What is the Democratic Plan for the US?

So obviously in the general...

Here ya go circa 2005..


And obviously their relationship crashed for some reason. But she seemed to love Trump herself.
Everybody knows the rhetorical political game, except you.

"The most despicable man in the world" is only like 1 degree of Kevin Bacon separation form the woman you voted for.
And why your "character" mantra is BS
Politics can be summed up by "Smile and shake hands with your opponent, walk away and then stab them in the back". It has always been and will always be that way.
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Uh, we don't want to get off fossil fuels. We want energy independence. Trump had us on our way. For all of his faults, the economy was roaring under him until covid. We want legal immigration, not open borders. We want to save the lives of babies. We want truth to win out. There are male and female. Period. We don't want men dressed as women in political positions of power. We don't want men competing against women in sports.

All of that is utterly opposed to the democrats plan of open borders, climate insanity that destroys oil and gas with no plan for how we transition to electric. Millions of babies to be murdered with very little limitations if any. Transinsanity, including fueling surgery and hormone blockers, and chemical castration for children. This is in the White House. This is not a fringe movement.

You can try and "muh, Trump," all you want. But these are the democrat positions. And if this is their plan for America, we want no part of it.

Moderates in the Democratic Party are now the exception. They hate Manchin. They love AOC and Newsome.
Yes we should get off fossil fuels. There has been no real immigration reform coming from a party that claims to want it. The economy was shaky given the deficits being run up and the trade issues. Covid was a nightmare given the man in charge was not a leader of any sort. You also want lots of things govt should be in the business of doing. Quit using it to enforce your agenda
Never let them call you an extremist. Conservatism by its very nature is conservative and progressivism is the only one moving. You are only extremist to their shifting views.
There are no more real conservatives in the Republican party. It's a game to try and gain followers just like teenagers are playing
Yes we should get off fossil fuels. There has been no real immigration reform coming from a party that claims to want it. The economy was shaky given the deficits being run up and the trade issues. Covid was a nightmare given the man in charge was not a leader of any sort. You also want lots of things govt should be in the business of doing. Quit using it to enforce your agenda
The government should not protect life, the government should not protect the borders, the government should not work for the people in gaining energy independence, the government should not support mental health? What a bizarre take.

You want the government to enforce your agenda. Say what you mean.

And btw, covid is covid. Nothing we can do can change it. Nothing Fauci, Biden, Newsome, Trudeau, Australia, or any other wannabe dictator did changed anything with covid. Vaccines do nothing, masks do nothing, lockdowns were extremely harmful to the economy and to people. And yet Biden and his ilk still want to force these things upon people. So again, you can "muh, Trump," all you want, but nothing anyone would have done or has done would've changed anything about covid. Stop lying or believing the lie.
There are no more real conservatives in the Republican party. It's a game to try and gain followers just like teenagers are playing

I think there are out of the 535. The Schumers and McConnells hold the power and tenure and dont let juniors ruin the game.
Every now and then we see some junior on TV and I think..that person is smart and has common sense approach.

And I do agree with you on the immigration issue being a political game
Everybody lies....but everybody does not lie to the same degree.....

That's why I have ALWAYS maintained it has to boil down to the degree.....the continuums.
If every election cycle the winner is the one who lies two percent less that the opponent, things gradually improve.

Only your truth to lie continuum is greatly influenced by your political leanings.
The government should not protect life, the government should not protect the borders, the government should not work for the people in gaining energy independence, the government should not support mental health? What a bizarre take.

You want the government to enforce your agenda. Say what you mean.

And btw, covid is covid. Nothing we can do can change it. Nothing Fauci, Biden, Newsome, Trudeau, Australia, or any other wannabe dictator did changed anything with covid. Vaccines do nothing, masks do nothing, lockdowns were extremely harmful to the economy and to people. And yet Biden and his ilk still want to force these things upon people. So again, you can "muh, Trump," all you want, but nothing anyone would have done or has done would've changed anything about covid. Stop lying or believing the lie.
I'm not lying when I say Trump sucked and his terrible leadership exacerbated the issues with covid. That was easy to see every day. He had no immigration policy and his economy was built on trillion dollar deficits. Even with covid relief he let his friends steal hundred of billions

I addressed many of the things you listed like energy, immigration, etc. However many of the other things you get so worked up about have nothing to do with govt. People look to it when they can't figure out how to force others to believe the same way. Always someone there willing to take your money and go after the "bad guys"
I'm not lying when I say Trump sucked and his terrible leadership exacerbated the issues with covid. That was easy to see every day. He had no immigration policy and his economy was built on trillion dollar deficits. Even with covid relief he let his friends steal hundred of billions

I addressed many of the things you listed like energy, immigration, etc. However many of the other things you get so worked up about have nothing to do with govt. People look to it when they can't figure out how to force others to believe the same way. Always someone there willing to take your money and go after the "bad guys"
You have yet to state anything, actually. The only thing you have done is turn back to Trump. Trump was two years ago. Please show me a world leader who handled Covid. I'll wait. Sweden who did literally nothing handled it the best. Show me one of your liberal heroes who defeated it.

We're not talking about Trump in this thread, but the democrat plan. All you've said in the affirmative is getting us off of fossil fuels. That's it. Do you not see how disastrous that would be not only for the economy, but for every citizen? the grid cannot contain it and electric cars are too expensive, and that isn't going to help the climate. That is more climate insanity fueling that take. It's ludicrous.

You've said nothing about immigration except that no one has a plan. Well that's not answering the question, is it? What is the plan for immigration? Democrats want completely open borders with nothing stopping it. Still waiting. You've refuted nothing, you've stated nothing, except "muh, Trump." Like CNN that's all you have. Newsflash, Trump was lightyears better than what we have now or are you enjoying what Biden, Kamala, and their ilk are doing to this country?

This is the democrat party

You have yet to state anything, actually. The only thing you have done is turn back to Trump. Trump was two years ago. Please show me a world leader who handled Covid. I'll wait. Sweden who did literally nothing handled it the best. Show me one of your liberal heroes who defeated it.

We're not talking about Trump in this thread, but the democrat plan. All you've said in the affirmative is getting us off of fossil fuels. That's it. Do you not see how disastrous that would be not only for the economy, but for every citizen? the grid cannot contain it and electric cars are too expensive, and that isn't going to help the climate. That is more climate insanity fueling that take. It's ludicrous.

You've said nothing about immigration except that no one has a plan. Well that's not answering the question, is it? What is the plan for immigration? Democrats want completely open borders with nothing stopping it. Still waiting. You've refuted nothing, you've stated nothing, except "muh, Trump." Like CNN that's all you have. Newsflash, Trump was lightyears better than what we have now or are you enjoying what Biden, Kamala, and their ilk are doing to this country?

This is the democrat party

You seen confused that I'm trying to define the Dem plan. I'm stating that neither side had a plan except to call the other side bad. This thread was started with the idea that one side had solutions in the other one didn't. Nothing could be further from the truth. Both sides suck and it's funny to watch others shill for one they think is great
You have yet to state anything, actually. The only thing you have done is turn back to Trump. Trump was two years ago. Please show me a world leader who handled Covid. I'll wait. Sweden who did literally nothing handled it the best. Show me one of your liberal heroes who defeated it.

We're not talking about Trump in this thread, but the democrat plan. All you've said in the affirmative is getting us off of fossil fuels. That's it. Do you not see how disastrous that would be not only for the economy, but for every citizen? the grid cannot contain it and electric cars are too expensive, and that isn't going to help the climate. That is more climate insanity fueling that take. It's ludicrous.

You've said nothing about immigration except that no one has a plan. Well that's not answering the question, is it? What is the plan for immigration? Democrats want completely open borders with nothing stopping it. Still waiting. You've refuted nothing, you've stated nothing, except "muh, Trump." Like CNN that's all you have. Newsflash, Trump was lightyears better than what we have now or are you enjoying what Biden, Kamala, and their ilk are doing to this country?

This is the democrat party

Gender Affirmation Treatment? What in hades is the federal government doing?
There is no agenda..there is no agenda..and I would click my heels if I wore them, three times.
Only your truth to lie continuum is greatly influenced by your political leanings.
Which is why I maintain the primaries are the most important.

You inadvertently continue to show the logic behind my stances.
You seen confused that I'm trying to define the Dem plan. I'm stating that neither side had a plan except to call the other side bad. This thread was started with the idea that one side had solutions in the other one didn't. Nothing could be further from the truth. Both sides suck and it's funny to watch others shill for one they think is great
I don't think either party is great. But I see evil in the democrat party that no conservative could ever vote for such as the video posted above.

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