What's wrong with.......

I'm in the transportation industry. And I've seen Vol fans all across the country. But I grew up on the KY/TN line. Half the people I went to school with were Kentucky hoops fans but Tennessee football fans. Myself. I bleed only orange. But one thing you can't deny is the passion of college sports. But I think to help answer your question. Growing up in an area doesn't necessary tie you to a team. My cousin for some reason grew up a Penn State fan. His brother an Ohio State fan. With both liking Tennessee second best. Yeah I know. Disown the Ohio State guy.LOL
Yep. I went to Pennington Elementary, a hiatus to DCA, then to McGavock for high school. Donelson was great.

I think one of my cousins went to McGavock back in the 80's. She probably graduated in '88.
As Orangethumb stated earlier, it isn't just Middle Tennessee that has that issue. I'm 47 and there have always been UGA and Bama fans in Chattanooga. I grew up in Cleveland, TN and they were there as well. Of course, there are a good bit of Tennessee people that live in NW Georgia I know that work in Chattanooga, so like everyone has said probably has a lot to do with who is winning, etc. Of course, there are always people that could care less about college football, my ex wife for example, she is from NY and when we were dating many years ago, she said "Look at all these BAMA bumper stickers, boy these folks sure do love BAMA Jelly!" Lol! Anyway, I still get a kick out of that and looking forward to my 13 year old son flying in this week from NY and then taking him to the game this coming Sunday night. GBO!
It a was shock to me as well, Fade.

When I moved to Murfreesboro in 2007, the Bama bandwagon hadn't quite started yet. Most people in Middle TN were still UT or UF fans.

By 2010, I was seeing Bama gear everywhere, and most people I met who weren't UT alumni vehemently hated the Vols.

In fact, at one of my jobs during college, I was one of about 3 Vols fans in a staff of 100 or so. Tons of Bama and Florida fans, though.

classic series..
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Middle Tennessee? Let me explain and I welcome all feedback. I grew up in Donelson on the east side of Nashville from 1973 to 1994 and of course, I've always been a die-hard Vol. I never considered cheering for another team, ever. However, I distinctly remember many of my friends choosing to cheer for Bama and have been extremely loyal to them even now from what I read on FB. These are friends that were born and raised in the Nashville area but came to not only love Bama, but actually despise UT. Growing up I didn't think it was all that unusual til I moved first to Texas to complete my graduate work, then moved here in Arkansas for the last 17 years. Everyone here that is from here and lives here loves the Razorbacks without exception and there just doesn't seem to be any love for any other SEC team unless you moved here from another state (like me). Maybe it's my orange colored lenses, but I just can't fathom how people who were born and raised in Nashville, with no other ties to the state of Alabama can just make up their mind to love our most hated rival. Now, I know Memphis is unique case because of where they are located in proximity to Ole Miss and Arkansas. But Nashville? What's the deal?

So my question is for you guys who live in other states, is this unusual? Or is it common in other states for people who were born in the state you live in to become fans of other schools, even rivals?

Disease is everywhere! Ebola, bama fans, Gators.


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Random thoughts--

-Birmingham is a quicker drive for many in and around mid tn
-bama has been winning. Fewer bandwagon UT fans and more bandwagon bama fans.
-many alumni in the area. Local private school kids may qualify for bama and not UT. Then you have a new fan and if parents weren't die hard Vols, they are now bama fans. I have multiple friends that have or recently had kids at bama. They went to MBA and St Cecelia and qualified for Ole Miss and Alabama, but not UT.
-growing population with people from everywhere
-everybody likes a winner.
-kids @ 15 and under don't recall UT being good or fun to watch, so they weren't fans and wonder why there is loyalty to them.

I lived in Chicago and couldn't believe all the die hard Cub's fans that were so very loyal.
Chattanooga is infested with Bammers. I know a lot of people I grew up with, here in Chatt, that are exactly like you describe. I don't get it.

I live in Lookout Valley. I know exactly what you mean. Bammers are dug in here like ticks. I see far more Alabama flags flying than I see UT flags and it pisses me off!
I live in Lookout Valley. I know exactly what you mean. Bammers are dug in here like ticks. I see far more Alabama flags flying than I see UT flags and it pisses me off!

But could they name last years starting QB? Most fans don't truly care they just wanna be part of the cool winning crowd. Half the state of Bama talks big but they don't care if they wath the game or not just tell them who won.
Yep. I went to Pennington Elementary, a hiatus to DCA, then to McGavock for high school. Donelson was great.

Grew up in MJ, moved to Chattanooga for college & grad school. My whole life I've seen Bama fans come out of the woodwork, with no real ties to the school. I guess every school has fans like that, but Bammers just really get on my nerves.
I was born in West Tennessee and moved to Florida when I was 2 as my dad was looking for a better wage. He raised me as a Big Orange fan even though we lived near Orlando (behind enemy lines). When I was growing up, there were Gators all around but they weren't near as obnoxious as they are these days. (However, a lot of them are pretty humble after last year's 4-8 season.) My older and younger brothers are both Gators but they are the black sheep of the family. I am raising my daughter in all that is Orange and Holy! She is a freshman at UCF, but is a UT fan through and through. She hates UF like I hate bammer. Down here, Florida obviously is No. 1 in terms of fans. FSU is pretty strong, but here in the Orlando area, UCF has come on huge lately with their Fiesta Bowl win over Baylor last year. Miami has a few fans, but they are way down the list. Yes, there are the bandwagon Bammers down here, as well, but there are also a decent amount of UGA fans. Those of us who are Big Orange fans are not a big number, but it's more than you might think. There are also a smattering of northern teams like Michigan, TOSU, Penn St., ND... It's a mishmash due to the nature of those living here. Not a lot of natives.
Bammers were big in MT during the late 80s early 90s but Fulmer dried them up pretty quick. By 1998, you had to look hard to find one. They came out like cockroaches at midnight once Saban took over.
Grew up in nolensville during same time 73-91. Lots of bammer fans from Lincoln county that I was friends with. Had a ton of relatives in tullahoma. Just the way the mid state is. BTW Dca was our highschool rival guy named scooter was a big running back for them.
Chattanooga is infested with Bammers. I know a lot of people I grew up with, here in Chatt, that are exactly like you describe. I don't get it.

I'm in Chattanooga also and know way too many Bama fans here who were born and raised in TN with absolutely no ties to the state of Alabama. Itt mind boggling to say the least.

All I can surmise is that there are a special breed of people who want to go against the norm, so they pick the opposite extreme.
I'm in Chattanooga also and know way too many Bama fans here who were born and raised in TN with absolutely no ties to the state of Alabama. Itt mind boggling to say the least.

All I can surmise is that there are a special breed of people who want to go against the norm, so they pick the opposite extreme.

I always thought Chattanooga had a crap load of Georgia fans.
I was born and raised in Kentucky and I've always been a Tennessee fan!
Grew up in nolensville during same time 73-91. Lots of bammer fans from Lincoln county that I was friends with. Had a ton of relatives in tullahoma. Just the way the mid state is. BTW Dca was our highschool rival guy named scooter was a big running back for them.

Have you seen Nolenville recently? Wish I would've bought or invested in buying a bunch of land there @ 15-20 years ago.
The Nashville area has always had a large number of "front runner" or "wagon jumper" fans. Over the past 15 years I can remember seeing nothing but the other UT stickers on cars during morning commutes, and when they started to fade and Florida was winning that was all you could see on the cars. Now all you see is "Bamers". Nashville has always been a business gateway, and tons of people have transferred here over the years. Most jump from team to team just so they can feel good.
I coach middle school baseball and football, and In baseball season all the parents tell me how big of Braves fans they are, and I always ask them to tell me about Dale Murphy and only one in 5 years new who he was.
Middle Tennessee? Let me explain and I welcome all feedback. I grew up in Donelson on the east side of Nashville from 1973 to 1994 and of course, I've always been a die-hard Vol. I never considered cheering for another team, ever. However, I distinctly remember many of my friends choosing to cheer for Bama and have been extremely loyal to them even now from what I read on FB. These are friends that were born and raised in the Nashville area but came to not only love Bama, but actually despise UT. Growing up I didn't think it was all that unusual til I moved first to Texas to complete my graduate work, then moved here in Arkansas for the last 17 years. Everyone here that is from here and lives here loves the Razorbacks without exception and there just doesn't seem to be any love for any other SEC team unless you moved here from another state (like me). Maybe it's my orange colored lenses, but I just can't fathom how people who were born and raised in Nashville, with no other ties to the state of Alabama can just make up their mind to love our most hated rival. Now, I know Memphis is unique case because of where they are located in proximity to Ole Miss and Arkansas. But Nashville? What's the deal?

So my question is for you guys who live in other states, is this unusual? Or is it common in other states for people who were born in the state you live in to become fans of other schools, even rivals?

Your observation is quite accurate and pertains to what I consider to be the first great tidal wave of Alabama bandwagonism. We are, of course, currently living through the second one. It would be very interesting to compare the demographics of Alabama bandwagon fans from the two generations. I suspect, but certainly do not know, that they are heavily populated by people who were then just coming of age in terms of developing their fan affiliation. After it is forged, it remains, as you observed, rather inflexible.

The first portion of the period during which you lived in Nashville was Bear Bryant's second great run. From 1971-1979, they were, and I hate to type these numbers, 97-11. Those were the dark years when Bear Bryant ruled the SEC with an iron fist in the form of a lethal wishbone offense to go along with his usually rugged defense. For people who don't possess the intestinal fortitude to support a team through thick and thin, a team riding that kind of high is as close to a sure thing as you will find in team sports. Of course, those bandwagon fans became very quiet during our seven-game winning streak and have undoubtedly returned in full force, accompanied by a younger generation of people who also feel the need to always support a winning team.
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