What must be done to Unite the Country

Are you really trying to tell us that a reduction in revenue would eliminate public education and the military?

Why in the hell can't the .gov live within it's means like people have to?

We the people don't compromise like congress does. For example, if you want a new yacht and your wife wants a new Ferrari and you can't afford either; then you compromise by readjusting your sights or delaying. The way congress does it is "screw the lack of money; we'll do both and add a mansion, too."
I don't agree that's how it is, but that might be a better system. In general, I don't think the Social Security system is particularly great; I haven't given it a lot of thought, but it seems to me that, on the face of it, a private account system would be preferable.

Well it is. Why should your own money be taxed again. As pointed out before, you should not go after the ones pulling their own weight.
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Bud, it's a joke. Lighten up.

Newsflash: Not every Republican agrees with everything 'their guy' does, unlike you Socialists. Of course I know that the only negative thing I ever heard about Saint Obama from the left was that he didn't go far enough with more entitlements.
Now that I'm on the entitlement side of the spectrum, you need to get to work and send me some more free money!
Well, the government can throw you in jail for putting the wrong type of substance in your body.
non sequitur. Not remotely the same thing. Try again. Now if you say that they can put me in jail for not getting the FrankenVax, you are correct.

Edit: If you don't register for Selective Service, then can (I think) put you in jail.

See the difference?
Newsflash: Not every Republican agrees with everything 'their guy' does, unlike you Socialists. Of course I know that the only negative thing I ever heard about Saint Obama from the left was that he didn't go far enough with more entitlements.
SMH. Most level-headed people from either side of the aisle don't exclusively espouse all the ideas of their candidate. Until you can come to grips with the notion that both sides need improvement equally, you'll continue to add to the negative discourse we so desperately need to turn around. You're firmly entrenched in tribalism, and with all due respect, that mindset is a recipe for continued divide.
SMH. Most level-headed people from either side of the aisle don't exclusively espouse all the ideas of their candidate. Until you can come to grips with the notion that both sides need improvement equally, you'll continue to add to the negative discourse we so desperately need to turn around. You're firmly entrenched in tribalism, and with all due respect, that mindset is a recipe for continued divide.

You just had the Speaker impeach a POTUS with 1 week left in his term and a President elect that condoned it. There will be no unification under these people.
SMH. Most level-headed people from either side of the aisle don't exclusively espouse all the ideas of their candidate. Until you can come to grips with the notion that both sides need improvement equally, you'll continue to add to the negative discourse we so desperately need to turn around. You're firmly entrenched in tribalism, and with all due respect, that mindset is a recipe for continued divide.
Let me introduce to luther sometime.... and what allvol123 is spot on. You have LEGISLATORS making lists of Trump supporters. You want us to shake that off? **** you. I am a nothing, meaningless voice in the wilderness and you have LEGISLATORS that are talking about bring charges against other legislators and financially ruining Trump supporters. You want unity? You are shooting inside the wrong circle amigo. Tidy up your own house first and then extend an olive branch. Right now I'd just as soon hit you (not YOU per se) with it, and I guarantee I'd hit luther with it.
Let me introduce to luther sometime.... and what allvol123 is spot on. You have LEGISLATORS making lists of Trump supporters. You want us to shake that off? **** you. I am a nothing, meaningless voice in the wilderness and you have LEGISLATORS that are talking about bring charges against other legislators and financially ruining Trump supporters. You want unity? YOu are shooting inside the wrong circle amigo.
Ok. Many of my posts have roasted Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and those clowns. I have spoken out about this unnecessary impeachment in several posts. Hell, I spoke out against the first one.

I thought you were speaking towards the general public and their political leanings
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If the government can still gain more debt, then someone is willing to lend them money. The problem occurs when no one will lend the government money because they're afraid they won't get paid back. That's certainly a risk you take when you increase the debt to unmanageable levels.
That's just it. No one is buying our debt. China and Russia, for example, are reducing their reserves of USD. The Fed is the buyer of last resort. They are buying the debt they are issuing.
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That's just it. No one is buying our debt. China and Russia, for example, are reducing their reserves of USD. The Fed is the buyer of last resort. They are buying the debt they are issuing.
When you can see the end of your life coming and witness the crap that is happening in our country, I feel blessed that I don't have to see much more of it. I feel sorry for my kids and grandkids for having to live in this world. I expect my grandkids will fight in another civil war.
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Impeachment and push for 25th amendment prior to 1/20

Wow you must think identity politics unite the country as well?

Politics need to fall into the background of our lives again. The government and political tribalism has been at the forefront of America for the last twenty years, that has to end. Identity politics in every facet of our lives must end. It has done more damage to the country than any one thing possible. The crazy thing is, that was the political weapon of the Soviet Union and it has rooted itself to the core of our country. I think the country has to get back to showing Americans that we are more alike than we are different and foreign influence is chipping away at American values.
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Lindel is a great story though you have to admit. I don't follow what he says at all, but his rise from the gutter is miraculous.
Yeah, but not someone whose opinion should matter to POTUS. There are plenty of success stories like his out there. Tons of them, and none of their plight to success in their little niches of the world qualify them to be offering advice on complex matters of policy
I didn't realize that you were also talking about starting taxes after $30000 for the individual--most of your posts indicate that you want everyone to pay the same tax rate on all income. That changes the proposal to be much more reasonable for low income earners and would probably earn a lot more support to pass, but I don't think it really helps your position. You're complaining about 51% of the population not paying income taxes, but that portion would be likely be around the same or even higher if the personal deduction was $30,000 compared to the current $12,400. A person who was making $15 an hour, which is apparently absurdly high for a minimum wage, would only pay $120 per year in federal income taxes (and that's only if they don't reduce their taxable income at all by investing in a 401k, etc.). At the moment, that same person would pay $2059 per year, unless they get tax credits for having kids. So why not just lower some of the tax breaks we give to people with children?

No no no... Simplicity. We already went over this. You can do this in 4-5 lines on a tax form. No need for an accountant or H&R Block. Plus, it is the fairest thing to do outside of eliminating the income tax all together.

I didn't realize that you were also talking about starting taxes after $30000 for the individual--most of your posts indicate that you want everyone to pay the same tax rate on all income. That changes the proposal to be much more reasonable for low income earners and would probably earn a lot more support to pass, but I don't think it really helps your position. You're complaining about 51% of the population not paying income taxes, but that portion would be likely be around the same or even higher if the personal deduction was $30,000 compared to the current $12,400. A person who was making $15 an hour, which is apparently absurdly high for a minimum wage, would only pay $120 per year in federal income taxes (and that's only if they don't reduce their taxable income at all by investing in a 401k, etc.). At the moment, that same person would pay $2059 per year, unless they get tax credits for having kids. So why not just lower some of the tax breaks we give to people with children?
Its not a position, just a statement of fact. The stated goal for the tax plan isn't to increase the number of people that pay taxes.

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