What's important to you?

Her mother and other parents have been to endless meetings about the whole situation.

This is a problem that America is facing and the president needs to get involved. Bottom line. So much money has gone in to this war to help a different country while our country struggles.

Like my man Eminem said "No more blood for oil, we have our own battles for fight on our own soil."
Seriously, what would happen if the govt stepped out of our money, our schools, our personal lives, our futures as older people, if we wear our seat belts, if we smoke pot, all of it, what if they just stepped back and the next pres says, to each his or her own as long as you do not infringe on the rights of anyone else. Now the minute someone did do that they would have to deal with the much harsher criminal punishments that would be in place.

We collected all our debt from other countries, we drilled for oil on our own land, we closed our boarders and said fine, y'all deal with your own crap, we're out and seriously, have fun with that.
Her mother and other parents have been to endless meetings about the whole situation.

This is a problem that America is facing and the president needs to get involved. Bottom line. So much money has gone in to this war to help a different country while our country struggles.

Like my man Eminem said "No more blood for oil, we have our own battles for fight on our own soil."

Throwing money at the problem is not the issue....

That is how government deals with a problem, throw money at it and hope that it gets better.

Change starts at the local and state level.
Her mother and other parents have been to endless meetings about the whole situation.

This is a problem that America is facing and the president needs to get involved. Bottom line. So much money has gone in to this war to help a different country while our country struggles.

Like my man Eminem said "No more blood for oil, we have our own battles for fight on our own soil."

I guess, I'm still looking for this oil. While I understand the bumber sticker, I don't understand it, are they storing it in North Dakota and not telling anyone. Considering we get substantially more oil from many other countries, including Venezuela. A semi-stable Iraq, is much better than Iraq controlled by Iran and the current regime. Basis of the oil argument is not lost on me, it is about oil, not that we get it, but who doesn't get it. Oil=money=power, and Mahmoud does enough damage without a very stable economy. Now imagine the influx of Iraq oil, money, power at his finger tips, and rethink the world as we know it. I would also much prefer to fight this perticular battle on foreign soil please. Asking what I want in our next POTUS, one who understands we need less goverment not more. The federal goverment has also taken in record amounts of monies in the past decade, and spent it like drunken sailor with a 2 day pass. So give me a leader that understands fiscal responsibilty also, that would be a great "change" in my opinion.
Her mother and other parents have been to endless meetings about the whole situation.

This is a problem that America is facing and the president needs to get involved. Bottom line. So much money has gone in to this war to help a different country while our country struggles.

Like my man Eminem said "No more blood for oil, we have our own battles for fight on our own soil."

and that's where you're still going wrong. You can't look at it and say "We need that money from the gov't instead of the war". You have to separate that from your local issues.

And going to the mtgs is a decent first step but you have to look at who is running them. If it's the school board then they are elected officials right? Tell them to get it going or they're out of a job. Use the rights you have to create change on a local level. Not only will you be helping the kids with funds but will also teach them a great lesson about responsibility and what their vote can do.

I know it sounds idealistic but it would work if everyone took it seriously. Big changes should be much easier to get done on a local level.
Education is lots more than money.

The latest American Legislative Exchange Council Report Card on American Education underscores this conclusion. 2 Typical was New Jersey, which had the highest per-pupil expenditure ($10,241) in the 1996-1997 school year and the second smallest pupil-to-teacher ratio. New Jersey received nearly 50 percent of its public education funding from federal sources, yet its students ranked 39th on the 1998 Scholastic Aptitude Test. Conversely, Minnesota, which ranked 27th in per-pupil spending ($5,826), received the highest ranking in student achievement on the same test.

We're spending money like crazy so how come it looks more like good money after bad?

Charts-- 10 Facts About K-12 Education Funding
VBN, Have you been in an urban school lately? It's not like the schools I went to. Crime? I challenge you to watch a couple of episodes of the "First 48" on the AE channel. You'll start to see a common denominator in all the murders. The moral compass has gone way beyond what our government can do for these people. There are no family values in these crime riddled areas of the USA. It's all about the bling and bang. When our unemployment is at 5% and we have about 15 to 30 million illegal workers in the USA, I have to say those who don't want to work plain don't work. That is shiftlessness pure and simple.

My solution... When you get a woman pregnant you get a job, raise the kids, and teach them values. Not let the kid be raised by their grandmother who was raised by her grandmother. These guys don't see a man in the house (for the most part) and they don't see mom and dad get up and kiss them, eat breakfast with them, and go to work. I have interviewed several 13 year olds and at first I was surprised when they would tell me that they brought money home to their mom's and then their mom or grandmother would show up and she would be your basic worthless mom who didn't work and had about 3 more kids tagging along or walking down the middle of the street. This is a bigger issue than George Bush or any presidential candidate. I guess most of us are lucky to have the family values we grew up with, but at some point you have to look in the mirror and ask why is everyone around me getting killed/arrested.
I could not agree more. We definitely need to put an end to both the War on Drugs and the War on Poverty. Solidarity, Brother!

What about the War on Education? Oh I forgot, we're winning that one. Education is getting the crap kicked out of it by the US. Hell Yeah!

Stop the war

And do what? It is easy to throw out simple one liners but what comes after that. Would you simply throw those that have worked for democracy to the radicals? Do you pull out and let the country go into a tailspin and become a battleground for factions that have no regard for human life? What comes after?
Yep, before the Iraq war nothing was wrong with this country. Or the world.

Don't you remember those good old days when all people joined hands and sang while drinking a Dr Pepper? Oh no.....wait.... that was an old commercial.
Don't you remember those good old days when all people joined hands and sang while drinking a Dr Pepper? Oh no.....wait.... that was an old commercial.

Yep, if only the war handn't have happened, i would have been rich. Oh well.
:) I dont know who can fix the mess allvol.I dont think it must be Barack if it is Mccain then so be it.

the only way McCain will fix the economy is by surrounding himself with very strong advisors

VN Store
