What is the future of California?

When does reapportionment take place?
Supposed to be within 3 years of census in 2020
Unfortunately the next one is 2030
How many residents equal 1 US representative in California (~roughly)?

They net -500k a year and by 2030 they could lose a chunk of those 52 reps that carry all that weight.
The state will become largely resident-poor. The nitwits for years have raided the water-rich areas further mid-north. Especially the areas of Bishop, Modesto, and I think Mammoth Lakes, to feed the desert cities farther south. And essentially squandered that water for recreational, agriculture (in areas God meant to be deserts) and beautification purposes, rather than common sense usage. So the greed, money-lusting practices, along with climate changes effects, are finally catching up to the stupidity. All of which go hand in hand with gross financial mismanagement. The pity is that even back in the 1960s, there were people pushing for desalination of seawater in lieu of draining piping water from distant rivers, lakes, and reservoirs farther north. They saw what was happening to places like the Salton Sea and warned what was coming if the current practice continued. But money lust, egoism, and just plain stupidity, as usual, trumped common sense.

Now, for you biased folks, Republican and Democrat conceit were equally responsible for the water rape and financial mismanagement. There were none innocent, no, not one. The state has a history of switching between parties in selecting governors. So for any who just want to point fingers out of fault-finding spite and political Equus excretion, use both hands, so you point at both sides and get it right. List of governors of California - Wikipedia
Who’s held the state legislature all these years?
How many residents equal 1 US representative in California (~roughly)?

They net -500k a year and by 2030 they could lose a chunk of those 52 reps that carry all that weight.
I guess 435/330 million and then apportioned to each state population
Was just wondering what # of residents leaving would roughly equal 1 representative seat lost.

They seem to just laugh off losing half million residents every year.
52 seats with 40m people so 1.3 seats per million
5 million over 10 years would 6-7 seats
Who’s held the state legislature all these years?

The fat cat, mostly Republiars leaning greedy corporate lobbyist. And the story would be the same no matter which elected party holds the reigns. But for some folks like you, the truth be dayumed.
I didn't want to put this in the SCOTUS thread because it's really not a federal issue.

I hadn't heard about this CA law until today when my wife sent me this link. To me it's just plain out and out state sanctioned theft that in the long run will drive apartment communities into ruin and out of the state. How can anyone support forcing landlords to refund a months rent to legally evicted tenants and cap rental increases?

Court Upholds Law Requiring Landlords Pay Rent To Evicted Tenants
Just got to admire the left’s doggedness about just passing a law and increasing government oversight will eventually fix everything they see wrong in the world.
Now I actually agree California has the right to do something this stupid and the 9th may be right in upholding it, but it is pure nuttiness to think there will not be a reaction. Rents may rise to offset the risk and/or it will be more difficult to rent if one is of less means or desirability as a tenant. Both are possible, if not predictable outcomes.
The fat cat, mostly Republiars leaning greedy corporate lobbyist. And the story would be the same no matter which elected party holds the reigns. But for some folks like you, the truth be dayumed.
There are ‘fat cat’ lobbyists on both sides .. PACs come in all forms 😂
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There are ‘fat cat’ lobbyists on both sides .. PACs come in all forms 😂

I didn't say there wasn't, but you can twist it that way if you want. And I imagine you do want to do that, because you ignored what I actually said [mostly Republiars leaning greedy corporate lobbyist]. Twisting and turning, all night long. Yeah, ole Chubby had that right.
I didn't want to put this in the SCOTUS thread because it's really not a federal issue.

I hadn't heard about this CA law until today when my wife sent me this link. To me it's just plain out and out state sanctioned theft that in the long run will drive apartment communities into ruin and out of the state. How can anyone support forcing landlords to refund a months rent to legally evicted tenants and cap rental increases?

Court Upholds Law Requiring Landlords Pay Rent To Evicted Tenants
What a bunch of 💩 this is.
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What? I heard everybody in California wanted to move to bumf-ck America! They want to live the simple life and do nothing 'cept
work on the cars--and puts lot of them in the yard, along with a variety of junk---and shoot guns! Yahoo!
What? I heard everybody in California wanted to move to bumf-ck America! They want to live the simple life and do nothing 'cept
work on the cars--and puts lot of them in the yard, along with a variety of junk---and shoot guns! Yahoo!
You should move there.

"The governor also plans to postpone until 2027-28 some $600 million in spending for programs to help motorists replace gas vehicles with hybrid and zero-emission versions. "

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