Definately Al Wilson because I knew him personally. Other than that, I loved watching Craig Faulkner for some reason, probably because I was young and impressionable at the time.
Definately Al Wilson because I knew him personally. Other than that, I loved watching Craig Faulkner for some reason, probably because I was young and impressionable at the time.
DeRon Jenkins--Mid 90's. I once had the opportunity to meet him after a game and told him he was my favorite player. He seemed so surprised, replying," I didn't know I was anybody's favorite player but my mama's!"
So many good names on here. But to be honest, first name I thought of was Eddie Brown, from back in the early 70s. A pretty darn good db, and on special teams, lost teeth blocking kicks, with never a whine about it.
DeRon Jenkins--Mid 90's. I once had the opportunity to meet him after a game and told him he was my favorite player. He seemed so surprised, replying," I didn't know I was anybody's favorite player but my mama's!"
When I was a kid I loved to watch Tony Thompson. He only got to play a couple years but man, he hit the line of scrimmage like he was shot out of a cannon and if he got into the secondary you could forget it. I'll always remember him going "over the top" in the '91 Sugar Bowl vs. Virginia. A close second would be Carl Pickens or Cory Fleming.
I will say Andy Kelly, I always thought he started that long tradition of great QB's from the 90's-2000's. Won 2 SEC championships, although took over full time in middle of 89, I will still give him some credit for the 89 title.