Who will be the Dem nominee in 20'?

My point is you tout the plurality, when 50% have no skin in the game. So of course they want single payer. And free college. And free housing. And guaranteed income.

I believe in one person, one vote. And I can acknowledge why that is an obvious incentive. However it is an oversimplification to say that is why people want these programs. As I said before, I am willing to pay for these programs and know many others in grad school who are also in favor of this despite knowing they will be paying more given their salaries and in some cases making less.

All I am asking is if you disagree that you don't ruin your argument my excluding the actual reasons for support.
Wait..so you think people can not have sex with a specific sex because of "biology" and thats ok but are against people having sex with certain people because of their potentially poor choices which is based on biology? Um..sure..?...:unsure:

So roleplay here a bit..you meet a girl..she is a junky..has AIDS, hepatitis A, B, C, herpes simplex C... Do you still bang? OR do you not bang? Are you discriminating because you don't like girls? Or is it the AIDS/ hepatitis, herpes ?..

I am not a pornstar nor would I choose to be, nor do I think that would be pleasant for me or viewers lol

Also Ik you really thought that you had something there, but I honestly didn't understand it. My point was that you may decide that you are a pornstar and will have sex with men, women, or both. Putting an asterisk based on that person's sexuality is troubling to me.
I believe in one person, one vote. And I can acknowledge why that is an obvious incentive. However it is an oversimplification to say that is why people want these programs. As I said before, I am willing to pay for these programs and know many others in grad school who are also in favor of this despite knowing they will be paying more given their salaries and in some cases making less.

All I am asking is if you disagree that you don't ruin your argument my excluding the actual reasons for support.

Oh to be in grad school again.

Do me a favor, come back to this thread in five years. You will say there is no way in **** I actually thought that.
Oh to be in grad school again.

Do me a favor, come back to this thread in five years. You will say there is no way in **** I actually thought that.

Funny, because I have friends who are older out of school for years and right on board the Bernie single payer and Tuition free train despite making near 6 figs. I'm not saying some people don't change over time. But let's not oversimplify once again.
Funny, because I have friends who are older out of school for years and right on board the Bernie single payer and Tuition free train despite making near 6 figs. I'm not saying some people don't change over time. But let's not oversimplify once again.

Well hopefully they can figure what tax rate would achieve the fairness they desire and donate the difference between what they currently pay to scholarship or indigent funds.
I'm not trying to be crass, but how are "non sexual" people being "discriminatory" if they don't engage in sex with ANYONE?

On another note, is there something wrong about being "discriminatory" about whom one engages with in sex?

What I'm saying is that someone who will not have sex is rejecting everyone sexually thus they are discriminating against everyone sexually as opposed to a bisexual who does not reject intercourse based on gender (they may have ethnic or other preferences though). Most people discriminate in some form and it's not necessarily wrong. I'm married so I discriminate sexually against all ethnicities and sexual orientations except my wife. That does not mean I'm a racist or homophobe.
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I am not in support of the ACA, if you had read my previous posts.

Market Healthcare fails because consumers have the least amount of negotiating power when they are most desperate as with most healthcare situations. People don't buy in until they need to which also kills the market system.

Quasi Care like Obamacare fails because placing a government option within a market system effectively does very little. The mandate tries to make everyone have care but because the system itself is still broken, it just punishes the poor.

I am all for Obamacare repeal so long as single payer is enacted.

You are talking about rationing in the UK, Nothing comes close to people literally forgoing care because they can't afford it here in the US. The US has by far the worst case of rationing in any developed nation.

We are the richest nation in the history of the world, yes we can provide healthcare like every other nation does. Yes, taxes can pay for it like they do in other nations.

I also believe we need to cut spending in certain areas. Close Tax loopholes on corporations/top earners and cut the military which we spend 400 billion more on then any other nation (Before I get hit for this, I come from a 4th generation military family and most of my family agrees).

Also, there seems to be a prevalence in calling people who can't afford it lazy. That is just unequivocally false, will there always be people who abuse the system? Yes. But calling anyone who can't afford basic care and education lazy is just... lazy.

Well said.
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The most believable liar who promises freebies to "the poor" and taxes for "the rich".

Typical wing nut brainwashed dogma. It's better to give billions more to the rich and cut SS and MC. Yet the poor wedge voters keep voting g o p and getting what they damn well deserve! :crazy:
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They'll dig up some socialist zealot and portray him or her as the next savior of the world

tRump is a socialist, better known as communists, who continues to attack American institutions instead of taking action to prevent the communists from undermining our democracy and western democracies. That said you people on here are nucking futs! :crazy: :shakehead:

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