What is the Democratic Plan for the US?

I don't think either party is great. But I see evil in the democrat party that no conservative could ever vote for such as the video posted above.
I would like to see a thread to discuss conservatives/ R plan for America.

I'm down for the discussion since this thread isn't going anywhere.
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You are continuing to delude yourself.
How? Are you saying the primaries are not important? Less important?
Maybe some comment other than "you're deluding yourself", "you're a sheep", "you're the problem" would actually be more thought provoking.
I would like to see a thread to discuss conservatives/ R plan for America.

I'm down for the discussion since this thread isn't going anywhere.

The Republican plan is the same as it's always been. Claim fiscal conservatism while the dems burn their own house down, win all three houses and spend baby spend.
I would like to see a thread to discuss conservatives/ R plan for America.

I'm down for the discussion since this thread isn't going anywhere.
Save all babies! Don't give anyone assistance for their babies! Ban brown people! Steal more tax dollars! Bomb somebody and then buy more! What's a budget?

(As honest an attempt as the op)
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I don't think either party is great. But I see evil in the democrat party that no conservative could ever vote for such as the video posted above.

I will go deeper. We both know what will happen and who rules the Earth. And the prize has or is trying to be claimed as Paul Harvey proclaimed.
As someone with a prophetic Biblical view, watching this unfold is scary and fascinating. God's word is so ambiguous yet real that the US could be the Anti-Christ beast or a non player in end time events. And it all still allows the free will we are given.
If you ask me..it is like separating wheat from chaff. And I dont say that to mock as I am a pitiful soul myself.
I will go deeper. We both know what will happen and who rules the Earth. And the prize has or is trying to be claimed as Paul Harvey proclaimed.
As someone with a prophetic Biblical view, watching this unfold is scary and fascinating. God's word is so ambiguous yet real that the US could be the Anti-Christ beast or a non player in end time events. And it all still allows the free will we are given.
If you ask me..it is like separating wheat from chaff. And I dont say that to mock as I am a pitiful soul myself.
End times? That's new
Everybody lies....but everybody does not lie to the same degree.....

That's why I have ALWAYS maintained it has to boil down to the degree.....the continuums.
If every election cycle the winner is the one who lies two percent less that the opponent, things gradually improve.
First true thing you have said in a long long time. And y9our boy Joe Biden has been lying for over 50 years in office.

I hope the people of Delaware have a rat infested famine for what they did to this country.
I'm fairly certain that an education these days is not a feather in your cap that it once was. In fact, unless it's a technical degree, it's a negative in my view.
Yep. My days of providing any support for university 'education' is over.
I know where you are coming from several millennia. Mock away is ok. But I do see a global governance that is happening at the demise of nationalism
People have been predicting end of times since the start of times
Hey! Here's an actual moment of honesty from Luther. He swore to vote against Trump in 2020 from the moment he was elected in 2016. What he did while in office was always going to have ZERO effect on Luther's vote.
Solid observation.

Kinda goes against his entire “rational and reasonable” mantra.
Great thread. LOL.

What is the Republican plan for the U.S.?

Full Pardons to anyone who has been sent to jail in regards to January 6!
Begin investigations into the January 6 committee!

Fire Doctor Fauci! Begin an investigation into where exactly covid came from and was it a bio-weapon created by Chinese doctors with help/funding from United States citizens (See Fauci/others)?
Begin investigation into the CDC. What exactly did Fauci and others know and when did they know it?

Immediately stop all covid related mandatory vaccinations! On planes, trains, buses etc... and anywhere else in regards to the Federal Government.

Begin getting products back on store shelves by seeing what can be done to increase production by cutting red tape etc..
Try to help companies and retailers to move products faster by dropping or tweaking at least for a limited time the "Hours of Service requirements for truck drivers"
Look at using the military to help in Ports to get products offloaded/loaded from/onto ships faster.

Begin returning fuel prices to pre-Biden levels by once again cutting out red tape for exploration/drilling etc..
Restart the Keystone & other pipelines.
Immediately begin restoring the US Strategic Reserve stockpiles that has been decimated by the Biden Administration

Stop the "Climate Change" going green agenda that is destroying the country. Let green energy happen naturally over time as technology changes.
Once again get out of the "Paris Accords"

Finish the border wall and secure the border!
Increase the number US Border Agents and Restore/Increase ICE Agents.
Begin rounding up those illegals that were turned loose on United States soil.

Immediately stop all mandatory covid shots for all active duty, reserves and nation guard in the United States Military and the Military Academies.
Replace the Secretary of Defense, General Milly and the Joint Chiefs and anyone involved in implementing the "Woke" agenda in the US Military.
Immediately stop political correctness nonsense like pronouns and transgender that has no buisness in the military.

Send Federal Law enforcement into cities like Portland, LA, Detroit, Minneapolis, Philadelphia and New York to bolster undermanned police departments in getting a handle on crime.
Stop letting people get away with looting/rioting under the guise of (Protesting)
Charge criminals with Federal crimes to go around the liberal DA's.
Begin investigations into these liberal DA's that are allowing criminals to be back on the streets with in minutes after being booked!
Replace the head of the FBI and have a Special counsel with no past connections to begin investigating the department.

Stop all funding to Ukraine Immediately!
Begin investigating to know exactly where the billions of US dollars that has been sent is going.

Immediately stop any funding going to education etc... in regards "woke" agendas like transgender and LGBQABC's.

This is just the first week!
Full Pardons to anyone who has been sent to jail in regards to January 6!
Begin investigations into the January 6 committee!

Fire Doctor Fauci! Begin an investigation into where exactly covid came from and was it a bio-weapon created by Chinese doctors with help/funding from United States citizens (See Fauci/others)?
Begin investigation into the CDC. What exactly did Fauci and others know and when did they know it?

Immediately stop all covid related mandatory vaccinations! On planes, trains, buses etc... and anywhere else in regards to the Federal Government.

Begin getting products back on store shelves by seeing what can be done to increase production by cutting red tape etc..
Try to help companies and retailers to move products faster by dropping or tweaking at least for a limited time the "Hours of Service requirements for truck drivers"
Look at using the military to help in Ports to get products offloaded/loaded from/onto ships faster.

Begin returning fuel prices to pre-Biden levels by once again cutting out red tape for exploration/drilling etc..
Restart the Keystone & other pipelines.
Immediately begin restoring the US Strategic Reserve stockpiles that has been decimated by the Biden Administration

Stop the "Climate Change" going green agenda that is destroying the country. Let green energy happen naturally over time as technology changes.
Once again get out of the "Paris Accords"

Finish the border wall and secure the border!
Increase the number US Border Agents and Restore/Increase ICE Agents.
Begin rounding up those illegals that were turned loose on United States soil.

Immediately stop all mandatory covid shots for all active duty, reserves and nation guard in the United States Military and the Military Academies.
Replace the Secretary of Defense, General Milly and the Joint Chiefs and anyone involved in implementing the "Woke" agenda in the US Military.
Immediately stop political correctness nonsense like pronouns and transgender that has no buisness in the military.

Send Federal Law enforcement into cities like Portland, LA, Detroit, Minneapolis, Philadelphia and New York to bolster undermanned police departments in getting a handle on crime.
Stop letting people get away with looting/rioting under the guise of (Protesting)
Charge criminals with Federal crimes to go around the liberal DA's.
Begin investigations into these liberal DA's that are allowing criminals to be back on the streets with in minutes after being booked!
Replace the head of the FBI and have a Special counsel with no past connections to begin investigating the department.

Stop all funding to Ukraine Immediately!
Begin investigating to know exactly where the billions of US dollars that has been sent is going.

Immediately stop any funding going to education etc... in regards "woke" agendas like transgender and LGBQABC's.

This is just the first week!
Full Pardons to anyone who has been sent to jail in regards to January 6!
Begin investigations into the January 6 committee!

Fire Doctor Fauci! Begin an investigation into where exactly covid came from and was it a bio-weapon created by Chinese doctors with help/funding from United States citizens (See Fauci/others)?
Begin investigation into the CDC. What exactly did Fauci and others know and when did they know it?

Immediately stop all covid related mandatory vaccinations! On planes, trains, buses etc... and anywhere else in regards to the Federal Government.

Begin getting products back on store shelves by seeing what can be done to increase production by cutting red tape etc..
Try to help companies and retailers to move products faster by dropping or tweaking at least for a limited time the "Hours of Service requirements for truck drivers"
Look at using the military to help in Ports to get products offloaded/loaded from/onto ships faster.

Begin returning fuel prices to pre-Biden levels by once again cutting out red tape for exploration/drilling etc..
Restart the Keystone & other pipelines.
Immediately begin restoring the US Strategic Reserve stockpiles that has been decimated by the Biden Administration

Stop the "Climate Change" going green agenda that is destroying the country. Let green energy happen naturally over time as technology changes.
Once again get out of the "Paris Accords"

Finish the border wall and secure the border!
Increase the number US Border Agents and Restore/Increase ICE Agents.
Begin rounding up those illegals that were turned loose on United States soil.

Immediately stop all mandatory covid shots for all active duty, reserves and nation guard in the United States Military and the Military Academies.
Replace the Secretary of Defense, General Milly and the Joint Chiefs and anyone involved in implementing the "Woke" agenda in the US Military.
Immediately stop political correctness nonsense like pronouns and transgender that has no buisness in the military.

Send Federal Law enforcement into cities like Portland, LA, Detroit, Minneapolis, Philadelphia and New York to bolster undermanned police departments in getting a handle on crime.
Stop letting people get away with looting/rioting under the guise of (Protesting)
Charge criminals with Federal crimes to go around the liberal DA's.
Begin investigations into these liberal DA's that are allowing criminals to be back on the streets with in minutes after being booked!
Replace the head of the FBI and have a Special counsel with no past connections to begin investigating the department.

Stop all funding to Ukraine Immediately!
Begin investigating to know exactly where the billions of US dollars that has been sent is going.

Immediately stop any funding going to education etc... in regards "woke" agendas like transgender and LGBQABC's.

This is just the first week!

Is this what you want or is this what you're hearing R leadership promote as an agenda?
I'm not lying when I say Trump sucked and his terrible leadership exacerbated the issues with covid. That was easy to see every day. He had no immigration policy and his economy was built on trillion dollar deficits. Even with covid relief he let his friends steal hundred of billions

I addressed many of the things you listed like energy, immigration, etc. However many of the other things you get so worked up about have nothing to do with govt. People look to it when they can't figure out how to force others to believe the same way. Always someone there willing to take your money and go after the "bad guys"

Lol...you and that no immigration plan nonsense. You sound like George W more and more if W was a democrat.

Please share your ideas for the early days of covid when China let a virus loose. Hindsight is easy. Our plan six months to a year later is more important.

I agree DJT spent way too much. I think he was trying to compromise.
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Great thread. LOL.

What is the Republican plan for the U.S.?

I'll take a swipe at it ....

Nominate Trump for the third straight presidential cycle, with the hope that he will win the general election this time, and spend the time in-between January 20, 2025 and January 20, 2029, settling scores with people he perceives to either be enemies or disloyal (including Mike Pence, who hasn't truly been disloyal), using the Department of Justice to carry out his personal vendettas, and engage in even more lucrative self-enrichment pursuits?

That about cover it?

When the IRS finally gets ahold of his taxes, I hope DT declared living in your head rent free as income.

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