What was the embarassing, inappropriate chant at UT-Bama game?



Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006

Yesterday I heard Pat Ryan and others on one of the post-game talk shows say that there was a chant that was started by the UT student section. They said that they chant spread to other areas of the stadium.

Ryan and others said that the UT fans started the chant in response to a chant by Alabama fans. They said that the Alabama fans were chanting when one of UT's players was injured.

Pat Ryan and others said that the chant was inappropriate and was embarassing.

This morning on Sunday Morning SportsTalk Jimmy Hyams said that the chant was x-rated.

Does anybody know the chant was?
"F U Bama"

It was definately in response to Bama fans in the upper deck starting a Bama cheer that spread to the lower visiting area. It happened a couple of moments after the we had a player on the field. They all had ample oppertunity to know we had an injured player, and if the shoe was on the other foot, we would have been the ones totally classless. While I don't condine the use of profanity ( someone should have been more creative) I do like that our croud was ready to fight for the pride of our team.
Bammer fans get what they diserve, starting a BAMA cheer when a player is hurt on the field -- F:censored: BAMA!!
"F U Bama"

It was definately in response to Bama fans in the upper deck starting a Bama cheer that spread to the lower visiting area. It happened a couple of moments after the we had a player on the field. They all had ample oppertunity to know we had an injured player, and if the shoe was on the other foot, we would have been the ones totally classless. While I don't condine the use of profanity ( someone should have been more creative) I do like that our croud was ready to fight for the pride of our team.

Thank you for the response.

I agree. Sounds like 'Bammer fans were acting a little bit like Gator fans yesterday.
IMO, the F word needs to be left out of any cheer.Imagine all the young children and older adults sitting around listening to that non-sense, uncalled for all the way around.
THe Bama fans did not realize that Coker was hurt. The stopped cheering soon after they saw he was hurt.
I do agree with no f word being used there are small children and older adults. But I will say it is very hard not to come back with one after Bama fans yell something like that. I mean emotions run very high but we as fans should not stoop to their in-bred, lying about championships, and cheating program that they are Bama fans. I mean we're not that stupid
I was there and did not participate in the chant but I was on the other side of the stadium, straight across from the student section. When Coker went down most of the people around me were speculating that he was probably hurt pretty bad for still being down and then we heard SOME KIND of Bama chant start. Everyone around me was mad - we thought they were chanting because of our injured player. Even if they weren't it was definitely not an appropriate time to start a chant.

Then we all heard, clearly the Tennessee chant of F U Bama. Now, I don't even use that word and find it kind of tasteless but I thought given the situation and the moment it didn't offend me. There was a couple in front of me - at least in their mid 70's and the little woman turned around and asked me what are they chanting. I told her just by saying the F U Bama and she said - ooooh, well they deserve it for chanting when one of our boys was down.

I know there were plenty of people around that probably didn't much like the chant. I'm not condoning it 100% but given the emotion and what happened I didn't think it was completely tasteless. Walking to and from the stadium I heard at least, no joke, several hundred F bombs dropped by various people and much filthier talk. I'm sure everyone else walking heard the same language I did as well so it's not like no one had heard that kind of language all day anyway. Again, maybe we could have chanted something a little more sanitary but the Bama fans shut up real quick when we started that chant. If it would have just been chanted for the sake of being chanted for no reason I would have found it completely tasteless.
THe Bama fans did not realize that Coker was hurt. The stopped cheering soon after they saw he was hurt.

No your wrong they knew we had a player down. They didn't stop cheering they stopped the cheer and restarted it while he was still down. Like I said ealier classless, and our response was too. But that was our student section, the Bama fans were mostly older donors so I understand the student response a little bit.
What the heck ever happen to Go to hell, Bama, go to hell? Don't care too much for the F U Bama thingy
I was watching the game again. If you listen closely you can hear the F-U Bama chant. First Coker goes down, then you hear Bama fans chanting, then a big boo from the TN fans. Then you can hear the F-U chant.
Classless move by our fans starting that cheer. The Bama fans shouldn't have been cheering at that point either, but they stopped when the whole stadium started to boo them for it. Then the other cheer started.
I wasn't there, so I don't know anything about this, but the "It's OK because emotions were running high" argument is a little suspect to me. No matter what the situtation, chanting something like that in public makes you look like a purebred idiot IMO.
In my opinon, it's no worse than a school sponsored cheer that says, "We just beat the hell out of you".

A cuss word, is a cuss word. Atleast our school band didn't have a soundtrack for it like Bama's stupid ass Rammer Jammer.
The bama fans were saying, "Ala"..."Bama" back and forth while Coker was down. Then our fans started booing them...the bama fans then stopped...and then the FU bama chants started. At least that's what it sounded like on the television.
I'm sure a piss drunk 20-something in the student section really don't have the mind capacity at the time to care what young or older people think of his cheer.

Also, what does it really matter we've all heard the word, if there little kids they will someday hear the word, if their old they def. heard the word. Whats the big deal? Trust me I have heard worse.
THe Bama fans did not realize that Coker was hurt. The stopped cheering soon after they saw he was hurt.

yeah, a couple of fights about started up in section C over that bama cheer. mostly just bama talking crap though.
on the whole bama fans were pretty classy before the game but during and after is another story...
i speak of the younger bammers of course.
the Bama fans were still cheering a considerable amount of time after Coker was down. I know that I'm biased, but having the audacity to do a Bama chant when a 20 year old young man is laying on the field is much more harsh than using the F word in my opinion. I thought our cheer was definitely the wrong response, and Im not trying to be a homer and claim they got what they deserved. But it's just sickening to see fans completely indifferent that there is a young man on the field, especially when no one is aware of the exent of his injury. These kids work so hard to go out there and play their butts off for us every week, most without any promise of an NFL contract. I don't care how much you hate your rival team, there is simply no excuse for such heartless behavior when somebody's young son/grandson/brother/role model is laying out there after sustaining an injury. Imagine people standing around cheering, after someone you love has been hurt in a car crash.
Good Post KV, how would they liked it if someone did that with Prothrow on the turf?

They would have done worse than a silly cheer.

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