Who would Tennessee’s DC candidates be if Banks leaves?

VN is the best. As soon as we stop posting about how much we want to fire the guy, the immediate reaction is to post asking what will we ever do if he leaves
Except that some of us never wanted to fire the guy. The job Banks has been doing has been noticed by many in the business, as far back as 2021. Hence, the strong possibility that he is a head coach in the the near future. Hence, this thread.

What ignorant fans said about him in the past has nothing to do with this topic or its reality. So there is no “we.” It’s “them.”
I’m cool with the wait and see approach, but we’ve waited and seen the defense improve year after year since Banks arrived. If the trend continues, we will finish the season with a top 10 defense.

I’m not saying this is what you’re thinking but there’s no reason to think these first 3 games are a fluke. If I had to bet I’d say no other team will hold NC State to zero offensive touchdowns.
you may be 100% correct, and I hope you are! However... I've seen this movie over and over and over. "Tennessee is back..." until we get punched in the face. All this talk about "destroying" OU, etc. is all talk. Unfortunately, CJH has a bad habit of throwing out a super stinker every year (i.e USC '22/Missouri '23). I'm afraid that OU will REALLY test our secondary even with their WR's limited. I would encourage fans to slow down a bit until post game Saturday night. GO VOLS!
you may be 100% correct, and I hope you are! However... I've seen this movie over and over and over. "Tennessee is back..." until we get punched in the face. All this talk about "destroying" OU, etc. is all talk. Unfortunately, CJH has a bad habit of throwing out a super stinker every year (i.e USC '22/Missouri '23). I'm afraid that OU will REALLY test our secondary even with their WR's limited. I would encourage fans to slow down a bit until post game Saturday night. GO VOLS!
So if we whip OU are we good to go nuts? I believe we will do just that. Not quite sure on the score yet but I believe we will pound OU. Bama and UGA are different animals of course. The only pause I have at all is this being Nico’s first true road game and OU’s first ever SEC game. Weird things do happen on the road, see UGA vs UK for reference. I just think we’re ultimately a lot better than OU right now though.
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Can we let Banks beat some decent teams with this defense before we worry about who might replace him. NC state shouldn't be the measuring stick. Probably starts this week OU has a decent little QB. So it's highly likely they move the ball better than anyone we've played so far. Season really starts this week..
Don't forget LSU in Baton Rouge

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