What must be done to Unite the Country

First off we the citizens need to stop lapping up the dog **** being put out by ALL of the elected officials AND MEDIA that just gets us mad at each other. They’re doing the identity politics on purpose so we are mad at each other instead of them.

Second they need to stop the partisan continual cock blocking of each other and be respectful of each other’s differing opinions and find compromise.

Next up they need to get off of this big government agenda and get more back to how we are organized, a federalist government. The 51 most powerful people in the country should be the POTUS and the governors. Like I think hog said what is good for CA or NY isn’t good for TX. We don’t all agree on how we want to live politics wise so stop trying to force us to do so.

So that’s a decent start... and it will never happen because it would require the bastards to relinquish power and actually do their jobs.

Kudos on making the thread though @PointGuard
Yep I saw that too. But they’re thinking “hey who cares we got what we wanted let’s ram it home”

Now, they're gonna go about "winning the peace" just like the Senator in Josey Wales. This is the currycombing of the countryside for everything conservative and disloyal from a Shanghai rooster to a Durham cow. There is no "unite" in them.
I’ve noticed a serious absence of one side in this thread.

It's kind of a useless thread. Neither side is going to "unite" at this point. A bunch of random people on the internet aren't going to come up with anything that will help solve the ideological divide in our country.

So, figured I'd have fun as a minimum.
One I would add is one item per piece of legislation - no riders, no attachments. Just one subject in plainly written English complete with sponsor(s) name. That would help eliminate all the objectionable crap that keeps getting added - stuff that divides us. The poison pills that one group swallows and accepts - the junk that the other party uses to hold legislation hostage. No single piece of legislation should take more than five double spaced pages. Budgets would not be considered normal legislation, and could only be used to fund what already exists.

Hallelujah..No more 5K pages bills to hide pork and political money laundering...Think about it,,,they just like to divy the money. Always about money and once it is gone, the dang pols will crawl back to their dark places.
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1. Break down echo chambers
2. Replace house and senate leadership positions with procedural positions
3. Realize the political divisions are city/rural and not simply regional
4. Acknowledge that terms like “white supremacy” and “marxism” are being used to rile up simpletons rather than improve the lives of Americans
5. Destroy Trumpism
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It's kind of a useless thread. Neither side is going to "unite" at this point. A bunch of random people on the internet aren't going to come up with anything that will help solve the ideological divide in our country.

So, figured I'd have fun as a minimum.
It’s kinda like those saying “I’m a centrist “ when they’re actually far left/right.
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1. Break down echo chambers
2. Replace house and senate leadership positions with procedural positions
3. Realize the political divisions are city/rural and not simply regional
4. Acknowledge that terms like “white supremacy” and “marxism” are being used to rile up simpletons rather than improve the lives of Americans
5. Destroy Trumpism
So msnbc talking points.
hard pass
Please be thoughtful and serious. Thanks
The left needs to stop w the radical crap they are pushing or allowing to be pushed, voter registration cards issued. Impeach Biden and Harris for calling for more riots in the streets. And have a real election w actual candidates
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I’m going to get hammered for saying this, but the GOP/conservatives needs to drop their pro-life purity test if they’re also going to insist on removing social welfare programs designed to help young, mostly unwed mothers. If you’re going to force someone who’s unprepared to have a baby they can’t afford, then you shouldn’t yank the safety net out from under their feet.
I’m going to get hammered for saying this, but the GOP/conservatives needs to drop their pro-life purity test if they’re also going to insist on removing social welfare programs designed to help young, mostly unwed mothers. If you’re going to force someone who’s unprepared to have a baby they can’t afford, then you shouldn’t yank the safety net out from under their feet.
Actually I think that’s reasonable
People need to be more discerning about what they accept as fact, fiction, and opinion. IMO - which is pretty much fact.
So if we are to address fact for inciting violence, we should include Harris, Waters, and AOC, Omar, as four that immediately come to mind, in the same proposed impeachment of Trump for same said reasons? If not then it’s a farce right out of the gate. Just like how they started in on him from T-10 and then brainwashed the sheep.
The left needs to stop looking at white, heterosexual men as “the enemy.”

^^ is a more appropriate answer for your other thread.

I think the one thing real conservatives can do is realize that Trump isn’t a conservative. There’s no way William F. Buckley or Barry Goldwater would have rallied behind Trump and supported trade protectionism and the massive debt Trump accumulated.

Not all Trump supporters are bigots, but all bigots are Trump supporters.

Unity will come over time, as the population become better educated and less prone to blame their own problems on racial minorities.
I’m going to get hammered for saying this, but the GOP/conservatives needs to drop their pro-life purity test if they’re also going to insist on removing social welfare programs designed to help young, mostly unwed mothers. If you’re going to force someone who’s unprepared to have a baby they can’t afford, then you shouldn’t yank the safety net out from under their feet.

I see your point...but the safety net is massive, At some point people are self destructive..
Please be thoughtful and serious. Thanks

I think left wing ideology is incompatible with living together. It’s already starting with left and right now having our own social media. Full blown succession will be the next step and I don’t see away around it.

The other side believes in top down government and intends on packing the courts, packing the senate (by adding two left wing states), repealing the Hyde amendment, and ending the filibuster.

It leaves you with only two options. You either conform and give in to the left, or you leave.
Not all Trump supporters are bigots, but all bigots are Trump supporters.

Unity will come over time, as the population become better educated and less prone to blame their own problems on racial minorities.

Such BS. You mean as the population is indoctinated with progressivism and your prefered style of gov. You just blamed division on racism yet again. You sux.

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