What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

1) Criminal activity; 2) Links to Russian money; 3) He is actually broke; 4) No significant charitable giving; 5) Indebted to questionable people; 6) Lying about his net worth.

That last one is by itself why he fights so hard to keep it secret. He doesn't want people to know he's mortgaged to the hilt and not nearly as successful as he portrays himself.
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Federal Judge Blocks Trump's Attempt To Shield Tax Returns

The ruling includes a 14-day stay, giving the former president time to appeal before the documents are released.
A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by former President Donald Trump to prevent the release of his tax returns to House Democrats.

“Former President Donald J. Trump sues to keep the Treasury from giving his tax returns to the House Committee on Ways and Means, which can publish them,” U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden wrote in a 45-page opinion. “But even if the former President is right on the facts, he is wrong on the law. A long line of Supreme Court cases requires great deference to facially valid congressional inquiries. Even the special solicitude accorded former Presidents does not alter the outcome.”

“The Court will therefore dismiss this case,” McFadden concluded.

Federal Judge Blocks Trump's Attempt To Shield Tax Returns
Will this open up the opportunity to look into the returns of other former presidets as well,?
They should start with anyone who repeatedly promised the American people he would release his returns and then vehemently fought every effort to have him do so.
They should start with anyone who repeatedly promised the American people he would release his returns and then vehemently fought every effort to have him do so.

Are you guys going to get him this time or are you going to let him clown you one last time ? Lol

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