What was the first Tennessee game that You attended?

I was a freshman in 1971 so I guess it was Santa Barbara but may have been second game which was Auburn. Can't remember much from back that far (cognitive decline).

I do remember going to a junior varsity game (freshman weren't eligible then) and watching Condredge Holloway dazzle as a freshman. Don't remember who we played though.
My first away game was at Ga. Tech. Sept. 9, 1972. I was wearing an orange Tennessee t shirt and the GT fans were REALLY nasty. It was my first experience in a sports setting of strangers being downright mean and vulger and throwing food and garbage at an opposing fan who was polite, non-confrontational and just cheering for his team (which was beating the holy sh!t out of their sorry excuse for a football team). Then, as Tennessee was about to score yet again, Condredge Holloway threw a quick out to the sidelines at about the 10 yd. line and a GT sweat bee intercepted with nothing but green grass between him and a touchdown. The insect fans went wild until everyone began to notice a small UT player cutting across the field at an angle towards the GT player high steping down the sidelines. Everyone was thinking, he doesn't have a chance. The 30, 40, 50, 40. IS HE GOING TO'- the 30, 25, now it was us UT fans that were going wild and the GT fans starting to look like they were all about to have an exsplosive flatulence attack in church. The 20, the 15, THE 10, OMG! Condredge tackles him at about the 5, saving the touchdown! The Tennessee defence came out and shut the insects down three straight and they kicked a feild goal for their only points of the game. Tennessee 34, Georgia Tech. 3. I walked out amoung the insect fans - what was left of them - with a big smile on my face. "Its GREAT, to be, a Tennessee Vol, I said its Great to be - .
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Tenn vs Kentucky, 1966 as a 13yo kid, couldn't believe how big the stadium was when I walked in.
1st was the freshman game against ND(I think) with Condredge Holloway running all over the field.

Last was the 1990 cotton bowl against arky
1973 liberty bowl Tennessee 7-3 over Maryland and Randy White,if i recall Bill Battle's dad passed away that very night
My first away game was at Ga. Tech. Sept. 9, 1972. I was wearing an orange Tennessee t shirt and the GT fans were REALLY nasty. It was my first experience in a sports setting of strangers being downright mean and vulger and throwing food and garbage at an opposing fan who was polite, non-confrontational and just cheering for his team (which was beating the holy sh!t out of their sorry excuse for a football team). Then, as Tennessee was about to score yet again, Condredge Holloway threw a quick out to the sidelines at about the 10 yd. line and a GT swet bee intercepted with nothing but green grass between him and a touchdown. The insect fans went wild until everyone began to notice a small UT player cutting across the field at an angle towards the GT player high steping down the sidelines. Everyone was thinking, he doesn't have a chance. The 30, 40, 50, 40. IS HE GOING TO'- the 30, 25, now it was us UT fans that were going wild and the GT fans starting to look like they were all about to have an exsplosive flatulence attack in church. The 20, the 15, THE 10, OMG! Condredge tackles him at about the 5, saving the touchdown! The Tennessee defence came out and shut the insects down three straight and they kicked a feild goal for their only points of the game. Tennessee 34, Georgia Tech. 3. I walked out amoung the insect fans - what was left of them - with a big smile on my face. "Its GREAT, to be, a Tennessee Vol, I said its Great to be - .

Sorry the fans at BDS treated you so badly. I remember reading about them throwing frozen fish at the Notre Dame players as they got off the bus at BDS in 1976(GT beat ND 23-14).
1997, opening game against Texas Tech. Sat almost at the top of the upper deck, south endzone. I was thinking, "man I'm glad I'm not drinking, this thing is steep" lol. LOVED the whole atmosphere.

You all will probably say "yeah, we all did".... but, I remember we were unsettled at the RB position and I believe it was Mark Levine that started that game. The whole game I was concerned about our running game, it looked pretty pedestrian.

Even as a young man from high atop the upperdeck south endzone, it was obvious that 31 was gonna be special and he needed to be the starter. No idea why Coach Fulmer waited so long. (yeah, I know it was "pass protection issues")
2006 vs. Cal. That was fun.

First bball game was 2007 vs. MTSU. Before I left for that game, my roommate said he hoped we'd win by 70. We won by 69.
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First home game in 1956 and all home games for the following four years..bowl game in NO. Lots of games since and will be there this season..GO VOLS... Can still climb to my seat and find my way out of Neyland...
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September 23, 2000 vs. Louisiana Monroe. I was like 7 and thought it was so awesome when we beat them by like 70. Still have the ticket.
I can't remember the year, but if I remember correctly it was the five overtime game against Arkansas. My dad, brother and I LOVED it... My mom, not so much.
Better question would be the last game you attended..might weed out some of the riff raff in this place
My first game, cant recall the year, but we played UTAH. Early 80's Johnny Jones still played. (looked it up, 1984)

Best game I ever attended 85 Bama game at Birmingham. My dad got us tickets in a section with old season tix holders. I remember hitting this blue haired lady in the head with my O&W shaker every time UT did anything (took the field, punted, called time out). My dad corrected me until some redneck told me that he would rather have a sister in a whore house than a brother play at UT. My dad stood up and said " that's great because you're more likely to have a sister in a whore house". He told me to shake that shaker at everything that moves after that. Greatest memory I have with my dad at a game.
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