Volnation is like a circular firing squad lately!
Unfortunately that's not a new thing. Hell, you can see the circular firing squad in any QB thread and an odd manifestation of the Fergy vs. Dobbs debate in the compromise choice of Worley by multiple posters from either camp. Not because Worley has done anything special to earn the start, though he has vastly improved and is now as good as anyone, but because he's become a compromise candidate by virtue of that war between rival factions. Those who've grown to despise Fergy or Dobbs solely due to the posters that support one or other (and both sides have those who are pure turnoffs) would rather Worley get it than the other guy.
And honestly, Worley deserves better than that. While I
personally still think Dobbs is the logical choice given his upside, potential, improvement, and the fact Worley's out of time (we need to think about next year), Worley is not only neck and neck with Dobbs but also brings a steady hand and leadership to the table
and has improved greatly - the margin between them is slim at the moment although I give Dobbs a slight edge in talent and performance as well as a bigger edge when it comes to arm strength but Worley's no slouch in terms of his arm. Worley's also been through hell and back and been under appreciated not just this year but last year too. His improvement this spring has also been ignored and/or written off beyond a perfunctory note - most folks call still refer to him by the terms 'steady' and/or 'serviceable' same as last year when the truth is he's improved tons. These are all solid arguments for starting Worley.
However, for MANY posters who have dug in so completely on Fergy or Dobbs (and I mean well beyond leaning one way or another), we'd hear a different tune were they forced to take a lie-detector or subject to perjury laws, I believe many would own up to the fact that they say "I'd be fine with Worley" more because it burns them up to think of the other guy starting. IOW, they say it not because Worley has improved (though he has) but because he's a compromise between the two.
That said,
right now, Dobbs looks slightly better to me than Worley and has potential to surpass him and while I'd support any UT QB I think the arguments for Worley over Dobbs just aren't that strong without invoking the appeal to playing seniors over underclassmen.
*IF* it's close I think Dobbs makes sense. *IF* Worley finally separates to a noticeable degree he deserves it.
***Note: Unlike many I not only defended Worley but stated my case regarding who to play if it's close back when Worley was still wildly unpopular and folks refused to acknowledge the impact of WR/TE on all our QBs in 2013. Very few were in this boat, fwiw, but I do know some who were and applaud them. Others so bashed Worley and Dobbs I have difficulty believing they'd be 'ok' if Worley started and feel it's about appearances and compromise. For those who support Dobbs or Fergy and don't give Worley much credence except in order to appear objective just stop - nothing wrong with supporting your pick, just be prepared to explain why online and for heaven's sake own it (it's also ok to change your minf when/if performance changes). Pride gets in the way of far too much, imo and if we had less of it we might be more apt to truly rally behind the starter instead of taking so many jabs that people really do hope whoever fails just so they can be right.
All that is the nature of the beast made far, far, worse by message boards. Also even tho people often repeat it the QB race really can change at any time and we'd be well served to keep an open mind.