What ya Drinking on Election Night??

Speaking of, this election is like the last call booty pick up. No good choices. No matter who ends up in your bed you regret it the next morning. If your friends knew who you chose they would laugh at you. And you are definitely getting a disease. There is no "best" option, and any sober person would have left the two choices at the bar.
Speaking of, this election is like the last call booty pick up. No good choices. No matter who ends up in your bed you regret it the next morning. If your friends knew who you chose they would laugh at you. And you are definitely getting a disease. There is no "best" option, and any sober person would have left the two choices at the bar.

Damn Louder, how bad are your beer goggles?
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A zombie thread comes back to life!

With all the mail-in voting this year, I doubt the election will be called the night of or even the day after.

And we know with 100% certainty that Donald Trump will NEVER, I repeat NEVER, concede this election to Biden under the premise that it was 'fair' and 'accurate'.

My guess is we're looking at around December 10th before SCOTUS rules on the various suits/issues that Trump sues over, despite losing the vote and EC soundly on November 3rd.

The real question in my mind is what Trump will do next when he's out of office January 21st... I'm guessing a new political TV network.
It will be a new political network.
That was the plan in 2016 and the main reason he was running.....PR
He was already in talks with Roger Ailes and they were planning to hire away a couple of Fox people.
At least that's what people say.
Speaking of, this election is like the last call booty pick up. No good choices. No matter who ends up in your bed you regret it the next morning. If your friends knew who you chose they would laugh at you. And you are definitely getting a disease. There is no "best" option, and any sober person would have left the two choices at the bar.
Going home with no one is not an option.
You pick A or B or you let someone else pick A or B for you. Either way, one of them is getting in your bed.
Going home with no one is not an option.
You pick A or B or you let someone else pick A or B for you. Either way, one of them is getting in your bed.
^^^^^ This mindset is why we are in this situation^^^^^^ How about next time go out on a limb instead of picking the old bar whore.
^^^^^ This mindset is why we are in this situation^^^^^^ How about next time go out on a limb instead of picking the old bar whore.
What does going out on a limb mean? Third party?
I have voted 3rd party before and I imagine I will again in the future, but this is certainly not one of those times.
It will be a new political network.
That was the plan in 2016 and the main reason he was running.....PR
He was already in talks with Roger Ailes and they were planning to hire away a couple of Fox people.
At least that's what people say.

Makes sense. He'll make a mint with all his mindless lemmings. Hopefully we can avoid a civil war prior to his ouster.
I've decided to close up shop the day after the election, I was just wondering what some of you will be doing and what booze will you partake in?

I'm fully expecting marijuana to pass recreationally here in AZ, and I won't be drinking anything to celebrate.

Just a weird observation. Weed was on the ballot in 2016 and people thought it was definitely going to win. A lot of those same people thought Hillary was definitely going to win, and I think some significant portion of that Venn diagram stayed home, and thus weed lost.

This time I'm expecting that same group to show up full force and weed will win in a landslide and Biden could be the first democrat to win AZ since Bill Clinton. It seems the weed opponents have thrown in the towel. Ads attacking the bill were everywhere in 2016 and nowhere to be seen now. Would be funny if weed being on the ballot does indeed flip the presidential vote.
Leyenda Mezcal. After several Mexico City trips, I have learned that Mezcal is now a thing... dammit.
You gotta go to Oaxaca. It's easily the most beautiful area in Mexico and you can spend a week drinking the best mezcal.

Leyenda is good and well rounded. My personal favorite is Vago Ensemble.
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Speaking of, this election is like the last call booty pick up. No good choices. No matter who ends up in your bed you regret it the next morning. If your friends knew who you chose they would laugh at you. And you are definitely getting a disease. There is no "best" option, and any sober person would have left the two choices at the bar.

I know nothing of what you speak.

I have taste, sir.
I've decided to close up shop the day after the election, I was just wondering what some of you will be doing and what booze will you partake in?
None. Boozing it up because your candidate lost is pretty stupid. Boozing it up because your candidate won is also pretty stupid. Just go to bed like normal and get up the next day and go to work like a responsible citizen should. Want a better country? Be a better citizen.
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