I'm not against the wealthy, but I'm not a fan of inheritance. Everybody should earn theirs. I will do my best to give my kids and grandkids every opportunity to succeed, but I'm not going to just hand them money. I'm dead set for cutting to the bare minimum before any tax increase, but I would support an increase in estate taxes before any others.
That's my class warfare.
I'm not against the wealthy, but I'm not a fan of inheritance. Everybody should earn theirs. I will do my best to give my kids and grandkids every opportunity to succeed, but I'm not going to just hand them money. I'm dead set for cutting to the bare minimum before any tax increase, but I would support an increase in estate taxes before any others.
That's my class warfare.
I'm not against the wealthy, but I'm not a fan of inheritance. Everybody should earn theirs. I will do my best to give my kids and grandkids every opportunity to succeed, but I'm not going to just hand them money. I'm dead set for cutting to the bare minimum before any tax increase, but I would support an increase in estate taxes before any others.
That's my class warfare.
Right right, of course, how could I forget.
I suppose "rich" people also forced them to drop out of high school, have about 3-4 illegitimate kids, not learn proper english and dress like a hobo?
I don't understand why they shouldn't be paid $100,000 a year, they obviously earned it.
Wow the pitchfork mob really came out in full force for that one. My opinion is that if we are going to fight the defecit with reduced spending and increased revenue, then an inheritance tax will have the least amount of negative effects on the economy. I don't believe that placing increased tax on the +$1M inheritances will in any way slow down wealth creation. At least not as much as any other tax. We have a deficit, you don't solve that by taking all increased revenue off the table (and if you reread my last post, I only support this after spending cuts).
And I probably wouldn't preach this message if I had a $1M inheritance. Just like a teacher isn't asking for a higher salary, or I'm not protesting against nuclear energy. Doesn't change my opinion. /real talk
Wow the pitchfork mob really came out in full force for that one. My opinion is that if we are going to fight the defecit with reduced spending and increased revenue, then an inheritance tax will have the least amount of negative effects on the economy. I don't believe that placing increased tax on the +$1M inheritances will in any way slow down wealth creation. At least not as much as any other tax. We have a deficit, you don't solve that by taking all increased revenue off the table (and if you reread my last post, I only support this after spending cuts).
Why is it a pitchfork mob? Just because most disagree with your point - it seems people have just been stating opinion as you have but since it's counter to yours you perceive it as an attack?
So your opinion would remain the same if you were the one having to cough up part of your inheritance because it "wasnt fair"? Its easy to ask others to pick up the tax difference when it isnt you who is going to have to pay for it. IMO
As far as any tax is "fair", when the estate tax is compared to sales tax, corporate tax, income tax, etc.. it has the lowest argument for what is "fair" because it was not earned by the individual receiving it. The person who earned it is dead. Whatever the individual has earned has no reflection on inheritance. And I'm not recommending taking all of it, but if you're asking me if I care whether an individual receieve $2.5M or $2M for being born into the right family, I don't. I'd rather see that than 15 people making $40k bring in an equivalent of $32k. To close that gap.