What if the reverse happens?



Eat at Joe's
Sep 14, 2009
Let's just be honest. Conservatives don't riot and burn buildings down because most conservatives are middle aged or older and have jobs and families and bills to pay. To many people count on them and they can't risk going to jail.

But what if?

What if the states continue to stay closed, and they begin losing their jobs and can't make their Bills and millions across the country start losing their homes and can't feed their families and they finally have enough?

Most hunters are conservative.

Most gun owners are conservative.

Do you know a single conservative who doesnt own atleast one gun and in most cases multiple guns?

What happens when the group that has been quiet and peaceful finally decides to act the same way as the liberals who are burning cities down and looting.

I personally hope this never happens but we are definitely on a crash course at some point for this if things don't begin to change in this country and both sides begin to find middle ground.

So what are your thoughts?

What would finally be the death knell to cause this and where would it start and how?

Total speculation but things are getting very toxic in this country.
Let's just be honest. Conservatives don't riot and burn buildings down because most conservatives are middle aged or older and have jobs and families and bills to pay. To many people count on them and they can't risk going to jail.

But what if?

What if the states continue to stay closed, and they begin losing their jobs and can't make their Bills and millions across the country start losing their homes and can't feed their families and they finally have enough?

Most hunters are conservative.

Most gun owners are conservative.

Do you know a single conservative who doesnt own atleast one gun and in most cases multiple guns?

What happens when the group that has been quiet and peaceful finally decides to act the same way as the liberals who are burning cities down and looting.

I personally hope this never happens but we are definitely on a crash course at some point for this if things don't begin to change in this country and both sides begin to find middle ground.

So what are your thoughts?

What would finally be the death knell to cause this and where would it start and how?

Total speculation but things are getting very toxic in this country.
Because the popular way to politic in this country is to divide it. It's reasonable to think there will be civil war one day. I hope we form separate countries before that happens.
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Let's just be honest. Conservatives don't riot and burn buildings down because most conservatives are middle aged or older and have jobs and families and bills to pay. To many people count on them and they can't risk going to jail.

But what if?

What if the states continue to stay closed, and they begin losing their jobs and can't make their Bills and millions across the country start losing their homes and can't feed their families and they finally have enough?

Most hunters are conservative.

Most gun owners are conservative.

Do you know a single conservative who doesnt own atleast one gun and in most cases multiple guns?

What happens when the group that has been quiet and peaceful finally decides to act the same way as the liberals who are burning cities down and looting.

I personally hope this never happens but we are definitely on a crash course at some point for this if things don't begin to change in this country and both sides begin to find middle ground.

So what are your thoughts?

What would finally be the death knell to cause this and where would it start and how?

Total speculation but things are getting very toxic in this country.
I know you probably only watch OAN but Trump supports are being far from peaceful.
Because the popular way to politic in this country is to divide it. It's reasonable to think there will be civil war one day. I hope we form separate countries before that happens.
It's not reasonable. We are mostly fat and lazy. As long as the tv works and the beer is cold most will by and large go with the flow.
Lol wut? Maybe we can all just calm down. All this crap talk of civil war is ridiculous. 99% of people just want to have peace, safety, and prosperity.

That said, if the silverheads want to go protest to get Pruitt out, I'll be right there with them pushing their wheelchair. Happily!
Let's just be honest. Conservatives don't riot and burn buildings down because most conservatives are middle aged or older and have jobs and families and bills to pay. To many people count on them and they can't risk going to jail.

But what if?

What if the states continue to stay closed, and they begin losing their jobs and can't make their Bills and millions across the country start losing their homes and can't feed their families and they finally have enough?

Most hunters are conservative.

Most gun owners are conservative.

Do you know a single conservative who doesnt own atleast one gun and in most cases multiple guns?

What happens when the group that has been quiet and peaceful finally decides to act the same way as the liberals who are burning cities down and looting.

I personally hope this never happens but we are definitely on a crash course at some point for this if things don't begin to change in this country and both sides begin to find middle ground.

So what are your thoughts?

What would finally be the death knell to cause this and where would it start and how?

Total speculation but things are getting very toxic in this country.

I guess if people need to get it out of their system, they will. Probably should leave the guns at home though, that would just make the felony more serious.
It's not reasonable. We are mostly fat and lazy. As long as the tv works and the beer is cold most will by and large go with the flow.

I used to think that but I am starting to run into a much larger group of people who actually hope rioters come down to the southern suburbs so they can deal with them and they aren't just taking. Some are ex and current military.
I guess if people need to get it out of their system, they will. Probably should leave the guns at home though, that would just make the felony more serious.

I am talking on a much broader spectrum than a few cities.
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I am talking on a much broader spectrum than a few cities.

I doubt they would coordinate to do it, I mean if you already live in a city, it's more tempting to walk outside and protest, and convenient for those who want to participate in some anarchy to take advantage of the crowds.

Pure unadulterated anarchy would be harder to pull off without the ability to disappear into the masses. Not to mention most wouldn't wear masks and would be easier to identify.

Hell anything is possible, though.
Let's just be honest. Conservatives don't riot and burn buildings down because most conservatives are middle aged or older and have jobs and families and bills to pay. To many people count on them and they can't risk going to jail.

But what if?

What if the states continue to stay closed, and they begin losing their jobs and can't make their Bills and millions across the country start losing their homes and can't feed their families and they finally have enough?

Most hunters are conservative.

Most gun owners are conservative.

Do you know a single conservative who doesnt own atleast one gun and in most cases multiple guns?

What happens when the group that has been quiet and peaceful finally decides to act the same way as the liberals who are burning cities down and looting.

I personally hope this never happens but we are definitely on a crash course at some point for this if things don't begin to change in this country and both sides begin to find middle ground.

So what are your thoughts?

What would finally be the death knell to cause this and where would it start and how?

Total speculation but things are getting very toxic in this country.

They didn’t turn out in enough numbers to keep Biden out of the WH so I can’t see enough turning out to make a stink.
I used to think that but I am starting to run into a much larger group of people who actually hope rioters come down to the southern suburbs so they can deal with them and they aren't just taking. Some are ex and current military.
I would suggest finding new friends. Those are what normal people call "crazy people."
Let's just be honest. Conservatives don't riot and burn buildings down because most conservatives are middle aged or older and have jobs and families and bills to pay. To many people count on them and they can't risk going to jail.

But what if?

What if the states continue to stay closed, and they begin losing their jobs and can't make their Bills and millions across the country start losing their homes and can't feed their families and they finally have enough?

Most hunters are conservative.

Most gun owners are conservative.

Do you know a single conservative who doesnt own atleast one gun and in most cases multiple guns?

What happens when the group that has been quiet and peaceful finally decides to act the same way as the liberals who are burning cities down and looting.

I personally hope this never happens but we are definitely on a crash course at some point for this if things don't begin to change in this country and both sides begin to find middle ground.

So what are your thoughts?

What would finally be the death knell to cause this and where would it start and how?

Total speculation but things are getting very toxic in this country.
I've been saying that if conservatives wait until their jobs are affected, then they have waited too late to respond. Right now, myself included, we are too comfortable right now. We don't want to risk losing our creature comforts.
I can't see how anything too serious would start unless it was like the ACW and a group of states actually tried to secede. It isn't going to happen organically--I mean, what would regular people even be able to do? If the state government doesn't support them, then any scatterings of uprisings are put down as local crime. If a group tries to overthrow their state government, again, police will try to prevent it. If police don't act, the National Guard steps in. Without support from the state government, they have no legitimacy. If the state government DOES support them, what do the people do? Go invade other states? Like, what are the logistics of the start of an uprising/civil war? Do you just go shoot your liberal neighbors?

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