What Was Your "Ugliest Play of the Year" for 2012?

best and ugliest:

Bray completing a pass to Dooley during Florida game.
If we are getting all the bad out before the start of the CBJ era we need to go back much earlier than 2012.

The story really starts with 2008 season (loss to vandy, wyoming), CPF firing, Kiffin embarasments (secondary violations, arrests, etc), Kiffin leaving, Dooley 2010 heartbreaking losses (LSU, UNC), 2011 injuries to bray and Hunter ruining that season, 2011 loss to UK, 2012 team imploding after UF game colapse, beat down by Vandy, and CDD being fired. It's been a rough ride, but its part of telling the story of what CBJ is going to rebuild.

Once CBJ wins his first of many SEC titles it will be one hell of a look back at where we came from and what we went through to get back on top.

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How many times did we see a receiver running wide open and the defense was 10 yards away and totally lost as to what to do?

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