Who will the Dem nominee really be?

Who will really be running against Trump in November?

  • Gavin

    Votes: 13 14.8%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 9 10.2%
  • Kamala

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • Pete

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • I think Joe will still be the Big Guy

    Votes: 27 30.7%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • Somebody else

    Votes: 9 10.2%
  • I like Pie

    Votes: 24 27.3%

  • Total voters
It kinda is, though. Unless his cabinet pulls the lever on the 25th Amendment.
The POTUS is not the authoritative figure we are led to believe he is.
The man is a pawn for the real powers that are running our country.
Joe Biden of today is almost the same as Joe Biden of 4 years ago, so do you really believe that the “Democratic party” has not been watching the same 💩 show that we have all witnessed over the last 4 years and all of the sudden had their eyes opened last night?
No, this is all part of the show.
They have exhausted everything they need out of their useful idiot and now they are ready to ship him off to the nursing home.
They didn’t just trot Biden out there last night for the whole world to see on accident.
And is it just a coincidence that this was the earliest presidential debate in history? Gives them more time to usher in their new pawn...
So no, I don’t believe it is Joe Biden’s call at all.
Ask yourself this, if what we all saw last night is what we’ve been getting, then who really is running our country?
Who’s been calling the shots?
It ain’t the man we saw at the podium last night.
Biden is no more than a sacrificial puppet.
And please don’t take this personally because I don’t have confidence in either party and would not cast my vote for any of these clowns!
The whole U.S. political system is in shambles and I’m not sure we ever get it right again?
The POTUS is not the authoritative figure we are led to believe he is.
The man is a pawn for the real powers that are running our country.
Joe Biden of today is almost the same as Joe Biden of 4 years ago, so do you really believe that the “Democratic party” has not been watching the same 💩 show that we have all witnessed over the last 4 years and all of the sudden had their eyes opened last night?
No, this is all part of the show.
They have exhausted everything they need out of their useful idiot and now they are ready to ship him off to the nursing home.
They didn’t just trot Biden out there last night for the whole world to see on accident.
And is it just a coincidence that this was the earliest presidential debate in history? Gives them more time to usher in their new pawn...
So no, I don’t believe it is Joe Biden’s call at all.
Ask yourself this, if what we all saw last night is what we’ve been getting, then who really is running our country?
Who’s been calling the shots?
It ain’t the man we saw at the podium last night.
Biden is no more than a sacrificial puppet.
And please don’t take this personally because I don’t have confidence in either party and would not cast my vote for any of these clowns!
The whole U.S. political system is in shambles and I’m not sure we ever get it right again?

You need to take your own advice CW 🤣

The POTUS is not the authoritative figure we are led to believe he is.
The man is a pawn for the real powers that are running our country.
Joe Biden of today is almost the same as Joe Biden of 4 years ago, so do you really believe that the “Democratic party” has not been watching the same 💩 show that we have all witnessed over the last 4 years and all of the sudden had their eyes opened last night?
No, this is all part of the show.
They have exhausted everything they need out of their useful idiot and now they are ready to ship him off to the nursing home.
They didn’t just trot Biden out there last night for the whole world to see on accident.
And is it just a coincidence that this was the earliest presidential debate in history? Gives them more time to usher in their new pawn...
So no, I don’t believe it is Joe Biden’s call at all.
Ask yourself this, if what we all saw last night is what we’ve been getting, then who really is running our country?
Who’s been calling the shots?
It ain’t the man we saw at the podium last night.
Biden is no more than a sacrificial puppet.
And please don’t take this personally because I don’t have confidence in either party and would not cast my vote for any of these clowns!
The whole U.S. political system is in shambles and I’m not sure we ever get it right again?
The timing of the debate was set in motion over 2 years ago when the RNC said they weren't going to participate in CPD debates. Then a couple months ago both Trump and Biden agreed to participate in this debate. Joe isn't really in charge, but his handlers are. Jake Sullivan might be the most powerful man in the administration.

You're not wrong, but not everything is the grand conspiracy you think it is. And outside of invoking the 25A (and there's absolutely no indication the VP/Cabinet are going to do that), it is Joe's call to make.
The timing of the debate was set in motion over 2 years ago when the RNC said they weren't going to participate in CPD debates. Then a couple months ago both Trump and Biden agreed to participate in this debate. Joe isn't really in charge, but his handlers are. Jake Sullivan might be the most powerful man in the administration.

You're not wrong, but not everything is the grand conspiracy you think it is. And outside of invoking the 25A (and there's absolutely no indication the VP/Cabinet are going to do that), it is Joe's call to make.
That pesky constitution....
The timing of the debate was set in motion over 2 years ago when the RNC said they weren't going to participate in CPD debates. Then a couple months ago both Trump and Biden agreed to participate in this debate. Joe isn't really in charge, but his handlers are. Jake Sullivan might be the most powerful man in the administration.

You're not wrong, but not everything is the grand conspiracy you think it is. And outside of invoking the 25A (and there's absolutely no indication the VP/Cabinet are going to do that), it is Joe's call to make.
I applaud you for still having faith.
Sadly, I don’t and that hurts to say.
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They try to trash Harris because of a supposed moral transgression but support a gangster whose immoral, lawbreaking behavior
would fill a book. Laughable, grade-school Earlish hypocrisy.
Or they're like me and think that neither should be within 50 miles of the Oval Office. Kamala Harris is an executive lightweight along the lines of Dan Quayle and the whole world knows it.
They would only have a few months to overturn state laws at this point that have been on the book for years…that will be something to watch but looks like they are holding Pat with Biden atp

You forget, PA, WI and a couple other states didn't change their laws to allow vote by mail (not absentee), they simply declared a crisis and ignored state law.
You forget, PA, WI and a couple other states didn't change their laws to allow vote by mail (not absentee), they simply declared a crisis and ignored state law.
What crisis can they play here though? They have already said he is of sound mind and he just had a cold they can’t backtrack now without republicans taking them to court…not saying I wouldn’t be surprised with anything the DNC does at this point but even I can’t conspire a crisis that can allow that to happen without them just ending his life which is possible for them…
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What crisis can they play here though? They have already said he is of sound mind and he just had a cold they can’t backtrack now without republicans taking them to court…not saying I wouldn’t be surprised with anything the DNC does at this point but even I can’t conspire a crisis that can allow that to happen without them just ending his life which is possible for them…

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