What was the first Tennessee game that You attended?

UCLA in 91. It was outrageously hot.

This was also my first game. It was my freshman year at UT. UT beat UCLA, I think something like 35-20. Carl Pickens was dominant. It was very hot that day, the medics had their hands full with people passing out. Also, with the turf they had at the time, it was like a microwave. But, it was a great experience.
My first game was the 97 Georgia game. I was 7 years old and have been hooked ever since. My uncle and went to school with Chad Clifton and are still great friends. We got to meet some of the players after the game. I still have pictures of my little brothers and I with Chad and Jeff Hall. It was pretty awesome.
My first game, cant recall the year, but we played UTAH. Early 80's Johnny Jones still played. (looked it up, 1984)

Best game I ever attended 85 Bama game at Birmingham. My dad got us tickets in a section with old season tix holders. I remember hitting this blue haired lady in the head with my O&W shaker every time UT did anything (took the field, punted, called time out). My dad corrected me until some redneck told me that he would rather have a sister in a whore house than a brother play at UT. My dad stood up and said " that's great because you're more likely to have a sister in a whore house". He told me to shake that shaker at everything that moves after that. Greatest memory I have with my dad at a game.

Dude, you owe me a new phone. I was all into your bama story, got to the end and spit coffee...all over my PHONE!!!
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