What was the embarassing, inappropriate chant at UT-Bama game?

Was anyone here at the 2002 Bama game, when Croyle pitched the ball from his knee, to their running back, whose knee was on the ground, who turned it into about a 20 yard gain? The bullsh** chant was out in force. It was not only the student section either, about every UT fan in Neyland was involved in that chant, which continued for at least 5 to 10 minutes!

I seem to remember that that call also brought a lot of coke bottles out of the stands onto the field,too. But I loved the explanation from the SEC and Bobby Gaston the following week that the officials missed the call becasue their view of the play was obstructed. Yeah, right, none of the officials had a clear view of the QB in the backfield. Uh-huh.....

As for the chant, a somewhat poor choice of phrases but I welcomed it. I think it brought the stands back into the game. And is it any different from the BUCK FAMA shirts and buttons?
these games are a family environment.......as much as I dislike the bama chant I feel that this is not apropriate for any sporting event

I'm not a parent, but how can you be surprised at something like that at a Division 1 ballgame? Especially a huge rivalry game like Bama? There were several children around me in the stands and none of them started dropping F-bombs afterward. One dad jokingly put his hands over his daughter's ears but that was it. C'mon and lighten up, folks, we won after all.
I'm not a parent, but how can you be surprised at something like that at a Division 1 ballgame? Especially a huge rivalry game like Bama? There were several children around me in the stands and none of them started dropping F-bombs afterward. One dad jokingly put his hands over his daughter's ears but that was it. C'mon and lighten up, folks, we won after all.

I totally agree with you I mean you will hear worse then that walking to most venues. The responsibility falls on the parents to teach their children about that language. And if you want a more family friendly environment go to Disney on Ice. Just my opinion.
these games are a family environment.......as much as I dislike the bama chant I feel that this is not apropriate for any sporting event
Grandma, this was not a neighborhood Bingo game. This was SEC Football and the Bama idiots had come into our place and verbally challenged our student body. I didn't necessarily agree with Barbara Streisand's use of the F word to shut up the heckler at a recent concert, but it worked!
Grandma, this was not a neighborhood Bingo game. This was SEC Football and the Bama idiots had came into our place and verbally challenged our student body. I didn't necessarily agree with Barbara Streisand's use of the F word to shut up the heckler at a recent concert, but it worked!

actually I am a college student........I just really wouldnt want my kid to hear something like that (if I was a parent)

I agree bama sucks.......but it justifies every bad thing that people say about tennessee fans by doing this, our vocabs need to get a little better(I drop the f-bomb a lot.....places with children is not the place to be doing it)
Was anyone here at the 2002 Bama game, when Croyle pitched the ball from his knee, to their running back, whose knee was on the ground, who turned it into about a 20 yard gain? The bullsh** chant was out in force. It was not only the student section either, about every UT fan in Neyland was involved in that chant, which continued for at least 5 to 10 minutes!

I was in Student section I for the game. I know the FU chant was going on there also. The BS was heard 2 or 3 times also for various calls. I understand that it is a family enviroment. But whats the difference in that and walking to the stadium? I hear tons of F bombs and other cuss words the whole way walking to the stadium. Many times if you are not in the student section and sitting around random people younger and older you still hear cuss words.
I was in Student section I for the game. I know the FU chant was going on there also. The BS was heard 2 or 3 times also for various calls. I understand that it is a family enviroment. But whats the difference in that and walking to the stadium? I hear tons of F bombs and other cuss words the whole way walking to the stadium. Many times if you are not in the student section and sitting around random people younger and older you still hear cuss words.

I can hold my tongue around the older and youger crowd(respect)....cant you?:rofl:
I have a point-counterpoint here. First off, there was plenty of time for most of the Alabama cheering section to tell that we had a man down. Their cheer definitely went on longer than acceptable. The "Boos" were welcomed at that point, and I joined in. However, we have to hold ourselves accountable for a retaliatory move that makes us look just as bad, or worse, than a low-class act by the visitors. Also, plenty of people have brought young children to the stadium, and a number of us simply don't want to hear what (as GaVol said) is near the top of the curse-word totem pole.

On a similar note, I'm not a big fan of the "B-S" cheer, and I think that Georgia's modified version of "Glory, Glory" is tasteless, as well.
Inappropriate?...ITS ALABAMA!
I have never seen a larger bunch of classes, ignorant, spolied, obnoxious buffoons in my life (of course maybe it was the Bammers I was in contact with Saturday...AND all the rest of them I have EVER met in my life)

I'm STILL chanting it:rock:

:censored: you BAMA!
:censored: you BAMA!
:censored: you BAMA!

:shaking2: :finger3: :the_finger: :moon2:
THe Bama fans did not realize that Coker was hurt. The stopped cheering soon after they saw he was hurt.
Actually, I feel like they had PLENTY of time to realize the reason for the delay in action.

When they started their chant, they recieved "boos" from around the stadium, which just made them chant louder. That's when the student section responded with F U Bama, which recieved cheers from around the stadium. The student section only chanted the F U Bama long enough to silence the Bama chant, and then they stopped. It didn't last long and it never started back up.

I personally sit in one of the areas alot of UT fans gripe about being old and quiet, and the old 'sticks in the mud' around me all laughed and applauded the students' gumption.
Trying to condone what happened with the cheer back at the Bama section is exactly like Miami U saying "Not in our house". Although I can see and understand the sequence of events on how this transpired it doesn't make it right, ever. The Bama fans were wrong for chanting and our UT fans were wrong for chanting back with the "F" word.
I wasn't there, so I don't know anything about this, but the "It's OK because emotions were running high" argument is a little suspect to me. No matter what the situtation, chanting something like that in public makes you look like a purebred idiot IMO.
Grandma, this was not a neighborhood Bingo game. This was SEC Football and the Bama idiots had come into our place and verbally challenged our student body. I didn't necessarily agree with Barbara Streisand's use of the F word to shut up the heckler at a recent concert, but it worked!
Are you attending the Lamar Thomas School of Logic?
If all profanity is equal, why can "hell" and "damn" be used on network TV and "f***" can't?
Exactly how I saw it. They didn't shut up until drowned out by the FU chant from sections D,E & F. I don't condone profanity but it was less obcene than the Bammers chanting "Ala-Bama" with an opposing player down.

P.S. Try not to sell your tickets to Bama fans in the future, there was a pipsqueak crimson clad young woman sitting in front of my wife that stood for the entire first five minutes of the first quater waving a Bama pompon until I tapped her on the shoulder and told her to "SIT DOWN". Luckily I was bigger than her Boyfriend.:birgits_giggle:

That is very funny!:)
there was no excuse for that. I sat right near the section of these so called bama fans who wouldn't quiet down and they did. They couldn't see coker down from that angle, because bama's offense was huddled around and blocking the view. There is no excuse to use that chant even if they didn't quit the chant. stooping down to their (supposed) level is just as classless. Plus that, the fans used it again later on the bama TD. I was embarassed to be a UT fan at those moments, especially since two five year old kids were sitting below me. you can not make an excuse it for it, so quit trying.
there was no excuse for that. I sat right near the section of these so called bama fans who wouldn't quiet down and they did. They couldn't see coker down from that angle, because bama's offense was huddled around and blocking the view. There is no excuse to use that chant even if they didn't quit the chant. stooping down to their (supposed) level is just as classless. Plus that, the fans used it again later on the bama TD. I was embarassed to be a UT fan at those moments, especially since two five year old kids were sitting below me. you can not make an excuse it for it, so quit trying.
Coker got hurt on the return after the 'bama TD. I don't really see how the students could have done it AGAIN... except earlier in the game?!?!
there was no excuse for that. I sat right near the section of these so called bama fans who wouldn't quiet down and they did. They couldn't see coker down from that angle, because bama's offense was huddled around and blocking the view. There is no excuse to use that chant even if they didn't quit the chant. stooping down to their (supposed) level is just as classless. Plus that, the fans used it again later on the bama TD. I was embarassed to be a UT fan at those moments, especially since two five year old kids were sitting below me. you can not make an excuse it for it, so quit trying.

Couldn't see Coker down ??? That was directly across from most of the Bama fans sections.

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