When did vulgar UT shirts become a thing?

Get them into death metal. You cant understand the lyrics or read the band logo names so its win/win. No harm no foul.
That's good, had to give you a like for creativity.

I watch various sports with friends who have middle school and high school age kids, and sometimes these kids join us. Since I also teach and might have these kids in class at some point, I have to be extra careful. I mean, teachers are regular people too, but if we curse on occasion outside of school or have an adult beverage in a perfectly legal situation, we are considered by some to be unprofessional. As a result, even if I wanted to wear a shirt with something vulgar on it, there's no way I could and maintain any shred of credibility in my small community. I guess my "I Hate Kentucky" and "Florida Sucks" shirts will have to suffice. 😉
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it has shock value lol I would never say something like that in front of my parents.. you will get smacked 😂 it’s like if you called a lady a see you next Tuesday.. it’s not cool lol

Agreed... But what makes that work worse than similar sounding words that mean the same thing?
Leaving the Bama game I saw a shirt that said:


I kinda laughed but also thought he probably wouldn’t approve of that shirt. Just an assumption that a guy that listens to gospel music for pregame and wrote a children’s book wouldn’t go for that.
You should listen to my 14 year old's Spotify playlists. My wife and I are constantly amazed on what is said in some of these "songs" and my daughter routinely lets some of these words slip. Obviously when I was a teen it seemed cool to cuss, but there were words (f-word, c-word, b-word, etc..) that we just didn't say especially in front of adults (our parents or friends parents). This is just another example of how the entertainment industry is trying to subvert societal norms and indoctrinate our children. jmo

I was listening to music with some pretty foul language in the 90s. It’s not a new phenomenon.

And when I watch PG movies from the 80s with my kids I sometimes wonder how my parents let me watch that stuff.
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Usually uneducated people use vulgar words a lot in their vocabulary. They do this because they can think of no other way to express their thoughts or emotions to other people. I would be upset by an adult doing that in front of any small children. No excuse or reason for it.
I think you nailed it. I’ve wondered myself about the vocabulary choices of many folks. It seems a lot of people can’t say more than 5-10 words without using at least one “cuss” word.
Just something I noticed at the orange bowl was a lot of fans wearing shirts emblazoned with an f-bomb on the front. This was easily seen in crowd shots as well when I rewatched the broadcast.

Maybe it's been going on for a while and I didn't notice. Maybe it took the really drunk lady in front of us screaming for my kids to read her shirt. Maybe I'm just old and need to buy one too be cool again. Idk
Vulgar shirts were sold in the way to the stadium when I was in college back in the late 90s. The message was always tailored to the opposition for that week.
Just something I noticed at the orange bowl was a lot of fans wearing shirts emblazoned with an f-bomb on the front. This was easily seen in crowd shots as well when I rewatched the broadcast.

Maybe it's been going on for a while and I didn't notice. Maybe it took the really drunk lady in front of us screaming for my kids to read her shirt. Maybe I'm just old and need to buy one too be cool again. Idk
I’m not a fan of that kind of stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I cuss like a Sailor, I actually was one for 30 yrs until recently. But Tennessee football has always been a family thing to me and that stuff ruins it. maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but there it is.
I can’t stand that stuff when the Crowd chants “F you” whoever. It’s lazy, it’s not creative . I’d rather spend time cheering for our own than doing that.
Random, useless fact, it's going on 28 years since I said a cuss word now. Not saying that like I'm better than anyone. I was just bad before my Christian days, and it was something that bothered me, so when the good Lord changed me, I didn't want to anymore. That said, kiffin, Dooley, Butch, and Pruitt really made me come close 🤣
Vulgar shirts were sold in the way to the stadium when I was in college back in the late 90s. The message was always tailored to the opposition for that week.
I was at UT then and don't remember any of those. Some with questionable innuendo but nothing that just said it straight out
I can almost agree with everyone here - or at least see your point of view. It seems the determining factor with any behavior these days comes down to its effect on another persons “rights” or freedom. As long as you are not “hurting” someone else it seems you are OK - but should that be the only “rule” ? The envelope continues to be pushed farther each generation. Standards for vulgar or indecent were usually just “standards” … sure you were free to behave as you like - but you may might lose a promotion, a date, a friend, or other opportunities. These days not so much. But the bigger question for ME is why does everyone want to be so offensive towards others ? I mean what’s wrong with making the effort to NOT offend ?
The F-bomb has been cheapened culturally over recent years. When I was a kid, that was the baddest of the bad, wash your mouth out with soap word.
Random, useless fact, it's going on 28 years since I said a cuss word now. Not saying that like I'm better than anyone. I was just bad before my Christian days, and it was something that bothered me, so when the good Lord changed me, I didn't want to anymore. That said, kiffin, Dooley, Butch, and Pruitt really made me come close 🤣
Better make sure all the grandkids pick up all their legos
Would you want your mom, grandmother, former teacher or minister to see you wearing that?
My seats are D-56 and the F words started in the Fla game and also Ala; not sure I remember them much in other games. Guess I was so impressed the large number of students coming early, cheering loudly the entire game that I tuned it out. Was also happy that many of them sang the national anthem. In my senior years, just try to find positivity when I can. Also laughed when several students asked me to join them in the aisle at the Ala game when we were getting ready to kick the winning field goal.
My first girlfriend’s mom heard me cuss one day when I was a teenager. Will never ever forget her response “ it shows a lack of intelligence that you couldn’t think of a better word to use there “. I remember feeling really small, but it has stuck with me my entire life

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