Who should run for President in 2012?

Mark Sanford
Mike Pence
Jim Demint
Mitt Romney
Sarah Palin

unfortunately, by 2012, the GOP will be so infected with a need to be more "moderate" they will probably put forth a spineless jerk like Lindsay Graham or Jeb Bush or even some empty-headed bimbo like Meghan McCain.

My only hope for the future is that the GOP regains control of at least one house of Congress.
Someone mentioned Bob Riley - I think he's done a good job as governor of Alabama. Not sure he's ready for prime time though.

Hope it's not Palin.
Does anyone think that if the Republicans mess this up in 2012, that a third party could rise up? I know Ron Paul had a pretty good following, and the tea parties sent the message home that R's and D's would unite (somewhat) on tax issues.
Does anyone think that if the Republicans mess this up in 2012, that a third party could rise up? I know Ron Paul had a pretty good following, and the tea parties sent the message home that R's and D's would unite (somewhat) on tax issues.

If a third party seizes the tea party movement and uses it as a campaign platform they will make some headway. The left leaning media would portray them much as they did last month, and this would be a huge mistake. Most moderates would take some offense to that and see it for what it is. Would it be enough of a push for them to gain many seats or be a factor in the next presidential election? I doubt it but a lot can happen between now and then.
Mark Sanford
Mike Pence
Jim Demint
Mitt Romney
Sarah Palin

unfortunately, by 2012, the GOP will be so infected with a need to be more "moderate" they will probably put forth a spineless jerk like Lindsay Graham or Jeb Bush or even some empty-headed bimbo like Meghan McCain.

My only hope for the future is that the GOP regains control of at least one house of Congress.

I don't think Huckabee, Romney, and Palin have a chance in hell of getting elected in 2012...but that aside, your last line would certainly be a good thing.
I think I may vote for a third-party candidate in 2012 if no one satisfactory steps up for the GOP.
I don't think Huckabee, Romney, and Palin have a chance in hell of getting elected in 2012...but that aside, your last line would certainly be a good thing.

It's only a matter of time before Obama's poll numbers reflect the damage he and the democrats are doing to the country. In 2012 all of the so-called "Obamacans" that voted for him will have long since come to their senses.

If the GOP runs a strong candidate and has their message straight, we could see another Reagan-esqe landslide similar to 1980.

/removes optimism hat
the mormon thing will hurt romney more than people think. a lot of america still sees it as a bit of a cult.
Maybe he will fall in line with the teachings of Rev. Wright by 2012...
Maybe he will fall in line with the teachings of Rev. Wright by 2012...

While Wright's sermons are certainly wacked...I find it just a little more cultish that somebody would believe the leader of thier church has a direct line to God and receives latter day revelations, believes he will get to rule his own planet after he dies, will get multiple wives after he dies, and wears magic underwear.
While Wright's sermons are certainly wacked...I find it just a little more cultish that somebody would believe the leader of thier church has a direct line to God and receives latter day revelations, believes he will get to rule his own planet after he dies, will get multiple wives after he dies, and wears magic underwear.

you voted for Obama and are going to criticize someone else of cult-ish behavior?
no. between the media coverage and thin-skinned supporters resorting to Gestapo-like tactics to suppress criticism of Obama, I'd say Obama is just as much a cult leader as David Koresh or even, perhaps, Brigham Young.
I think it will be Huckabee for the GOP. He is doing the TV show to get his name out there. He will not have much of a chance though. If you look at most polls, Congress is solely to blame and Obama has nothing to do with what is going on. Bush and Congress are the devil, at least according to Obama's supporters, not ever contemplating that Congress is taking over everything because that is what Obama wants. Typical of a country whose ideology is formed by a very left wing media. Same as with Clinton, media projects Obama as a never-do-wrong and i do not see that one changing, so you are right on 8 years of Obama LG.
I think it will be Huckabee for the GOP. He is doing the TV show to get his name out there. He will not have much of a chance though. If you look at most polls, Congress is solely to blame and Obama has nothing to do with what is going on. Bush and Congress are the devil, at least according to Obama's supporters, not ever contemplating that Congress is taking over everything because that is what Obama wants. Typical of a country whose ideology is formed by a very left wing media. Same as with Clinton, media projects Obama as a never-do-wrong and i do not see that one changing, so you are right on 8 years of Obama LG.

I'm confused, are you related to the other joevol? I know he had more than 65 posts.
Another one? Can the fabric of space and time support two?
I don't think the candidate has emerge yet but don't take the Corker reference lightly, he seems to be developing a following.

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