That's not what you said. You said that a business owner must be forced to accept your view.
You are not being intellectually honest or consistent.
That simplistic answer once again suggests that you have a very shallow knowledge of what you so aggressively oppose. That is almost always an indication of someone who has arbitrarily precluded a possible ideal or answer. So the net result there is exactly what we started this with. I can believe what I want but my actions must be governed by what you believe. You just cannot bring yourself to be genuinely tolerant, can you?
Tolerance IS NOT agreement or even assent. Tolerance is when two parties continue to disagree without trying to impose on one another or dominate each other. I think it is a pretty reasonable assumption that I know more conservative, fundamental Christians than you do. I can all but guarantee that I've had more frank, unguarded conversations with many of them than you have. Seldom over the course of many years have their words carried the contempt that yours have in this brief conversation.
Matthew 7:5
However thank you for admitting that you cannot answer my challenge or perhaps are scared to try.
Your apparent system of belief isn't new, just recycled... and you have likewise chosen to measure the existence of the universe by its tenets.
BTW, I have embraced what you just said... by no means am I running from the idea that I have presuppositions derived from a worldview that ultimately depends on matters of faith. You on the other hand are.
Cause and effect is a universal law. It is a law that naturalists/materialists often relish in and use to mock supernatural points of view.
So assuming you believe the Big Bang theory of cosmology and therefore the universe did have a beginning... What was the prime cause? In reality, you believe ultimately... and put your faith in a causeless effect... which is a logical fallacy.
To the supernaturalist, God transcends the natural reality and makes a perfectly logical prime cause. To the pure monist, the universe is a continuum of oneness so it really doesn't matter. But to the honest naturalist who must depend so heavily and so often on arguments of cause/effect... this question is catastrophic.
Homosexuality and Gonorrhea - Conservapedia
If you don't like the source, just follow their references before dismissing them "closed mindedly".
None other than form Surgeon General C Everett Coup said that the human anus was not designed for sex and that a whole host of health problems stem from misusing it sexually.
The format of your posts makes it very hard to reply to you.
I am being intellectually honest, but you can keep trying to marginalize my dissenting opinion if it makes you feel better. I'm saying he has to treat everyone the same, regardless of what he believes. If he supplies benefits for the significant others of employees, he should do it for all them regardless of their orientation. That isn't that complicated. All because you disagree and think you should be able to arbitrarily treat people based on how well they are morally aligned to your own beliefs doesn't make ME intellectually dishonest. I know that makes you feel better to make me out to be the bully, but it's weak. I'm sorry it offends you that I won't "tolerate" your discrimination. Discrimination is against the spirit of this country and against the law.
You don't know me from any other person you have never met, so I am not sure how you can reasonably assume anything. Given that the places I have lived and grown up in have always been overwhelmingly conservative, and that I was raised in a very conservative home, I would say it's safe to assume you have greatly miscalculated in your assumptions about me and my life experiences. The source of the "contempt in this brief conversation" is actually the many experiences speaking to conservative Christians and their smug circular logic.
exhibit A of said logic:
I asked what your question was and you never offered it. Now you smugly say I have " admitted" to not being able to answer your question, or being "afraid" to- A question you NEVER ASKED. Wow.
The "afraid" part is actually exhibit B:
You smugly think that somehow I, deep down inside, actually think you're RIGHT, and am in self-denial about it. Also, it attempts to emasculate me- again, an attempt to marginalize my disagreement with you. Keep it up, it's funny how you keep talking about how "simple" and "ignorant" I must be.
I never made any claims about the oldness or the newness of my belief system. Some point to the "old time religion" business as being part of the legitimacy of the Judeo-Christian belief system. I was merely pointing out that it wasn't really THAT old, unless you are a Judeo-Christian. But one would have to believe that their tradition goes back to near the beginning if you believe it, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense, right? Why would the world and humans be around for tens of thousands of years before the Adam and Eve story was first recorded, and the One God concept became realized? The modern Christian concept of the age of the Earth being only 6,000 years old is really a cage. If that is true, then why are there older relics, older belief systems, and all those matters archeology, not even considering the natural world? If that isn't true, why would God be absent for tens of thousands of years of human prehistory, and then suddenly show up?
In summary, the young Earthers are the ones who are being intellectually dishonest, and if one isn't a young Earther, then there are still some serious questions they should be asking themselves.
So assuming you believe the Big Bang theory of cosmology and therefore the universe did have a beginning... What was the prime cause? In reality, you believe ultimately... and put your faith in a causeless effect... which is a logical fallacy.
So, you hope to put me in a "gotcha" position by saying I also have to have "faith" in my beliefs, and bring up the origin of the Big Bang Theory.
First, let me address it scientifically: The Big Bang Theory is not a logical fallacy. You are speaking of cause and effect as being only a linear relationship, when we KNOW time isn't linear. Even in Christian faith, it is said that God is omnipotent and omniscient, which means you have "faith" in the non-linear nature of time, so I won't bother going into any discussion of physics and relativity. With time being non-linear, it means there is no "first" cause, but rather a closed circle of events- a never ending sequence of "big bangs" and eventual universal collapses, repeating over and over. So no, I don't have faith in a logical fallacy. And there will always be margins to humanity's knowledge.
But let's say I did. You are equating saying there is an invisible all powerful being that made everything because an old tradition said so, to believing in the conclusions of observations made about the natural world and it's processes. How is that equal? I won't bore us with the ole "Invisible Spaghetti Monster" bit, but it is a relevant response.
To the supernaturalist, God transcends the natural reality and makes a perfectly logical prime cause. To the pure monist, the universe is a continuum of oneness so it really doesn't matter. But to the honest naturalist who must depend so heavily and so often on arguments of cause/effect... this question is catastrophic.
I bet that brought the house down when the pastor delivered that last line.
There is nothing logical about a faith-based belief, by definition, so God is not a perfectly logical prime cause. What he is, is a perfect catch-all explanation based on no reasoning or fact. "Why is the sky blue? God made it that way. " That's nice. We could go around doing that all day. But we wouldn't really be learning anything at all, would we? Whether God made the sky blue or not, the sky is blue because the molecules in the atmosphere scatter the blue light from the sun much more effectively than the reds, yellows, and other colors due to the wave length of the energy waves and the size of the particles that make up the atmosphere.
See the difference? One is just a faith-based concept. One is a tested scientific fact. Even if we had no idea what triggered the Big Bang, getting to the point where we have evidence that that was the event that started the universe is a lot more logical and rigorous than saying, "God made the universe."
You do know that many heterosexual couples engage in anal intercourse, right? Even married ones!
Also, how many lesbians engage in anal intercourse, do you think? I am betting a very tiny amount. So are gay women okay then?
Human sexuality is by it's nature prone to the spread of disease, homosexual or not.
And it's ironic that you brought up gonorrhea, one of the diseases that decimated the new world and wiped out 90 % of the natives. It was brought over by heterosexual European Christians.