Who will the Dem nominee really be?

Who will really be running against Trump in November?

  • Gavin

    Votes: 13 14.6%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • Kamala

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Pete

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • I think Joe will still be the Big Guy

    Votes: 27 30.3%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Somebody else

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • I like Pie

    Votes: 25 28.1%

  • Total voters
Obama is one of the few Democrats who could put public pressure on Biden to withdraw without having to worry about any personal consequences. If Obama is still in Biden's camp, he's not leaving the race.

One would think so. Yet, I just can't imagine the Democrats allowing him to go to November.

My best guess is that they would like the change to happen closer to the convention, hence the vote of confidence here in late June.
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One would think so. Yet, I just can't imagine the Democrats allowing him to go to November.

My best guess is that they would like the change to happen closer to the convention, hence the vote of confidence here in late June.

I can see them deciding this one (term) is a goner and that Trump (along with their help) will F things up so bad they can regroup to start a new cycle.

The only real reason to fight for this election is the potential health of Sotomayor

Also allows them to get Harris out of the way (with a loss this Fall)
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are they still Dems or displaced conservatives, or change of hearters?
They flee their homes because of the policies they voted into place, only to push the same policies in their new homes.
Makes perfect sense.
Humans are at the top of the parasite chain and we are eating our world alive with our lunacy.
One would think so. Yet, I just can't imagine the Democrats allowing him to go to November.

My best guess is that they would like the change to happen closer to the convention, hence the vote of confidence here in late June.

There's no way to wait until right before the convention. We're in the 11th hour right now. The convention is in 7 weeks. 7 weeks is a brutally short amount of time to convince Biden to withdraw, deal with the fallout of his withdrawal (which would include arguing why he should still remain in office for the next seven months), get the party to rally around a new candidate, deal with the fallout of not nominating Harris if she's not picked, and handle the fairly complicated issue of getting their new candidate onto the ballot in all 50 states. Biden is either stepping down in the next 2 weeks, or he's going to be the nominee.
There's no way to wait until right before the convention. We're in the 11th hour right now. The convention is in 7 weeks. 7 weeks is a brutally short amount of time to convince Biden to withdraw, deal with the fallout of his withdrawal (which would include arguing why he should still remain in office for the next seven months), get the party to rally around a new candidate, deal with the fallout of not nominating Harris if she's not picked, and handle the fairly complicated issue their new candidate onto the ballot in all 50 states. Biden is either stepping down in the next 2 weeks, or he's going to be the nominee.
I think he’s about to be “Clinton’d“
Pay attention to who starts popping up in the media frequently, for no real reason.
It won’t be hard to realize who will be pushed as the replacement, if we just follow along.
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I can see them deciding this one (term) is a goner and that Trump (along with their help) will F things up so bad they can regroup to start a new cycle.

The only real reason to fight for this election is the potential health of Sotomayor

Also allows them to get Harris out of the way (with a loss this Fall)

From the long game perspective, that works. The next cycle will be reset either way. Trump being in office could easily kill any GOP attempt to maintain control of the White House in 2028.

This strategy, of course, would invalidate their case that Trump being back in power is an existential threat to democracy. It's not like politicians lie or exaggerate for their own benefit.
From the long game perspective, that works. The next cycle will be reset either way. Trump being in office could easily kill any GOP attempt to maintain control of the White House in 2028.

This strategy, of course, would invalidate their case that Trump being back in power is an existential threat to democracy. It's not like politicians lie or exaggerate for their own benefit.

they can keep the public case about the existential threat and then use it to justify obstructionist behavior when Trump wins
There's no way to wait until right before the convention. We're in the 11th hour right now. The convention is in 7 weeks. 7 weeks is a brutally short amount of time to convince Biden to withdraw, deal with the fallout of his withdrawal (which would include arguing why he should still remain in office for the next seven months), get the party to rally around a new candidate, deal with the fallout of not nominating Harris if she's not picked, and handle the fairly complicated issue of getting their new candidate onto the ballot in all 50 states. Biden is either stepping down in the next 2 weeks, or he's going to be the nominee.

You make fair points. I just am utterly unconvinced they are going to leave him in the race.
You make fair points. I just am utterly unconvinced they are going to leave him in the race.

logic would say he has to go.

his comments today about defiantly saying he's staying the race means it's gonna be a tough fight to get rid of him. short game v long game thinking

Merchan is a wildcard with his sentencing for Trump as are the slim chances that one of the other Trump cases gets to trial.

If the Dem powers that be really have control the smarter move is to ride with Joe, hope for a miracle and pray Sotomayor doesn't croak if the miracle doesn't come.

Of course another wildcard is how this impacts down ballot races - might be sacrificing Congress and the WH sticking with Joe

Gonna be wild.
Sure, but in fairness to him, he's not an ideologue. He is a political opportunist like Clinton was; a political chameleon.

Clinton would have a similar record if he came up through California during the 2010's vs Arkansas in the 1980's. Your record is going to be a reflection of your voter base and San Francisco/California's voter base in the 2010's are borderline mentally ill. If running nationally, he would change his political colors to fit the new widened voter base in order to get elected and stay in power.

He wouldn't have time to explain away his record in CA.
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could you imagine Biden‘s cognitive ability and energy in 5 years?

my dad is 90. His mind is sound but clearly wouldn't be up for something like this.

he told me the difference between 85 and 90 is like the difference between being a newborn and 5 year old (opposite direction of course). makes sense the changes get magnified
If there is a replacement, Trump would be wise not to engage in a formal debate. Trump teed it up for Biden and he couldn't respond effectively because of his mental state
they claimed they set a record last night after the debate - hard to imagine
If Trump goes to prison..you posted that last night and frankly it has bothered me all day.

One thing to do it as a neck neck race.,another to do it after what we witnessed, Trump surging, and desperation today.
I can see them deciding this one (term) is a goner and that Trump (along with their help) will F things up so bad they can regroup to start a new cycle.
I can see this being a thing. Bring Trump in and if he cured cancer beat him down about destroying thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in the economy. Every time he exhales it's CO2 that's killed a polar bear, etc. Have the msm basically compare him to the leader of the aliens from Independence Day from day one. Then try to leverage that in the next election.
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In fairness, is there much of a difference, even legally, between "death" and being a vegetable? Biden isn't very far away from vegetable.

He was putting his absolute best foot forward with a week of practice + whatever cocktail of drugs he was given. The special prosecutor declined to prosecute him because he wasn't mentally fit. It makes you wonder what his "natural" cognitive state (no practice and no stimulants) really is behind closed doors.
It doesn’t matter. If he is alive on election day he wins. Actually he may win even if he is dead. The ballots have already been filled out.
I don't think he can. California is a disaster so what's his selling point other than he's not Trump? Nobody wants to California their state so why would they want to California the country?
Free drugs, Free homes for illegals and watch your step 💩 on ever sidewalk.

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