Who will be the Dem nominee in 20'?

No, he said there was no meddling by Russians. It is on record that he denied it multiple times. He lied, and still lies.

Do you only pay attention and comment on things that fit your point of view or change words to get a better reaction?

If Russia changed your vote or interfered with you voting then I agree with you. But the facts are that no vote was changed or interfered with.

I do agree that Russia has tried to cause a divide because that is a fact. But come on man they didn't change votes. Your girl just flat out lost.
Your claim is that he is a liar. I asked you what he lied about today. ^ but that is what you posted to support your claim.

In reality he just hurts your feelings.

tRump has told 1,200 + lies in just over one year in office. Roll the video!
tRump has told 1,200 + lies in just over one year in office. Roll the video!

Your claim was that he is a liar and proves it everyday. I asked you what did he specifically lie about yesterday.

To which you responded about a tweet that you considered a lie but in reality it hurt your feelings.

You still haven't "rolled the video" to back up your claim about yesterday. GO!
My 401K savings never grew at all when the Keyan Mooslim was in the WH. Now that we have a real President I've made over 20K last year alone....thanks President Trump keep up the great work!!!

Bunch partisan ingrates on here! How'd fall's 401k do under g. w. bush. Any nonpartisan idiot knows if Obama had handed tRump the disaster bush handed him the economy wouldn't be as strong. Go ahead and spin and lie, y'all no that's the truth. Your beloved g o p voted against the economy saving legislation and knee capped Obama at every opportunity, shameful. Party before country huh. tRump is a shill for russian oligarchs and is a big crybaby, prez my ass.
Your claim was that he is a liar and proves it everyday. I asked you what did he specifically lie about yesterday.

To which you responded about a tweet that you considered a lie but in reality it hurt your feelings.

You still haven't "rolled the video" to back up your claim about yesterday. GO!

There's plenty video to back up the claims, you won't see 'em on faux "news", the russian tv affiliate . You righties get down and dirty when presented with actual facts. Hilarious.
Then give Obama credit for the massive stock market increase while he was President.

Sadly for you, no. Obama gets credit for doing nothing which is why the markets recovered.

See..The market didn't go up for a while because wall street was worried that the most anti american anti business president ever was going to screw them. Eventually they realized his campaign promises were mostly farts in the wind and thus began the markets natural climb.

See..democrats are so anti capitalism now when you elect the next one for Pres watch the markets tank.

I loved it in 2016 when everyone said the markets would tank when Trump, a pro business guy, was going to get elected.
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There's plenty video to back up the claims, you won't see 'em on faux "news", the russian tv affiliate . You righties get down and dirty when presented with actual facts. Hilarious.

Nothing dirty about asking you to back up your comment with "actual facts".
Bunch partisan ingrates on here! How'd fall's 401k do under g. w. bush. Any nonpartisan idiot knows if Obama had handed tRump the disaster bush handed him the economy wouldn't be as strong. Go ahead and spin and lie, y'all no that's the truth. Your beloved g o p voted against the economy saving legislation and knee capped Obama at every opportunity, shameful. Party before country huh. tRump is a shill for russian oligarchs and is a big crybaby, prez my ass.

Your ass hurt is palpable. :good!:
Sadly for you, no. Obama gets credit for doing nothing which is why the markets recovered.

See..The market didn't go up for a while because wall street was worried that the most anti american anti business president ever was going to screw them. Eventually they realized his campaign promises were mostly farts in the wind and thus began the markets natural climb.

See..democrats are so anti capitalism now when you elect the next one for Pres watch the markets tank.

I loved it in 2016 when everyone said the markets would tank when Trump, a pro business guy, was going to get elected.

You're lying just like your lying ass childish" president ". The SM tripled from the bush crash to 17,000 by the time tRump was elected tweeter in chief. Market analysts have stated the prez doesn't affect the SM it's driven by fear and greed.
You're lying just like your lying ass childish" president ". The SM tripled from the bush crash to 17,000 by the time tRump was elected tweeter in chief. Market analysts have stated the prez doesn't affect the SM it's driven by fear and greed.

All this whining & butt hurt crying you do here won't change anything for the next 7 years of Trump >>> Making America Great Again doofus. Keep crying those butt hurt liberal tears of resistance....it's sooo sweet to watch & laugh at your butt hurt meltdown. Keep posting your stupid anti-Trump garbage it's fun to watch....btw, Trump is & will be your President for another 7 years so you'll have to live with it or move to Africa where I hear it's lovely this time of year.

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