You can believe whatever fairy tale or mythos your heart desires. You can not discriminate against other people, or force them to your standard of beliefs.
You can as well... and you can't either.
You keep mentioning business owners who might not agree with homosexuality. So the F what? They have to treat human beings equally.
So IOW's they cannot believe whatever they want and you CAN discriminate against them and force them to comply with your standard of beliefs, right?
I have no problem whatsoever with a homosexual or a sympathetic company saying there's no place with them for someone who holds moral convictions contrary to theirs. I disagree but respect the right of companies to offer benefits to homosexual partners.
I do have a problem with people like you demanding thta those with different convictions cannot do what they believe is right.
If that is somehow counter to one's Christian beliefs:
1. They should re-evaluate their interpretation of the Bible
Really? Teach us teacher. This ought to be "fun". Tell us how we ought to interpret Romans 1... it isn't really open to interpretation very much. It isn't ambiguous. Both in the normal reading AND in the context of the time it was written... it declares homosexuality to be immoral and the net result of man's vain rejection of God and godliness.
2. They should re-evaluate why one would choose to believe something so obviously archaic and fantastical
Ah, truth is to be measured and rejected on the basis of how long it has been believed and in spite of the contributions it has made to civilization?
Fantastical? If you would like to get into it, I have asked a question many times of those who believe in naturalism/evolution... a question of simple, straightforward logic. The only well-reasoned answer I have ever gotten is "I don't know but believe there is an answer".
The anti-homosexuality movement is just hate and evil. Nothing else.
There are people who hate homosexuals and commit acts of violence against them. There a vile anti-Christians like Westboro Baptist who shame genuine Bible believing Christians.
That said, you are absolutely, positively wrong. There is nothing inherently "hateful" about disagreeing with someone. I challenge you to find and document wholesale abuse of homosexuals at the hands of conservative Christians.
There is nothing any more evil about opposing a belief/behavior and discouraging its acceptance if you believe that it does terrible harm to people than if you were discouraging someone from playing chicken with city buses. Sometimes the most loving thing you can possibly do is disagree with someone and oppose them. Making someone angry is not the measure of whether you are acting lovingly toward them or not.
You can believe what you like but it is alien to the actual facts to believe that homosexuality is a harmless behavior. The medical evidence is absolutely overwhelming.