What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

"I'm under a routine audit, and it'll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released"

---Trump at the first presidential debate

I continue to be mystified by the lack of either an explanation for this or concern as to what he does not want us to see. Tax returns for presidential candidates are routinely disclosed. It sure looked at the time like Trump was hiding something. He was uncomfortable with the question and his demeanor was clearly evasive.

A routine audit would have been long ago finished. And if it wasn't, the WH could just say so. IMO this is a campaign promise which the press and both the GOP and the Dems should require that he honor.

This post hasn't aged well... Now that trumps taxes can be made public this opens the door for Dickheadz like Obama, Biden,Pelosi,Clinton and the rest of the gang to reveal their tax returns. Trump had four years to make sure his **** was together and Mueller didn't find a damn thing because there's nothing to find, Trump wins again!
It's looking like we might get him. Fingers crossed.

He did clown those who believed him, but I never believed him.

He clowned everyone that’s tried to get so far , every time I hear the same thing .. we got him this time . Lol
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Sorry Luther but you haven’t. You got your little feelings hurt when Hillary lost and you have been bitter ever since.
lol....I was never a big Hillary supporter.
It was always 100% about Trump being a horrendously despicable human.
But we've been over that about hundred times.
You just seem to be unable to accept that truth.
lol....I was never a big Hillary supporter.
It was always 100% about Trump being a horrendously despicable human.
But we've been over that about hundred times.
You just seem to be unable to accept that truth.
LOL and the 50 year swamp creature that you support is so much better.
This post hasn't aged well... Now that trumps taxes can be made public this opens the door for Dickheadz like Obama, Biden,Pelosi,Clinton and the rest of the gang to reveal their tax returns. Trump had four years to make sure his **** was together and Mueller didn't find a damn thing because there's nothing to find, Trump wins again!
I just want to know how many of those leftists are big holders of pharma stocks. Their tax returns are meaningless becuase I have little doubt that they paid what they owed, but I'll bet that all the big leftist players and their families bought Moderna when it was a $50 stock a year ago.
I just want to know how many of those leftists are big holders of pharma stocks. Their tax returns are meaningless becuase I have little doubt that they paid what they owed, but I'll bet that all the big leftist players and their families bought Moderna when it was a $50 stock a year ago.

Probably an equal amount of rightists, too.
lol....I was never a big Hillary supporter.
It was always 100% about Trump being a horrendously despicable human.
But we've been over that about hundred times.
You just seem to be unable to accept that truth.
And that you were perfectly ok voting as you were told in a second straight election. You want political parties to have power over citizens. That much is on paper
And that you were perfectly ok voting as you were told in a second straight election. You want political parties to have power over citizens. That much is on paper
What is remarkable is that people like luther somehow think they will be a member of the ruling elite under the socialism they crave.
What is remarkable is that people like luther somehow think they will be a member of the ruling elite under the socialism they crave.
I don't recall any platform advocating the government takeover of all businesses and the distribution of profits equally to the masses.
What is remarkable is that people like luther somehow think they will be a member of the ruling elite under the socialism they crave.
Historically they're the first to be put in camps or killed outright because they pose a threat.

There's a similar thought on both sides though that supporting rich/powerful people will get you in their good graces. That's a fools errand
lol....I was never a big Hillary supporter.
It was always 100% about Trump being a horrendously despicable human.
But we've been over that about hundred times.
You just seem to be unable to accept that truth.

Sorry but that dog doesn't hunt. Hillary and Biden both are horrendously despicable humans yet you supported both. So keep telling yourself whatever you need to but we know the truth.

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