Who Now Best Represents the Republican Party?

Who Now Best Represents the Republican Party?

  • Old School

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Trumpists

    Votes: 18 66.7%

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  • Poll closed .
The Rs only hope in 2024 is a move away from the Romney/McConnrel mold of Republican
Only some Rs hope that. Certainly not enough to win.
Some Ds hoped the party would move much further left than Biden; but not enough to win.
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Trump wants to hand out thousands of dollars to every household. You can stop with the whose a commie/socialist and who isn't. The two people who have ever gotten the most votes for potus want this. And here you are trying to label the other side. Your boy is no better then they are. Scum.
At some point you all are not going to be able to just keep saying but but but Trump, you will have to take responsibility for your boy. He just proposed 1.9 trillion last night and a tax increase, I haven't seen you whine about that. He's called for 6 weeks of mandatory lockdowns. His pals call us KKK members and says we need reeducation camps. He is no moderate like you all want to claim, there aren't any moderates in that party
Opinions vary on you too, Monty.

Heh. Fair enough. But unlike megatool Jim Jordan, I never crawled up Trump's ass so far, he could tell you what he's eating right now. Worse, of course, is the fact that Jordan has and continues to spout easily disproved conspiracy theory bullsh*t - with the net result of inciting the public to violence on account of the "stolen election".

Moving forward is pretty simple folks - it starts with telling the TRUTH about the election, not what's politically convenient, or what will get you a "medal of honor" from the President, or will earn you more $ donations from amped up redneck know-nothings.

There's a price to pay for dishonesty.
Hopefully the gop will look around and realize a fiscally conservative, non-invasive social policy could win both locally and nationally. There is a huge segment of the pop who believes in that and is absolutely not represented currently by either
It’s sad and amazing how the libertarian party hasn’t caught on outside of a few local elections. But, that can be chalked up to the candidates they nominate.
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It’s sad and amazing how the libertarian party hasn’t caught on outside of a few local elections. But, that can be chalked up to the candidates they nominate.
Recently read amash taking a lead on their behalf. Just hard to get people who want less govt to get heavily involved in govt.
It’s sad and amazing how the libertarian party hasn’t caught on outside of a few local elections. But, that can be chalked up to the candidates they nominate.

The Libertarian party around here has not interest in getting into the local/state races.
I do think Cruz, Graham and Rubio give it another go in 2024. Maybe Rand Paul as well. But at the same time, all four are somewhat to fairly influential in the Senate, so, they might like their positions there and forego running.

I don't see Mitch McConnell lasting in his position and I think one of those four might take that for themselves before it's all said and done. Of the four, I tend to think Rubio has the best "public face" to pull that off while allying himself with the other three along with Blackburn, Cotton, Tim Scott and Mike Lee. He's "mainstream" enough to appeal to the old hats, yet appeals to the entire base.
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The Libertarian party around here has not interest in getting into the local/state races.
Definitely seeing more running for local office in FL. They made that decision in 2018 to focus small instead of statewide. I've supported a few in other counties
Definitely seeing more running for local office in FL. They made that decision in 2018 to focus small instead of statewide. I've supported a few in other counties

Getting involved in the local/state races is the only way they will ever gain a footing.
Does make you wonder if they understand Bill Clinton would never get elected in the current climate.
Carter, Clinton, or JFK would be branded as right wing racists under current liberal views.

Hell even LBJ would be considered Trump-like and he wasn't that far off
I answered the tread title. I have not read the rest of the truly inspired conversation beyond that. Didn’t even read the op.

I forgot what thread we were in also. As the face of the R party Tim Scott would be just fine. He doesn't have enough executive experience to be POTUS IMHO.

- don't waste my money and you won't need more of it
- let people live their lives without ridiculous govt interference
- don't start wars and bomb people who haven't attacked us

Sounds so simple

Agree. Our seemingly LT policy of acting as the World Police force has earned us what? Exactly Jack Squat, a sh*t ton of money, and thousands of dead young military men.

While I don't proscribe to pacifism, we just have no business being in Afghanistan or Iraq or Zimbabwetunisiacongo beyond the point we bash somebody's face in for being a douche.

"Nation Building" is literally the worst, most costly and utterly failed policy we ever hatched.
I forgot what thread we were in also. As the face of the R party Tim Scott would be just fine. He doesn't have enough executive experience to be POTUS IMHO.
I agree but I do think he’s the future.
I’ve met the guy and he’s impressive in person. I’d end my 3rd party vote and vote for him (currently. Things can change)
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