What if the reverse happens?

I know you probably only watch OAN but Trump supports are being far from peaceful.

Maybe in part because every time they assemble to protest and display their displeasure the left mob feels like they need to show up and “counter protest”.
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Let's just be honest. Conservatives don't riot and burn buildings down because most conservatives are middle aged or older and have jobs and families and bills to pay. To many people count on them and they can't risk going to jail.

But what if?

What if the states continue to stay closed, and they begin losing their jobs and can't make their Bills and millions across the country start losing their homes and can't feed their families and they finally have enough?

Most hunters are conservative.

Most gun owners are conservative.

Do you know a single conservative who doesnt own atleast one gun and in most cases multiple guns?

What happens when the group that has been quiet and peaceful finally decides to act the same way as the liberals who are burning cities down and looting.

I personally hope this never happens but we are definitely on a crash course at some point for this if things don't begin to change in this country and both sides begin to find middle ground.

So what are your thoughts?

What would finally be the death knell to cause this and where would it start and how?

Total speculation but things are getting very toxic in this country.

Too busy for riots. Cold beer and hot chicks are my life. Take those away then sh1t will get burnt down.
Conservatives are being pushed towards the fringe, but I think if they're smart they'll continue to be peaceful. Of course, I think the violence from the left is also because they've been pushed to the extreme as well. Both sides need to take a step back.

What happens to the right if gun control becomes an issue? Still peaceful. I have a feeling this is coming and it's not something I would support.
Conservatives are being pushed towards the fringe, but I think if they're smart they'll continue to be peaceful. Of course, I think the violence from the left is also because they've been pushed to the extreme as well. Both sides need to take a step back.

What happens to the right if gun control becomes an issue? Still peaceful. I have a feeling this is coming and it's not something I would support.
Conservatives have spent the last 4 years being pushed to the fringe by their own party. If they won't fight that then they aren't going to fight the "other side" either
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How many times has Europe divided it's borders over the centuries? It's been almost 150 years since the US had a civil war. The differences between the coastal people and everyone else is becoming larger and larger. I wouldn't bet against another civil war in the next 50 years unless things change and the middle of the country gets a voice.
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How many times has Europe divided it's borders over the centuries? It's been almost 150 years since the US had a civil war. The differences between the coastal people and everyone else is becoming larger and larger. I wouldn't bet against another civil war in the next 50 years unless things change and the middle of the country gets a voice.
I would prefer a peaceful split of some kind
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How many times has Europe divided it's borders over the centuries? It's been almost 150 years since the US had a civil war. The differences between the coastal people and everyone else is becoming larger and larger. I wouldn't bet against another civil war in the next 50 years unless things change and the middle of the country gets a voice.
When one party suggest the removal of another party's elected officials just because they support a candidate contesting an election. When people call for people to be put into camps for reeducation or punished by other means for disagreeing with them, a civil war is always a possibility.
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Probably the most peaceful split would be for you to hop on a plane and head to somewhere other than the U.S. Good luck!!
Nah, I'm hoping you all aren't allowed to cheat again in 4 years because there won't be a plandemic. Hopefully the CCP candidate dementia patient is a once in a 400 year catastrophe
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Nah, I'm hoping you all aren't allowed to cheat again in 4 years because there won't be a plandemic. Hopefully the CCP candidate dementia patient is a once in a 400 year catastrophe
You do realize all you post is propaganda created by trump and his cronies, right?
Other people who were named Time person of the year


2 of sheeps heros.
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Conservatives have spent the last 4 years being pushed to the fringe by their own party. If they won't fight that then they aren't going to fight the "other side" either
No so...again Trump had a 90-95% party approval rating. And on the other side Trump is considered fringe.
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What is your definition of a conservative?
Someone who understands what a budget is for? We've been told repeatedly in here that Trump is not a conservative and that was understood when he ran. Are you saying that's not true?
Someone who understands what a budget is for? We've been told repeatedly in here that Trump is not a conservative and that was understood when he ran. Are you saying that's not true?

A lot more to conservatism than budget. Again, Trump had unprecedented party support from conservatives. Conservatives can be pragmatic.
A lot more to conservatism than budget. Again, Trump had unprecedented part support from conservatives. Conservatives can be pragmatic.
No he had support from the gop who only gets conservative when a Dem is in office. Trump is just not a conservative and never has been. Repubs got played
Trump is not a conservative. Conservatives are now the fringe of the gop given your numbers

Ever since the first member of congress sold legislation and favors to special interests and the home district to be elected, conservatism in practice was dead. The GOP could either hang on to that principle and wither on the vine, or go moderate, be electable, and put up opposition to the dems. Nobody is getting elected without promising something that takes money out of the treasury; it's just that simple.
No he had support from the gop who only gets conservative when a Dem is in office. Trump is just not a conservative

I understand your thinking, then neither was Reagan. But WGAF, labels are stupid and purity tests negate pragmatism.

Your comment about conservatives being pushed to the fringe are flat out incorrect
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