My advice would be to network all through college and keep your options open, unless you are looking at premed. I started out as a business major, then finished a degree in comm after wasting a couple years of minor league ball. I'm in the medical business now, 15 yrs later, as a distributor, but cut my teeth with some major corporations beginning in '98. It's a highly competitive business, but I have seen some incredible things done in the OR. It's also allowed me time to be heavily involved with my kids and continue to volunteer coach on a few different levels. What I know now, at 40, is to always have your options open and don't be afraid of failure. A very wise man told me years ago that some people get on a train and see what happens, while others wonder where the train went and if it will come back again. Best of luck. Great idea to post a question like this. You are already ahead of the game.