of the country that is extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, that it thinks government is too big and inefficient, that people are worried and anxious, especially because of the virus, that he feels like a lack of trust has built up over the years. In government. In each other.

And that he will work hard each day to restore that trust, including by listening to and working with Republicans in the House and Senate to show that compromise is not capitulation and this is not a zero sum game.

(And that his first order of business is to put Lindsey Graham's office in a van, down by the river. But I am getting greedy with that one, I know.)
I don’t care what he says..... he says a lot of things ...... I’m getting rid of fracking...... I’m not getting rid of fracking..... the only thing that matters is what he actually does in this position
I’m hoping Biden is as drunk tonight as he was about 12 years ago when he and Teleprompter Jesus took out McCain and Caribou Barbie.
Think about how far we’ve come when we used to consider Palin batshit crazy.
I don’t care what he says..... he says a lot of things ...... I’m getting rid of fracking...... I’m not getting rid of fracking..... the only thing that matters is what he actually does in this position
He may not know what he's saying half the time but he can probably still sign his own name.
[QUOTE="lawgator1, post: 18888919, member: 2070"

And that he will work hard each day to restore that trust, including by listening to and working with Republicans in the House and Senate to show that compromise is not capitulation and this is not a zero sum game.QUOTE].
Hahaha, creaky Joe work hard everyday! He'll be back in bed by 1:00 pm
I hope I’m wrong about him too. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It got my grandfather at 83. Dad at 82. I’m 51 so I’ve got 30 years left

I lost a friend of mine to it. Began showing signs of it in his 30s. Died prior to his 38th birthday.
I’m sorry for your loss.
It’s nasty and I’m not looking foward too it

Thank you. Its been several years ago. His family really did step up and took great care of him during the diagnosis and later stages. Never expect that at such a young age.
The last time I voted major Party was before Bush V Gore. I was thinking it cannot get worse than that. Now I wish we had candidates of the quality of Bush and Gore. Gawd help us

That 2000 hanging chad election was minor compared to this current election.
[QUOTE="lawgator1, post: 18888919, member: 2070"

And that he will work hard each day to restore that trust, including by listening to and working with Republicans in the House and Senate to show that compromise is not capitulation and this is not a zero sum game.QUOTE].
Hahaha, creaky Joe work hard everyday! He'll be back in bed by 1:00 pm
All presidential press conferences will have to be at 9 AM
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