What must be done to Unite the Country

You just had the Speaker impeach a POTUS with 1 week left in his term and a President elect that condoned it. There will be no unification under these people.
Especially since they don’t really want unity. What they want is for every conservative to convert to their ideas. What they don’t realize that with a 1 party system, this country will fail.
Please be thoughtful and serious. Thanks

I don’t know if it’s possible. I think it starts with recognizing the problems the country faces. Admitting it and then finding solutions.

Part of that is admitting that we are a relatively young country and that in some areas, other countries have found solutions to issues and there’s nothing wrong in admitting it and borrowing those ideas.

Unfortunately, some folks don’t like change and if it, whatever it is, is not having a negative effect on them, why change?Recognizing the negative effects on others is more difficult, it requires empathy and good will.
Some people need to lose their "poor me, they done us wrong" attitude that morphed from a nationwide pity party into rage, defiance of the law, sedition, and insurrection. Grow TF up.

American Thinker Issues Groveling Apology to Dominion Voting Systems For ‘Completely False’ Election-Stealing Stories With ‘No Basis in Fact’
The outrage over unlikely events must stop. From both sides! Fear mongering has unfortunately become a norm in our discourse. This forum is a microcosm of it. From both sides!
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I didn't realize that you were also talking about starting taxes after $30000 for the individual--most of your posts indicate that you want everyone to pay the same tax rate on all income. That changes the proposal to be much more reasonable for low income earners and would probably earn a lot more support to pass, but I don't think it really helps your position. You're complaining about 51% of the population not paying income taxes, but that portion would be likely be around the same or even higher if the personal deduction was $30,000 compared to the current $12,400. A person who was making $15 an hour, which is apparently absurdly high for a minimum wage, would only pay $120 per year in federal income taxes (and that's only if they don't reduce their taxable income at all by investing in a 401k, etc.). At the moment, that same person would pay $2059 per year, unless they get tax credits for having kids. So why not just lower some of the tax breaks we give to people with children?
Nope, go back and read.
Yes, the people making additional income above Social Security to the point where they have to pay federal income taxes obviously means that they're not in the group of retirees who don't pay federal income taxes (to which I was referring). In general, I think it's silly to pay federal income taxes on an income which you're ostensibly getting because you already paid a payroll tax.
Being taxed on something that's already been taxed before is how our government works. At least once, but probably three or four times at least.
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Wow you must think identity politics unite the country as well?

Politics need to fall into the background of our lives again. The government and political tribalism has been at the forefront of America for the last twenty years, that has to end. Identity politics in every facet of our lives must end. It has done more damage to the country than any one thing possible. The crazy thing is, that was the political weapon of the Soviet Union and it has rooted itself to the core of our country. I think the country has to get back to showing Americans that we are more alike than we are different and foreign influence is chipping away at American values.
You skip intro to sarcasm?
When you can see the end of your life coming and witness the crap that is happening in our country, I feel blessed that I don't have to see much more of it. I feel sorry for my kids and grandkids for having to live in this world. I expect my grandkids will fight in another civil war.

Right now I'm happy we don't have grandchildren. One less generation to have concern for.
The only way this country is going to unite, is when the liberals wake up seeing that Biden has sold this country to China. You’ll lose your freedoms, and it’ll be to late.
No no no... Simplicity. We already went over this. You can do this in 4-5 lines on a tax form. No need for an accountant or H&R Block. Plus, it is the fairest thing to do outside of eliminating the income tax all together.

Its not a position, just a statement of fact. The stated goal for the tax plan isn't to increase the number of people that pay taxes.

That's why congress would never go for it. The tax code is their currency - how they pay back campaign finances and other deals. If it were simplified - especially the corporate part, they'd have no leverage and no currency. Besides tax accountants, inc and services like H&R Block and TurboTax would raise all kinds of a stink in addition to withdrawing their congressional bribes. The obamas of the world could no longer militarize the IRS. The old "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" wouldn't even touch the fury of a government bureaucracy gutted.
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The only way this country is going to unite, is when the liberals wake up seeing that Biden has sold this country to China. You’ll lose your freedoms, and it’ll be to late.

This country cannot unite because half of the people can never be as ignorant and stupid as your posts.
Some people need to lose their "poor me, they done us wrong" attitude that morphed from a nationwide pity party into rage, defiance of the law, sedition, and insurrection. Grow TF up.

American Thinker Issues Groveling Apology to Dominion Voting Systems For ‘Completely False’ Election-Stealing Stories With ‘No Basis in Fact’

“Please don’t take us to court . We didn’t realize freedom of speech had consequences if what we said wasn’t truthful and we damaged you. My Daddy posts on VN and he makes sh!t up all the time to advance his conspiratorial narrative. I learned from him so I thought it was OK”.
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Please be thoughtful and serious. Thanks
It’s because we as a nation has become extremely mentally soft..... we don’t take responsibility for ourselves and work hard to reach our goals.... we can’t handle anything negative that happens in our lives....we look to politicians as our saviors which is why we are so indebted to an individual party.... a good portion believe all the hysterical nonsense nonsense spouted by both sides..... we use fear mongering words to describe each other: racists, white supremacists, fascists, communists, socialists, and etc. We need to stop buying into the picture the media and politicians are trying to sell us.
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We the people don't compromise like congress does. For example, if you want a new yacht and your wife wants a new Ferrari and you can't afford either; then you compromise by readjusting your sights or delaying. The way congress does it is "screw the lack of money; we'll do both and add a mansion, too."

I don't know if you have ever seen this documentary AM? It talks about how the federal reserve creates money for the government and then gives it to the fractional banking system. The second part is a little out there, but in the first part it talks about a book created by the federal reserve called Modern Money Mechanics. Very interesting imo.
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