What if the reverse happens?

I understand your thinking, then neither was Reagan. But WGAF, labels are stupid and purity tests negate pragmatism.

Your comment about conservatives being pushed to the fringe are flat out incorrect
It's not labels it's principles and policy. You're just admitting those mean nothing as long as your team wins. Race to the bottom continues

you may be right that my statement is wrong. Conservatives are being pushed out of the gop completely
It's not labels it's principles and policy. You're just admitting those mean nothing as long as your team wins. Race to the bottom continues

you may be right that my statement is wrong. Conservatives are being pushed out of the gop completely

Reagan says hello.

I really understand your position. But conservatism is more than fiscal. Rather than 30 mph on fiscal, we gonna hit 100 on fiscal and all other matters, Where pragmatism comes into play and that third party choice means a hill of beans
Reagan says hello.

I really understand your position. But conservatism is more than fiscal. Rather than 30 mph on fiscal, we gonna hit 100 on fiscal and all other matters, Where pragmatism comes into play and that third party choice means a hill of beans
Why do you think I care about Reagan? The gop abandoned their stated principles in favor of 4yrs with a loudmouth tv host who could beat Hillary. Nevermind his trillion dollar deficits, multi trillion in reckless stimulus spending, attacks on the 2A, etc. Hope it was worth it but I'm guessing it wasn't
Why do you think I care about Reagan? The gop abandoned their stated principles in favor of 4yrs with a loudmouth tv host who could beat Hillary. Nevermind his trillion dollar deficits, multi trillion in reckless stimulus spending, attacks on the 2A, etc. Hope it was worth it but I'm guessing it wasn't

Because Reagan was no more fiscally conservative than Trump. But frankly, stick with your 3rd party vote and enjoy
Why do you think I care about Reagan? The gop abandoned their stated principles in favor of 4yrs with a loudmouth tv host who could beat Hillary. Nevermind his trillion dollar deficits, multi trillion in reckless stimulus spending, attacks on the 2A, etc. Hope it was worth it but I'm guessing it wasn't

There's plenty not to like about Trump. However, he did manage to light a fire under a dead GOP ... maybe it will keep burning ... not counting on it - the marbles will likely go back into hiding. He did keep Hiliary and her idiocy out of the WH. He did manage to turn the tide on the social reforms the leftist clowns were pushing; a lot of the PC nonsense died. Fiscal responsibility was absolutely a dead duck once covid hit, but not the the extent that it would have suffered under a dem administration ... but "at this point, what does it matter?" I'd have to say that dumping the Paris Accords was a move toward fiscal responsibility along with avoidance of more dem social programs. Trump did attempt to return jobs to the US and whittle down a massive trade imbalance ... that's a move to right some fiscal issues. There are more - like bringing troops home - let somebody else clean up the sand box. However, with the obligations of past legislation snowballing, there's not a chance in hell that anyone makes a real dent in the financial mess we are in.
There's plenty not to like about Trump. However, he did manage to light a fire under a dead GOP ... maybe it will keep burning ... not counting on it - the marbles will likely go back into hiding. He did keep Hiliary and her idiocy out of the WH. He did manage to turn the tide on the social reforms the leftist clowns were pushing; a lot of the PC nonsense died. Fiscal responsibility was absolutely a dead duck once covid hit, but not the the extent that it would have suffered under a dem administration ... but "at this point, what does it matter?" I'd have to say that dumping the Paris Accords was a move toward fiscal responsibility along with avoidance of more dem social programs. Trump did attempt to return jobs to the US and whittle down a massive trade imbalance ... that's a move to right some fiscal issues. There are more - like bringing troops home - let somebody else clean up the sand box. However, with the obligations of past legislation snowballing, there's not a chance in hell that anyone makes a real dent in the financial mess we are in.

This is globalism vs nationalism. We have started to see the decay of national law over some foreign jurisprudence.
There's plenty not to like about Trump. However, he did manage to light a fire under a dead GOP ... maybe it will keep burning ... not counting on it - the marbles will likely go back into hiding. He did keep Hiliary and her idiocy out of the WH. He did manage to turn the tide on the social reforms the leftist clowns were pushing; a lot of the PC nonsense died. Fiscal responsibility was absolutely a dead duck once covid hit, but not the the extent that it would have suffered under a dem administration ... but "at this point, what does it matter?" I'd have to say that dumping the Paris Accords was a move toward fiscal responsibility along with avoidance of more dem social programs. Trump did attempt to return jobs to the US and whittle down a massive trade imbalance ... that's a move to right some fiscal issues. There are more - like bringing troops home - let somebody else clean up the sand box. However, with the obligations of past legislation snowballing, there's not a chance in hell that anyone makes a real dent in the financial mess we are in.
They're was no fiscal responsibility before covid hit. His trade deals are terrible. He even said his second stimulus would be bigger than anyone else's. He's not bringing troops home and even removed reporting of drone strikes because it was bad press.

The man had one trick and a bump in the road showed he was a terrible communicator and useless leader

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