Who will be the Dem nominee in 20'?

He is "Obsessed" with him. I'm not BTW but he wouldn't believe the truth anyway.

No. I’m not obsessed with him. He just another dumb ass butt hurt lib.
You guys are running rampant just waiting for something to drop.

It’s not going to happen. Well, not to who you want it to be.
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No. I’m not obsessed with him. He just another dumb ass butt hurt lib.
You guys are running rampant just waiting for something to drop.

It’s not going to happen. Well, not to who you want it to be.

Something drops every week if you haven't noticed. How is the Uranium one and body count conspiracies going?
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Something drops every week if you haven't noticed. How is the Uranium one and body count conspiracies going?

You should be more concerned with that FISA warrant. Things arent looking too good for the obama administration.
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tRump is a socialist, better known as communists, who continues to attack American institutions instead of taking action to prevent the communists from undermining our democracy and western democracies. That said you people on here are nucking futs! :crazy: :shakehead:

Who believes in wealth redistribution more you or him?
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You ignore the fact that many of these people are the people who would need to pay in and yet they still want to!
I still want to!

Yelling free stuff! All they want is free stuff! That is about as effective as bud who says "Rah, rah, commie, rah, rah, socialism"

That’s because your share would pay for one office visit per year.
A very good question. I can't believe Trump wanted to do this for 4 years. I really can't believe he wants to do this until he's 80.

He didn't want to do this if that makes sense (It makes sense to me based on my belief). Really who would and why?
All the ranting and conspiracy theories.

If it’s not him, it’s a family member. Dude is off his rocker. I think he has inhaled too many propane fumes from his forklift.

I actually think VP is way more intelligent. I’m beginning to believe that Mick and luther might be kin or at least significant others.
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Obama is a socialist, better known as communists, who attacked American institutions instead of taking action to prevent the communists from undermining our democracy and western democracies. That said you people on here are nucking futs! :crazy: :shakehead:

fyp....Now, that's more like the truth. :shades:
So really you have nothing..

YOU have nothing but tweety bird's last tweet ! He just can't get over himself. That was very low of him to attack the FBI as teenage funerals were conducted in Parkland. What a self centered douche bag he is! Sad.
YOU have nothing but tweety bird's last tweet ! He just can't get over himself. That was very low of him to attack the FBI as teenage funerals were conducted in Parkland. What a self centered douche bag he is! Sad.

I’d say the FBI and local authorities dropped the ball on this one. The parents probably agree with him, douche bag.
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tRump is the biggest lying crook in history. Proves it every day.

YOU have nothing but tweety bird's last tweet ! He just can't get over himself. That was very low of him to attack the FBI as teenage funerals were conducted in Parkland. What a self centered douche bag he is! Sad.

Your claim is that he is a liar. I asked you what he lied about today. ^ but that is what you posted to support your claim.

In reality he just hurts your feelings.
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He has about as much to do with the stock market as Obama did when it broke records for years on end.

And that would be nothing.

Right because cutting worthless regulations and creating a better business environment does nothing to help the stock market. Nothing.
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Your claim is that he is a liar. I asked you what he lied about today. ^ but that is what you posted to support your claim.

In reality he just hurts your feelings.

He claimed that the Russians never interfered in our elections. He's back tracking now while he can from that bold face lie. Of course you and his ilk will believe anything he says.
He claimed that the Russians never interfered in our elections. He's back tracking now while he can from that bold face lie. Of course you and his ilk will believe anything he says.

He didn't say that. He said that the Russians didn't collude with the Trump campaign.
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