Who will the Dem nominee really be?

Who will really be running against Trump in November?

  • Gavin

    Votes: 13 14.6%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • Kamala

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Pete

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • I think Joe will still be the Big Guy

    Votes: 27 30.3%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Somebody else

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • I like Pie

    Votes: 25 28.1%

  • Total voters
My guess is Newsom. Setting aside your person feeling about him:

1) He is not an ideologue; rather a political opportunist. Reminds you a lot of Bill Clinton.
2) He is a great speaker with a charismatic personality.
3) He has cachet with silicon valley and LA based influencers.

The problem is the Democratic playbook up to now. If they hadn't had a coordinated legal attack on Trump which has seemingly made him stronger, Newson could easily beat Trump. Now, regardless of who they pick, it is going to be an uphill battle.
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My guess is Newsom. Setting aside your person feeling about him:

1) He is not an ideologue; rather a political opportunist. Reminds you a lot of Bill Clinton.
2) He is a great speaker with a charismatic personality.
3) He has cachet with silicon valley and LA based influencers.

The problem is the Democratic playbook up to now. If they hadn't had a coordinated legal attack on Trump which has seemingly made him stronger, Newson could easily beat Trump. Now, regardless of who they pick, it is going to be an uphill battle.

I don't see Newsom resonating well with middle America.
My guess is Newsom. Setting aside your person feeling about him:

1) He is not an ideologue; rather a political opportunist. Reminds you a lot of Bill Clinton.
2) He is a great speaker with a charismatic personality.
3) He has cachet with silicon valley and LA based influencers.

The problem is the Democratic playbook up to now. If they hadn't had a coordinated legal attack on Trump which has seemingly made him stronger, Newson could easily beat Trump. Now, regardless of who they pick, it is going to be an uphill battle.
The Dems literally running on “saving democracy” can’t pull an about face and replace their primary nominee and sitting president, without a “death” or “crisis” involved to change state laws this quick in Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Just simply not possible
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Josh Shapiro?

Andy Beshear?

I think there are big problems if they drop Kamala (potentially lose the DEI wing of the party), but I could see one of these two on a Democratic ticket.
Josh Shapiro?

Andy Beshear?

I think there are big problems if they drop Kamala (potentially lose the DEI wing of the party), but I could see one of these two on a Democratic ticket.

The DNC is going to have a hard time explaining how Harris was good enough to be 1 breath away from the presidency but not good enough to be on the ticket.
The Dems literally running on “saving democracy” can’t pull an about face and replace their primary nominee and sitting president, without a “death” or “crisis” involved to change state laws this quick in Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Just simply not possible

They could easily say that he's experienced a stroke which has compromised his faculties. Which, if we are being honest after watching last night, could easily be the truth.
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saw a commentator indicating that the Heritage Foundation has been looking to rules for replacing candidates and several states like Nevada and maybe Arizona don't allow for replacing a candidate that won the state unless they die (or something like that)>
I was actually considering that this could be the only way... and I firmly believe that the puppet masters have the strings to do anything necessary to keep power.
He only needs to resonate with a sizeable portion of American suburbs against Trump. He can easily accomplish that,

I don't think he can. California is a disaster so what's his selling point other than he's not Trump? Nobody wants to California their state so why would they want to California the country?
The POTUS is not the authoritative figure we are led to believe he is.
The man is a pawn for the real powers that are running our country.
Joe Biden of today is almost the same as Joe Biden of 4 years ago, so do you really believe that the “Democratic party” has not been watching the same 💩 show that we have all witnessed over the last 4 years and all of the sudden had their eyes opened last night?
No, this is all part of the show.
They have exhausted everything they need out of their useful idiot and now they are ready to ship him off to the nursing home.
They didn’t just trot Biden out there last night for the whole world to see on accident.
And is it just a coincidence that this was the earliest presidential debate in history? Gives them more time to usher in their new pawn...
So no, I don’t believe it is Joe Biden’s call at all.
Ask yourself this, if what we all saw last night is what we’ve been getting, then who really is running our country?
Who’s been calling the shots?
It ain’t the man we saw at the podium last night.
Biden is no more than a sacrificial puppet.
And please don’t take this personally because I don’t have confidence in either party and would not cast my vote for any of these clowns!
The whole U.S. political system is in shambles and I’m not sure we ever get it right again?

Unless we want 10M more illegals here in the next 4 years, voting for Trump is an easy decision.
The DNC is going to have a hard time explaining how Harris was good enough to be 1 breath away from the presidency but not good enough to be on the ticket.
They will just do it, and the gray people will vote for it. They don't have to explain anything. At most they will just spew "convicted felon" and the luthers/LGs will fall right on line.
the advantage is there isn't time to vet him - a close look shows what a true disaster of a leader he is but there won't be a close look.

Sure, but in fairness to him, he's not an ideologue. He is a political opportunist like Clinton was; a political chameleon.

Clinton would have a similar record if he came up through California during the 2010's vs Arkansas in the 1980's. Your record is going to be a reflection of your voter base and San Francisco/California's voter base in the 2010's are borderline mentally ill. If running nationally, he would change his political colors to fit the new widened voter base in order to get elected and stay in power.
The state law in Wisconsin states only “death” can cause a withdraw…the others you have a point

In fairness, is there much of a difference, even legally, between "death" and being a vegetable? Biden isn't very far away from vegetable.

He was putting his absolute best foot forward with a week of practice + whatever cocktail of drugs he was given. The special prosecutor declined to prosecute him because he wasn't mentally fit. It makes you wonder what his "natural" cognitive state (no practice and no stimulants) really is behind closed doors.
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