Who Now Best Represents the Republican Party?

Who Now Best Represents the Republican Party?

  • Old School

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Trumpists

    Votes: 18 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If you all are allowed to cheat again it’s possible. Keep in mind your party is running further and further left and very rapidly
Biden is a centrist. But it's nice to see you guys getting your excuses ready early.
He’s far from a centrist he only appears that way because the rest of your party are full commies
Trump wants to hand out thousands of dollars to every household. You can stop with the whose a commie/socialist and who isn't. The two people who have ever gotten the most votes for potus want this. And here you are trying to label the other side. Your boy is no better then they are. Scum.
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Most people on our side is but they attacked her non stop. No matter who is nominated they will be attacked as a racist, homophobe, nazi, white supremacist etc....
Look at what the dementia one said about black conservatives "if you don't vote for me, then you ain't black"
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Republicans are overwhelmingly siding with President Trump over Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), according to a new Axios-Ipsos poll published Wednesday evening.

The poll showed that 62 percent of Republicans think Trump was right to contest the election results and an even higher 69 percent do not blame him for violence at the Capitol last week.

The poll showed that 91 percent of those who identified as “Trump supporters” supported his continued contesting of the election. Of those who identified as “traditional” Republicans, 46 percent supported it, with 36 opposed.

An even higher percentage of Trump supporters — 96 percent — said Trump makes the Republican party better, and a slim majority of traditional Republicans — 51 percent — agreed.

Poll: Republicans Side with President Trump over Mitch McConnell

Heh. So, the insurrection by Trump is a serious issue to most Americans. That the GOP is divided here only weakens them further for future elections.

Face it, trump lost the popular vote of both his elections - and lost badly in 20 by 7 million votes (46.9%).

If 62% of GOP think what he did was right, then some back of the envelop math (assuming they would not vote for someone who supports the inurrection, all other things equal):

46.9% x 62.0% = 29.1%

Folks, if you think your GOP candidate is gonna win (anything) with 29% of the vote, you're dreaming. As an independent, I would vote for the GOP slate if i were unhappy with the Biden/Kamala performance, but I would never vote for someone insane enough to condone the Capitol Insurrection.

The GOP has some serious soul searching to figure out what it stands for. Right now, it's just a giant sh*t show.
Folks, if you think your GOP candidate is gonna win (anything) with 29% of the vote, you're dreaming. As an independent, I would vote for the GOP slate if i were unhappy with the Biden/Kamala performance, but I would never vote for someone insane enough to condone the Capitol Insurrection.
What if they condoned any of the various riots from over the summer?
Cracks me up that after every election one party or the other is dead. Neither is dead. Neither will ever be dead. The GOP will come back in control at some point, bet that.

Figured Cruz, Rubio, and Romney are the GOP moving forward to 2024. This board is hardcore Trump/populist so not a good indicator of the GOP nationally.
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What if they condoned any of the various riots from over the summer?

Well, that would factor into my decision. However, comparing the two events is a false equivalency: One had its origins in the unlawful murder of a minority man at the hands of police (it really happened), while the other's roots were based on the lies of politicians that an election was rigged (it didn't happen). The two events are not even in the same ballpark of moral highground.
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Well, that would factor into my decision. However, comparing the two events is a false equivalency: One had its origins in the unlawful murder of a minority man at the hands of policy (it really happened), while the other's roots were based on the lies of politicians that an election was rigged (it didn't happen). The two events are not even in the same ballpark of moral highground.
Oh, you must not be aware of who you are talking to. I think these police are out of control in this country and need to be reined in. The problem is that these rioters/ and protesters this summer had a beef with police, but instead of going after the police, they burned down and looted Best Buy, Wendy's and the local mom and pop businesses in that area. The police themselves really didn't get much payback.

On the other hand, these protesters last week had a beef with congress and they took it to congress.
Biden is a centrist. But it's nice to see you guys getting your excuses ready early.
he's definitely more moderate than most other Dem candidates that ran but Kamala is not. Will be interesting to see who runs the show. I suspect with no other party to check them, it will be an onslaught of terrible ideas rammed through.
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Oh, you must not be aware of who you are talking to. I think these police are out of control in this country and need to be reined in. The problem is that these rioters/ and protesters this summer had a beef with police, but instead of going after the police, they burned down and looted Best Buy, Wendy's and the local mom and pop businesses in that area. The police themselves really didn't get much payback.

On the other hand, these protesters last week had a beef with congress and they took it to congress.
What was their beef with congress? That they were doing their constitutional duty of finalizing the results of a fair and free election?
Biden is a centrist. But it's nice to see you guys getting your excuses ready early.
He is a centrist dem. He may even be centrist on the world scale. No way to say after working with Obama's heavy handed approach of pen and phone that he is a centrist to this country.
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Well, that would factor into my decision. However, comparing the two events is a false equivalency: One had its origins in the unlawful murder of a minority man at the hands of policy (it really happened), while the other's roots were based on the lies of politicians that an election was rigged (it didn't happen). The two events are not even in the same ballpark of moral highground.
So the outcomes of all those riots doesnt weigh in at all on how "justified" the side was? Interesting.

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