Who would Tennessee’s DC candidates be if Banks leaves?

I hope Banks doesn't leave, but would also be happy for him of he does get a head coach opportunity. I remember being one of the very few that was not weekly calling for him to be fired.

My thoughts is Heupel hires from within like in the past
Wilcox wasn’t fired. He couldn’t wait to get out of Knoxville and he left as soon as he found a place to land.

That’s right. I seem to recall that he was just marking time until a west coast opportunity came up. He never seemed to be completely comfortable here. But maybe that was just the “Butch Effect.”
Can we let Banks beat some decent teams with this defense before we worry about who might replace him. NC state shouldn't be the measuring stick. Probably starts this week OU has a decent little QB. So it's highly likely they move the ball better than anyone we've played so far. Season really starts this week..
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Can we let Banks beat some decent teams with this defense before we worry about who might replace him. NC state shouldn't be the measuring stick. Probably starts this week OU has a decent little QB. So it's highly likely they move the ball better than anyone we've played so far. Season really starts this week..
Everybody do what they want.
Can we let Banks beat some decent teams with this defense before we worry about who might replace him. NC state shouldn't be the measuring stick. Probably starts this week OU has a decent little QB. So it's highly likely they move the ball better than anyone we've played so far. Season really starts this week..
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Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought in a presser Tim Banks said that he plans on retiring in Knoxville. Anyone remember this or am I making stuff up in my head?
I would not read much into public statements by coaches. They know recruits hear everything and heck agents too. Saying your happy makes kids think if I sign with him he isn't going anywhere and if other schools come calling they have to pay extra to pry away. My point though is almost all coaches say I could see raising my family here. Most coaches are mercenaries.
Can we win something substantial first? I'm still not sold on Banks. This year will convince me. Let's see how we do against the big boys. We have the talent to be a Top 10 D in the USA at the end of the season, IMO.
I’m cool with the wait and see approach, but we’ve waited and seen the defense improve year after year since Banks arrived. If the trend continues, we will finish the season with a top 10 defense.

I’m not saying this is what you’re thinking but there’s no reason to think these first 3 games are a fluke. If I had to bet I’d say no other team will hold NC State to zero offensive touchdowns.

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