Which NFL team will Broncos/Manning fans flock to when Peyton retires?

RAVENS!!! I was born and raised in Knoxville. I bleed Orange. However, I joined the military and moved away in the late 80's. I moved back to Knoxville for a short time in the early 90's but moved to Maryland shortly thereafter. I was here when the Baltimore Ravens started in 1996. It is my first NFL team. I see we have some Steelers fans on this board and I really enjoy the rivalry of the Ravens/Steelers. They are some of the best, most brutal games in the NFL. Living up here it is on the level of Vols/gators and Vols/Bama (when it was a rivalry). I will always be a Manning fan no matter who he plays for. But I only root for one NFL team as I only root for one college team.
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Redskins. If I stayed a fan during Spurrier I guess you can call me a die hard. A glutton for punishment
RAVENS!!! I was born and raised in Knoxville. I bleed Orange. However, I joined the military and moved away in the late 80's. I moved back to Knoxville for a short time in the early 90's but moved to Maryland shortly thereafter. I was here when the Baltimore Ravens started in 1996. It is my first NFL team. I see we have some Steelers fans on this board and I really enjoy the rivalry of the Ravens/Steelers. They are some of the best, most brutal games in the NFL. Living up here it is on the level of Vols/gators and Vols/Bama (when it was a rivalry). I will always be a Manning fan no matter who he plays for. But I only root for one NFL team as I only root for one college team.

Good post, and I especially agree with your
last sentence. I'll never understand having more than 1 favorite team. Steelers all the way(I do respect the Ravens though, they are a well run organization)
I'm originally from Maryville and most people seemed to be Titans or Colts fans prior to PM's move to Denver. Now it's mostly Titans or Broncos fans. There are also a fair amount of Packers fans thanks to Reggie White and Randall Cobb.

Which teams seem to be most popular where y'all are from in TN?
Seriously? After watching the SB catastrophe you said that?

Sure, I cursed and shook my fist at the screen, jumped up and down like a madman, then went into a deep depression after halftime. But thats because I actually CARED who won. Without PM, I honestly can say, I really dont care. Sure, I like watching me some fooseball over beer with my buds but I dont really care anything about the teams or the players. Means I just have to limit my caring for sports to Saturdays in the fall.
I grew up a Cowboys fan. Most people from the 70s & 80s in the South liked either the Falcons or Cowboys. Much more selection these days. MY top three will remain in order:

Titans, Broncos, Cowboys.
Vols, Air Force, whoever stomps bama/gators.
I am a Steelers fan and have been on since 1979.

I even supported them when Kordell Stewart was the q.b. When Bubby Brister was the q.b. When Mark Malone was the q.b.
When Tommy Maddox was the q.b.

I don't see how people change teams along the way.

They're traitors. Or turncoats. Or bandwagonners. Or they simply have a lack of loyalty.
They're traitors. Or turncoats. Or bandwagonners. Or they simply have a lack of loyalty.

Nope. It's just that East Tennessee has never had an NFL franchise. A lot of people I know, including myself, see the Titans as a Nashville team or even a Texas team still. We just care more about the SEC. The NFL never was a big deal when I was growing up, so people generally followed players as opposed to a franchise. In my experience, loyalty to professional sports teams is more common in those who grew up in a city/town where there was an actual "home team". Otherwise, people randomly pick a team and follow that team for a variety of reasons. Example: I don't care how much a Tennessean loved the Patriots, New Englanders would never consider them to be a true fan, because they weren't "born" into it. Saying someone is a turncoat and disloyal because they refuse to throw their allegiance behind a team hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away with no connection to them, is just silly. I bleed Orange and am a VFL. I follow the NFL for fun.
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Nope. It's just that East Tennessee has never had an NFL franchise. A lot of people I know, including myself, see the Titans as a Nashville team or even a Texas team still. We just care more about the SEC. The NFL never was a big deal when I was growing up, so people generally followed players as opposed to a franchise. In my experience, loyalty to professional sports teams is more common in those who grew up in a city/town where there was an actual "home team". Otherwise, people randomly pick a team and follow that team for a variety of reasons. Example: I don't care how much a Tennessean loved the Patriots, New Englanders would never consider them to be a true fan, because they weren't "born" into it. Saying someone is a turncoat and disloyal because they refuse to throw their allegiance behind a team hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away with no connection to them, is just silly. I bleed Orange and am a VFL. I follow the NFL for fun.

I follow the NFL for fun, mainly fantasy league these days. When the Steelers lose, I'm over it the next day. When the Vols lose, it takes weeks, months , and in some cases, years to move on.
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Definitely the titans and the Carolina panthers. I grew up in North Carolina. I used to be obsessed with Steve McNair and Eddie George wih the titans so I've always liked them too.
1994 played San Diego and lost 13 - 17 in Conference Championship

1997 played Denver and lost 21 - 24 in Conference Championship

1996 played New England and lost Tomscak threw 2 interceptions score 3 - 28

2001 played New England and lost Kordell threw 3 interceptions Score 17 - 24

2002 played the Titans and lost 31 - 34.

With the right q.b., they could have advanced to the Superbowl in a couple of those seasons.

Can't you pretty much say that about every team that makes the playoffs?
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Manning will likely root for the Giants until his brother retires, then I have no idea who he will root for, maybe his former teams, Colts or Broncos?

Have you noticed that both of his teams are horses? Colts & Broncos.

Another possibility is that he buys a team of his own and roots for it.

Or he'll likely be an television analyst.
I started being a Colts fan back when Jim Harbaugh was there, so Peyton coming in was really great. Then we got the Titans, so I felt that as a Tennessean, I should go with them (while still liking the Colts). When Peyton left, I decided to go ahead and just be a dedicated Titans fan. I'd like to think that I'm a little more serious football fan than to just follow one guy around.
Philly because their fans look like the most fun to be around, but I don't really care who wins in the NFL. I like to see former VOLS do well, but I don't have a team.
I started being a Colts fan back when Jim Harbaugh was there, so Peyton coming in was really great. Then we got the Titans, so I felt that as a Tennessean, I should go with them (while still liking the Colts). When Peyton left, I decided to go ahead and just be a dedicated Titans fan. I'd like to think that I'm a little more serious football fan than to just follow one guy around.

I really want to get to the point where I truly care about a particular NFL team. I'm just not sure there is room in my heart or life for much more than the Vols. It's hard for me not to cheer on former Vols, so I find it difficult to be a true fan of any particular NFL team, because they may at some point play against Peyton, Eric, etc.

I definitely think it would be easier if there was an NFL team I felt some sort of connection to. However, East Tennessee has never really had a "home team" in the NFL, so I didn't grow up feeling any ties to any team other than the Vols.

I figure I'll either try and stay a Denver fan or move on to the Packers (wife is a fan, Randall Cobb, Reggie White) or Titans (closest thing E Tennessee has to a team).

My loyalty when it comes to football is Orange. I'm not sure how good of an NFL fan I'll ever be, but I'm trying.
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I root for Manning and the NFL team in the city I live. When I lived in Charlotte it was the Panthers and now it is the Falcons. When Peyton retires it will be the dirty birds.
I root for Manning and the NFL team in the city I live. When I lived in Charlotte it was the Panthers and now it is the Falcons. When Peyton retires it will be the dirty birds.

Yeah, it sure would make it easier if I lived in a City/State with an NFL team. Where I'm currently living in VA, most people are either Redskins, Ravens, or Panthers fans. There is no way in the world I could be a Skins fan. Between the Ravens and the Panthers, I lean towards Carolina, but then there is that pesky little problem named Cam.
I became a Colts fan in the mid 90s when Ted Marchibroda was their coach. Manning being drafted by them made me a much bigger Colts fan and I'm still a Colts fan today although I root for Denver and Manning as well. I could never root against Peyton so I even rooted for Denver this past year when they played the Colts. My loyalty to an NFL team pales in comparison to my loyalty to the Vols. I would never root against the Big Orange!

People from the North just don't get this. I tried to explain but had zero luck.
I just don't understand how you guys don't support the team in your own state 3 hours down the road... I mean come on. They aren't even the Nashville Titans, they are the TENNESSEE Titans.

But no, you guys chose to root for a divisional rival for a decade because of one player. Thanks.
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