What was the embarassing, inappropriate chant at UT-Bama game?

90% of kids and 90% of women: Please, have fun tailgating, have fun at a barbecue, but for God's sake, if you do not know what is happening on the field, please stay home or stay quiet.
The worse experience I ever had was at a UT basketball game, this dad had his two young twin sons and they were sitting in front of me and they talked continuously for the entire game. The worse part was how they kept asking are we winning,every time anyone scores. I mean we were winning by about 15 and would score and they would ask if we were winning. Very annoying.
Too bad there are no ingore buttons outside of message boards.
I don't ever really find myself annoyed by little kids at the game. For me it's just a case of wondering why people put themselves and their kids through it. I guess it's like anything else though . . .some kids can handle it and some can't.
90% of kids and 90% of women: Please, have fun tailgating, have fun at a barbecue, but for God's sake, if you do not know what is happening on the field, please stay home or stay quiet.
Sounds like you should purchase one of the new booth seats so that you can fully enjoy the game without distraction, should we remove the band, the cheerleaders, drunks...hey we can already do that....watch it at home.
I can't believe it bothers people so much. If you can ignore an adult why not ignore a kid?!

This thread is dumb!

OK one of the mods please put this on another board.
Sounds like you should purchase one of the new booth seats so that you can fully enjoy the game without distraction, should we remove the band, the cheerleaders, drunks...hey we can already do that....watch it at home.
Not at all. I have a blast at football games. However, I do not cater to those around me. I am going to cuss at football games. If you bring children, they are going to annoy me. Don't ask me to restrict my word choice at the game and I will not ask you to keep your children restrained.
I can't believe it bothers people so much. If you can ignore an adult why not ignore a kid?!

This thread is dumb!

OK one of the mods please put this on another board.
Because I can't tell a kid to shut the hell up. That would be mean. Adult idiots are fair game.
I can't believe it bothers people so much. If you can ignore an adult why not ignore a kid?!

This thread is dumb!

OK one of the mods please put this on another board.

You mean ignore something annoying like the way you failed to ignore this thread?
Sounds like you should purchase one of the new booth seats so that you can fully enjoy the game without distraction, should we remove the band, the cheerleaders, drunks...hey we can already do that....watch it at home.
Removal of the band? An idea I would support wholeheartedly. The cheerleaders? If they're no hotter than what we have now, I would support their dismissal as well.
Children should all be taken at birth and shipped to some far off island, where they would remain until they had received sufficient socialization to ensure they would not be an annoyance to adults. That would eliminate such pleasant phenomenons as Crying A$$ Kid On An Airplane, Screaming Kid In A Restaurant, and Won't Shut The Hell Up Kid At The Movies.

No, I have issues with annoying little creatures blathering about hot dogs and mascots while I'm trying to watch the game. If I wanted to deal with that kind of nonsense, I'd stay home and watch Nickelodeon.

I have no problem with family bar-b-ques. They are the type of events that children should attend. However, until they reach an age where they can actually pay attention and follow the game, they've got no business in the stadium.

I just became the newest member of the HatVol fan club!:good!:
Kids annoy me.

The only thing that is worse are those people that go in and out of a row like 349086705324 times a game. For some reason, like half the people in my row are like that...and lucky me on the aisle.:glare:
The only thing that is worse are those people that go in and out of a row like 349086705324 times a game.

No lie . . . I've said for a long time that there needs to be a "Seatbelt Sign" on the scoreboard to let people know when it is and isn't appropriate to leave their seat.
No lie . . . I've said for a long time that there needs to be a "Seatbelt Sign" on the scoreboard to let people know when it is and isn't appropriate to leave their seat.

Or the ushers could actually do something. At hockey games in Nashville when the puck is in play they hold up these stop signs for people coming back to their seats until a whistle blows.
Or the ushers could actually do something. At hockey games in Nashville when the puck is in play they hold up these stop signs for people coming back to their seats until a whistle blows.

Thats actually a risk management/safety issue. They don't want the people walking around, not paying attention, talking, holding drinks or whatnot and get smacked upside the head with a puck. It all started after a 14-year old girl was killed by a puck during an NHL game. (had to do a research paper on that for a class once)

It does, however, have the nice side effect of slowing down the spring-a$$es from walking all over you while the game is going on.:thumbsup:

How about like a roller coaster bar that lowers over the seats during the game? It only comes up between quarters and at the half.:w00t:
The only thing that is worse are those people that go in and out of a row like 349086705324 times a game. For some reason, like half the people in my row are like that...and lucky me on the aisle.:glare:
We must be on the same row. I'm on the aisle too and it drives me insane! :crazy:
Maybe we should institute something like the replay system. Aside from halftime, you get 1 "Leave and Return" per game which can only be used during a timeout or possesion change. If you get up and leave your seat for a second time, you are not allowed to return.

Man Law?
Thats actually a risk management/safety issue. They don't want the people walking around, not paying attention, talking, holding drinks or whatnot and get smacked upside the head with a puck. It all started after a 14-year old girl was killed by a puck during an NHL game. (had to do a research paper on that for a class once)

It does, however, have the nice side effect of slowing down the spring-a$$es from walking all over you while the game is going on.:thumbsup:

How about like a roller coaster bar that lowers over the seats during the game? It only comes up between quarters and at the half.:w00t:

Ahhh makes sense. a fortunate side effect then :thumbsup:
It doesn't seem petty when you're hearing it for the 374th time.
I'll agree to the point that spoiled children who can't behave probably should stay away.The only true fans I have ever really been annoyed by was once a UGA fan, probably a student, at a game in Neyland , he had to have been on crack.He yelled crazily.Another was a game a few years ago, a UT older fan, at Neyland, people were leaving their seats around him, and the last one was UT vs Arkansas game, 50 plus year old UT fan in Neyland, 98 season, stood up, looked around at the crowd, and started saying weird stuff.I'm really more concerned with the older cucks around, the children I have sat around never annoyed me, I suppose it's a parent thing you just learn to overlook.
Yeah, I was in the student section at the time. We had a player down, and Bama started cheering and stuff up and around the jumbotron area. Us students took offense, and soon began chanting "F*** you Bama!" Not to mention there were a ton of middle fingers pointed right at the Bama fans. My parents were on the other side of the stadium, and said they could clearly hear us.
No lie . . . I've said for a long time that there needs to be a "Seatbelt Sign" on the scoreboard to let people know when it is and isn't appropriate to leave their seat.
100% agree.I always get to my seat early just so I don't have to rudely climb over, in and around, etc.Never leave my seat, often not even during half time, unless I have an end seat.The UF game this year, the game was starting, here comes drunk Tom and Jerry, disrupting everyone, of course the normal standing up on the seat,someone seated in a wrong seat, this plain rude.
When you've endured the Miami to LA red eye with a 3 year old shrieking and its mentally deficient mother warbling stupid songs in a futile attempt to stop the weeping, I'll value your opinion on this issue. Until then, I couldn't care less what you think.

I'm guessing I qualify, then, as a "valued" opinion?

The way I see things is that we, as a society, have a duty to respect the upbringing of our fellow citizens' children. A shopping mall, movie theater, restaurant, and (yes) football stadium are all appropriate locations for a child, if a responsible parent is present. Sure, sometimes things get out of control, and you end up taking home a meal, missing part of a movie, or cutting a trip a little short, and that is the parent's responsibility. The rest of us should be capable of reasonable behavior that excludes profanity, nudity, and violence.

I'm really a little amazed at how many people on this board object to bringing kids to Vol games. I'm actually planning on taking my 2 1/2 year old to Hoops this winter. He loves getting suited up in Orange and White already, and tells me "Go Vols" when I leave for Neyland. Hopefully, we'll end up with seats near some fans who are a little more tolerant of our future generation.

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