japanes invaded china and raped and murdered but we just dropped a bigger bomb on them and knocked them back a few steps.
germans killed jews but we killed more germans
and it goes on and on.
america was just very good at kickjing ass and taking names for hundreds of years and still is...its really what we do best and it is the reason we are where we are.
all races have tried to wipe someone out at some point, the white race just did it better.
....for good or bad.
So WWII was all about the US and its Allies proving that might makes right? I'm relatively certain that this could be somewhat accurately defined as Fascism.
Yeah, we possess the greatest military that has ever existed; but that isn't the point in itself. America at its strongest was an America more loved for its humanity than feared for its military prowess.
See generally the Marshall Plan; Berlin Airlift.
See also the Eisenhower Administration.
I have to mention this, so bear with me.
Robert Oppenheimer is generally credited with being the brains behind the Manhattan Project. He was born in New York and taught at UC Berkeley.
The Germans you are thinking of weren't captured until after the war. Lots of German scientists surrendered to the Allies (US, UK, and yes, even France) rather than the Soviets. The most notable of these was Werner von Braun; the father of NASA in terms of technology. Thoroughly a Rocket Scientist, and not a Theoretical Physicist.
Touching on the original point, I've generally been taught that "White Pride" is affiliated with skinheads encumbered with more low self esteem than good sense, effite/bourgeois German officers out of touch with their own army, that creepy fella with the leather fetish from Raiders of the Lost Ark, and other assorted spoonfed nitwits of history.
On the other hand, as a son of East Tennessee, I have always been taught to cherish my heritage through reinactments at King's Mountain, Chalmette, & Chickamauga.
Furthermore, folks celebrate the Scots' side of the family over at Grandfather Mountain during the Highland Games, and the Irish side at every bar in the country here in a couple of weeks.
I think sometimes we are painted, or paint ourselves, as a nation of patchwork, when really it is more accurate to say we are interwoven.
I, for one, don't feel diminished in the least by my lack of "White Pride" or the ability to label my pedigree as such. 'Sides, I find that brush too broad to cover the English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh, Scandanavian, German, Austrian, Swiss, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, etc., etc. all together.