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I looked it up. 46,000 a year die in car accidents.

The point is, where should political parties and institutions spend their time and resources? On a problem that isn't any of their business for 250 surgeries? Or working on reducing literally something that kills 160 times as many people, the bulk of whom had no choice in it?
Gonna remember this next time you choose to squeal over a shooting that fits your outrage parameters.
We gonna allow notes from mommy for children to provide consent in other areas too?

That will be fun.

These are not adults. They cannot provide consent.
0.00005 percent of the US population under 18 on puberty blocker in 2021. 0.000003 had breast removed. 0.0000002 had genitals removed. Again, I'm not for surgery under 18 (unless absolutely medically necessary) but this should be WAY down on govt's priority list....
Yes, the frequency argument.

Either they can provide consent or they can’t.

If you want to lower the age of consent, then lower the age of consent.
I 100% support the right of any legal, consenting adult to take on any procedure or treatment they want.
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0.00005 percent of the US population under 18 on puberty blocker in 2021. 0.000003 had breast removed. 0.0000002 had genitals removed. Again, I'm not for surgery under 18 (unless absolutely medically necessary) but this should be WAY down on govt's priority list....

Movements always start small and grow. There weren't many Nazis or communists in the beginning. The fact is that the numbers are increasing. The 2020 aberration in the chart followed by the 2021 increase is cause for concern - you do remember what happened in 2020. We're in an age where being special/exceptional is important; actually being exceptional as in accomplishing something of worth is too much trouble for a lot of people.
Yes, the frequency argument.

Either they can provide consent or they can’t.

If you want to lower the age of consent, then lower the age of consent.
I 100% support the right of any legal, consenting adult to take on any procedure or treatment they want.

As long as those adults themselves pay for elective medical procedure and treatments.
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I think the vast majority of people, Dem or GOP, leave it to families to figure such things out. The vast, vast, vast majority think it's not something on which the government has a role.

Oddly, for whatever reason, the MAGA crowd has seized on this as though it's actually common or meaningful to their own lives.

WASHINGTON (TND) — Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the Senate, said in an interview with NPR that “there is no argument” among pediatricians and adolescent-specialist doctors regarding “the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.”

“Gender-affirming care” includes sex reassignment surgeries, puberty blockers, hormone therapy and social affirmation, according to an FAQ from Levine’s own agency, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Levine’s comments dismissing concerns over “gender-affirming care” came during an interview with NPR ahead of her appearance at a health conference in Texas, a state that has taken measures to declare “gender-affirming” medical treatments for youth as “child abuse” under state law.

“One of the biggest messages I have at this time is really to speak about the challenges that the LGBTQI+ community face, particularly youth,” Levine told NPR. “The challenges come from very disturbing – and frankly discriminatory – laws and actions that many states are taking that are potentially dangerous, and costing the lives of young people.”
'There is no argument': Rachel Levine praises 'gender-affirming care' for adolescents
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Movements always start small and grow. There weren't many Nazis or communists in the beginning. The fact is that the numbers are increasing. The 2020 aberration in the chart followed by the 2021 increase is cause for concern - you do remember what happened in 2020. We're in an age where being special/exceptional is important; actually being exceptional as in accomplishing something of worth is too much trouble for a lot of people.

There you go, LG. Told ya
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I think the vast majority of people, Dem or GOP, leave it to families to figure such things out. The vast, vast, vast majority think it's not something on which the government has a role.

Oddly, for whatever reason, the MAGA crowd has seized on this as though it's actually common or meaningful to their own lives.
That's because it's being shoved down our throats, and I'm not a "maga". It's literally all over our TV at work all day, you have to pretend that a man is a woman, and stop the hate?🤣. If I don't play make believe, then I "hate". All over social media, tv commercials, etc. Even the president after one shot up a Christian school, not a bit of condolence for the Christian families, just yapping about "trans hate". It's gotten stupid, even by the government. If people want to identify as whatever it would be fine, it's the constant trying to make people who believe in science pretend someone is something they're not .
There you go, LG. Told ya

You predicted someone would make a good point - yay! you!

What is it also @lawgator1 and @BigOrangeMojo ? - we don't have enough people in government to spare, for anyone to care about children with a socially contagious mental aberration, but we've enough white supremacists to unduly occupy DOJ/FBI/CIA and our military to look under beds, school desks, and closets for them?

It's estimated only 15-50K child and adult females are sex-trafficked in the U.S., probably less than ".0003%" of U.S. females. It doesn't affect me; likely none of you, and we have have far too few government workers to pay any attention to this. I say why GAF about sex-trafficking victims we don't even know?

As depraved and corrupt as it is, surgical and chemical transitioning is a symptom; the psychological mind-screwing of children is the problem. Obviously we have a social contagion in which schools and political left, driven by gender/queer critical theory have forsaken education and mental health for activist ideology. The slippery slope - "aha, aha, a ha, ha, ha!" - is the dramatic acceleration of mentally aberrant children in numbers grossly disproportionate to our population growth. Even if laws prohibited any surgical/chemical transitioning of kids, it does nothing for those being psychologically transitioned by the TQ child-traffickers, and who'll live in a state of dysphoria - and suffer for it - far longer.
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You predicted someone would make a good point - yay! you!

What is it also @lawgator1 and @BigOrangeMojo ? - we don't have enough people in government to spare, for anyone to care about children with a socially contagious mental aberration, but we've enough white supremacists to unduly occupy DOJ/FBI/CIA and our military to look under beds, school desks, and closets for them?

It's estimated only 15-50K child and adult females are sex-trafficked in the U.S., probably less than ".00005%". It doesn't affect me; likely none of you, and we have have far too few government workers to pay any attention to this. I say why GAF about sex-trafficking victims we don't even know?

As depraved and corrupt as it is, surgical and chemical transitioning is a symptom; the psychological mind-screwing of children is the problem. Obviously we have a social contagion in which schools, driven by gender/queer critical theory have forsaken education for activist ideology. The slippery slope - "aha, aha, a ha, ha, ha!" - is the dramatic acceleration of mentally aberrant children in numbers grossly disproportionate to our population growth. Even if laws prohibited any surgical/chemical transitioning of kids, it does nothing for those being socially transitioned by the TQ child-traffickers who'll live in a state of dysphoria - and suffer for it - far longer.

We have enough people in govt who could do something but either they are spending way too much time pushing clearly unconstitutional and unenforceble laws (like in this state) or writing laws for the .000002%. Note, I'm attacking both sides here.

What I've said all along is govt should be focused on the items that impacts everyone. Instead of worrying about drag shows, fix the roads, fix the bridges, etc before tackling divisive .000002% social issues. If they can't do that, then get out of the way.
I looked it up. 46,000 a year die in car accidents.

The point is, where should political parties and institutions spend their time and resources? On a problem that isn't any of their business for 250 surgeries? Or working on reducing literally something that kills 160 times as many people, the bulk of whom had no choice in it?

Every year cars get safer, despite growing concerns over the sterilization of minors. To pretend we can only address one problem at a time and to claim child abuse isn’t anyones business, are the types of weak arguments I would expect from you.
0.00005 percent of the US population under 18 on puberty blocker in 2021. 0.000003 had breast removed. 0.0000002 had genitals removed. Again, I'm not for surgery under 18 (unless absolutely medically necessary) but this should be WAY down on govt's priority list....

If the number of kids trafficked was at the same level or lower, would you be openly claiming we should ignore sec trafficking?
We have enough people in govt who could do something but either they are spending way too much time pushing clearly unconstitutional and unenforceble laws (like in this state) or writing laws for the .000002%. Note, I'm attacking both sides here.

What I've said all along is govt should be focused on the items that impacts everyone. Instead of worrying about drag shows, fix the roads, fix the bridges, etc before tackling divisive .000002% social issues. If they can't do that, then get out of the way.

The fact the left has made this issue divisive is the actual problem. An age restriction for elective cosmetic surgeries (unrelated to actual congenital malformations or injuries) shouldn’t be divisive.

Why have I never seen you in any of the race related threads talking about how the role of govenrment is fixing roads, not promoting divisive social issues?

“Treyvon Martin could’ve been my son”-Obama
“Shut up and fix my roads!-mojo

“Black Lives Matter!”-everyone in 2020
“Shut up and fix my roads”

I mean I respect the consistency if you actually do that, but I imagine you only make this claim when it comes to right wing social issues
What is there to 'figure out'? Penis = male. Vagina = female. Is it really that hard for you people?

And MAGA or not (It cracks me up that you think that an insult) those that can't tell the difference between something so basic are making decisions that affect millions of Americans, so yeah it is meaningful.

Seems this toddler has more sense than today's progressives. Who knew that this toddler was spouting such vitriolic hate speech?


But lets be honest - they know. Perhaps the unhinged idiots with purple hair are mentally messed up enough that they are truly confused but there are plenty of dems who KNOW this is all BS but they are pushing it because the real goal is to make people believe something that is objectively NOT true. Then they can fill your mind with the REAL rat poison they want to dump in there.
We have enough people in govt who could do something but either they are spending way too much time pushing clearly unconstitutional and unenforceble laws (like in this state) or writing laws for the .000002%. Note, I'm attacking both sides here.

What I've said all along is govt should be focused on the items that impacts everyone. Instead of worrying about drag shows, fix the roads, fix the bridges, etc before tackling divisive .000002% social issues. If they can't do that, then get out of the way.
So you’ve three times now made this amazing frequency argument.

So I’ll go ahead and loop you in here with @lawgator1 and ask again -

Does frequency always matter? Or does frequency only matter here?
Highly doubt you will get a response. This question needs to be asked to every single democrat running for office going forward. It is a winning issue for the conservatives.

The dichotomy you rely upon as between Dems and the GOP is symptomatic of why the GOP, as it has evolved to the current version, is doomed.

Dems focus in the big picture. Real problems, systemic ones, that hurt many people. Dems seek to advance the human condition.

The current version of the GOP is individualistic at too narrow a point. Indivualism has become personal. Selfish. So the GOP focuses on incredibly small problems, in the scheme of things. Issues which offend their individual sensibilities.

But that's not the future. It can't be.

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